
Stories 221 - 238 | << Prev 

McCain: Gonzales Should Resign
McCain: Gonzales Should Resign

McCain: Gonzales Should Resign

(Newser) - John McCain joins the chorus calling for Alberto Gonzales to resign. In an interview after officially launching his campaign in New Hampshire, McCain told the Politico that the attorney general could no longer usefully serve the president. "I reached that conclusion a long time ago," he said, "...

Wolfowitz Hires Clinton Lawyer
Wolfowitz Hires Clinton Lawyer

Wolfowitz Hires Clinton Lawyer

Bennett comes to neocon's aid as former World Bank staff call for resignation

(Newser) - Paul Wolfowitz has hired Robert Bennett, Bill Clinton's counsel during the Paula Jones affair, to guide the besieged World Bank president through his own budding scandal. Bennett immediately dismissed talk of Wolfie's resignation, even after dozens of former staffers placed an ad in the Financial Times calling on him to...

Gonzales Wipes Out
Wipes Out

Gonzales Wipes Out

Even Republicans turn on AG as he tries to defend US attorney decisions

(Newser) - Senate Republicans turned on Alberto Gonzales yesterday, leaving little political wiggle room for the embattled A.G. Even the most mild questions from Republicans— including traditional Bush allies—about the U.S. attorney dismissals yielded embarrassing results for Gonzales, who came across as strangely disengaged from the department he runs.

Gonzales Refuses to Resign
Gonzales Refuses to Resign

Gonzales Refuses to Resign

Bipartisan criticism peppers AG's Senate testimony on U.S. attorney firings

(Newser) - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said under oath today he had only limited involvement in the firing of eight U.S. attorneys and "did not do anything improper." Testifying before  clearly hostile lawmakers, he spurned calls that he step down, saying, "The moment I believe I can no...

US Attorneys Fired for Being Soft on Porn

Gonzales demanded hard line on hardcore

(Newser) - Several of the U.S. attorneys axed by Alberto Gonzales may have been forced out because they failed to crack down on pornography, Salon reveals. Gonzales and his staff pressured attorneys to pursue adult obscenity cases, even if it meant yanking prosecutors away from, say, terrorism. Some who resisted got...

Hitchens: Lay Off Wolfie!
Hitchens: Lay Off Wolfie!

Hitchens: Lay Off Wolfie!

(Newser) - Unflappable contrarian Chris Hitchens casts a sympathetic eye at beset World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz. Cries for Wolfowitz's resignation have crescendoed since revelations that he had a hand in getting his girlfriend, Shaha Riza, a big promotion at the poverty-fighting organization last year.

Gonzales: &quot;I Have Nothing To Hide&quot;
Gonzales: "I Have Nothing To Hide"

Gonzales: "I Have Nothing To Hide"

Leaked testimony insists any mistakes made weren't actionable

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales will finger chief-of-staff Kyle Sampson as the point man on the U.S. attorney firings but won't cop to any major wrongdoing, an advance copy of his congressional testimony tomorrow reveals. He admits only to lesser sins—withholding "dignified"  treatment from pink-slipped U.S. attorneys, for...

Wolves Circle Wolfowitz
Wolves Circle Wolfowitz

Wolves Circle Wolfowitz

Neocon World Bank president says he won't resign

(Newser) - Embattled World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz is hanging tough in the face of a crescendo of calls for his resignation after improperly promoting the interests of his live-in girlfriend. In a weekend of maneuvering, the bank's development committee offered no shelter, issuing a vague but harsh statement that the organization"...

Neocon No Sharper in Love Than War
Neocon No Sharper in Love Than War

Neocon No Sharper in Love Than War

Dowd on Wolfowitz: Where's the apology for Iraq?

(Newser) - The spectacle of Paul Wolfowitz clinging to his post at the World Bank after using it to promote his girlfriend is catnip to Maureen Dowd, an arch critic of the neocon cabal that cooked up the war in Iraq: "You will not be surprised to learn, gentle readers, that...

Impeachment: Not Just For Presidents

It would be perfect for Gonzales, says law professor

(Newser) - Impeachment isn't just for presidents—it would suit Alberto Gonzales just fine, says law professor Peter Shane, and it would be an excellent way to restore constitutional checks and balances. The grounds for impeachment go beyond the questionable dismissal of U.S. attorneys, he writes. 

Four Years of Rove E-mails Go Missing

E-mails may have covered attorney firings

(Newser) - Four years of emails from Karl Rove that are being sought in a congressional investigation are missing and may have been deleted by Rove himself, the Republican National Committee acknowledged yesterday. The RNC operates the server for non-official e-mail accounts Rove and other White House players use for political business;...

Sweetheart Deal May Sink Wolfowitz
Sweetheart Deal May Sink Wolfowitz

Sweetheart Deal May Sink Wolfowitz

World Bank staff boos his apology for pushing girlfriend's promotion

(Newser) - World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz faced mounting pressure to resign last night as details emerged over his role in ordering a promotion and pay raise for an employee with whom he is romantically involved. Wolfowitz apologized at a press conference and again to a gathering of bank staff members, where...

House Subpoenas Gonzo
House Subpoenas Gonzo

House Subpoenas Gonzo

Stakes raised in purge- gate as White House resists disclosure

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales got served yesterday, as House Dems issued their first subpoena in the attorney-firing scandal. They want the AG to turn over hundreds of pages of new or uncensored documents, including a complete version of the March 2005 chart Gonzales and chief-of-staff Kyle Sampson used to evaluate all 93...

Congress Probes Private White House E-Mails

May have breached post-Watergate law

(Newser) - Use of private e-mail accounts by White House officials is being probed by Democratic lawmakers who charge that they were employed to avoid scrutiny. Accounts set up by the Republican National Committee are intended to keep political activities separate from official business, but they were used in planning the firings...

Email Fingers Rove in Attorney Scandal

He knew about the firings in 2005

(Newser) - An email released Thursday implicates Karl Rove in the U.S. attorney firings scandal, suggesting he knew of the plotted purges much earlier than previously acknowledged. In a message dated January 6, 2005, a White House lawyer reported that Rove had asked to discuss the firings with D. Kyle Sampon,...

British Torture Trial Backfires
British Torture
Trial Backfires

British Torture Trial Backfires

Acquittal in case that mirrors Abu Ghraib sparks public outrage

(Newser) - The prosecution of a group of British soldiers for mistreating Iraqi detainees—one of whom died under questioning—has backfired on the British government. Four soldiers have been acquitted of various crimes after a three-year investigation. Now the knives are out for leading members of the British government over the...

Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'
Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'

Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'

Republican denies hypocrisy, mulls presidential run

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich, the former "family values" congressman from Georgia, was cheating on his wife even while hounding Bill Clinton for doing the same. In an interview that airs tonight, Gingrich confessed the 1998 affair to Focus on the Family's James Dobson. But he's no hypocrite, he reasons, because he...

Walter Reed Exposes Weakened Top Brass

Retired general blames military for acquiescing to misguided civilian moves

(Newser) - Blame the Walter Reed scandal on "the silence of our top officers," writes a retired Army general. Paul Eaton, who spent a year in Baghdad rebuilding the Iraqi army, says the administration and Congress "pointedly failed to provide the money and resources for our returned troops,"...

Stories 221 - 238 | << Prev