
11 Stories

This Valentine's Day, Give Your Ex a Dead Rat

Or at least one named for them, and then feed it to an owl

(Newser) - For those who feel like dissing instead of kissing a former lover on Friday—Valentine's Day—you can name a dead frozen rat for your ex or send a message that they should never procreate. As the AP reports, animal shelters and zoos around the country are encouraging cathartic...

Zoo's 'Cry Me a Cockroach' Promotion Is Back for V-Day

To, er, celebrate Valentine's Day, San Antonio Zoo will feed a roach named after your ex to an animal

(Newser) - If you're not especially looking forward to Feb. 14 due to a recent breakup, one Texas venue has a promotion that could help mitigate the pain with a little old fashioned spite. The San Antonio Zoo is once again hosting its "Cry Me a Cockroach" fundraiser , with all...

Pest Company Makes 'Creepy, Crawly' $2K Offer to Homeowners

The Pest Informer will pay you to let 100 cockroaches loose in your home for 30 days

(Newser) - Looking for "100 creepy, crawly new roommates"? That's how WREG frames a rather unusual call for homeowners (or those who have explicit written permission from the homeowner) who are willing to allow 100 cockroaches to be released in their homes as part of a North Carolina pest...

He Thought He Had Water In His Ear. It Was a Roach
Man's 3-Day Ear Clog
Has a Most Unpleasant Source
in case you missed it

Man's 3-Day Ear Clog Has a Most Unpleasant Source

New Zealand's Zane Wedding had a cockroach in his ear

(Newser) - A New Zealand man who thought his ear was clogged with water for three days found out the actual, more unpleasant truth after visiting a specialist on Monday: A cockroach had burrowed its way into his ear canal. CNN reports that Zane Wedding had started feeling like his ear was...

Zoo Loses Bet, Names Cockroach After Tom Brady

Zoo Atlanta was allowed to choose animal

(Newser) - More than a week after the Falcons fell victim to the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history, an Atlanta zoo has named a cockroach after Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, the AP reports. Zoo Atlanta says it had a bet with Rhode Island's Roger Williams Park Zoo that called for...

Man's Quest to Kill Roach in His Ear Has Unfortunate Result

A doctor ended up needing to pull it out

(Newser) - If you can bear it, we offer what Newsflare aptly describes as some "rather unpleasant footage" for your viewing displeasure—the type you won't want to see, can't help but see, and won't be able to unsee. It's video filmed last week that shows a...

Doctors Find Cockroach Living on Woman's Skull

They removed it—still alive—after nearly 12 hours

(Newser) - Beware, this story is about to get real squicky. The Indian Express reports doctors in India pulled a live cockroach out of a woman's nose this week after it was discovered hanging out on her skull. The 42-year-old woman started suffering pain and a "tingling, crawling sensation" Tuesday...

1M Cockroaches Bust Out of Farm

Roach-farming is big business in China

(Newser) - Roach motel proprietors take note: At least a million cockroaches are on the lam after escaping a greenhouse in China, where they are used so much in traditional medicine that roach-farming can be highly profitable, PhysOrg reports. The breakout apparently happened after an "unknown perpetrator" tampered with a greenhouse...

Reality Show Crisis: Not Enough Roaches to Pour on Celebs

'I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here' needs more bugs

(Newser) - I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here—the reality show known for hosting such luminaries as Stephen Baldwin and Speidi —has a true emergency on its hands. An Australian drought has led to a cockroach shortage, the Sun reports, meaning the show is in desperate need of...

New Way to Fight E. Coli: Cockroach Brains

Pests could be valuable new source of antibiotics

(Newser) - Scientists believe they've finally found a use for cockroaches. The brains and nervous systems of cockroaches and locusts hold molecules that can kill off up to 90% of MRSA and E. Coli bacteria without damaging human tissue, Bloomberg reports. Researchers believe the insects could be key to developing next-generation antibiotics...

Heads Roll After Roach's TV Guest Spot

Turkmen president gives state-run station's newscast thumbs down

(Newser) - An ongoing overhaul of Turkmenistan state TV is apparently so interesting that even members of the animal kingdom want a front-row seat. Unfortunately for the staff of the nightly news, a cockroach recently strolled across the studio table while cameras were rolling, leading the country's president to fire dozens of...

11 Stories
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