Candy Land

2 Stories

SF Remakes Crookedest Street as Candy Land Board

(Newser) - San Francisco’s Lombard Street, “the crookedest street in the world,” will tomorrow be shut to traffic and set up as a giant Candy Land game board for sick kids, the Appeal reports. The event, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the kids’ board game, is being hailed...

Board Games Set for Turn on Big Screen

Monopoly, Candy Land to follow in steps of Transformers , Toy Story

(Newser) - Paramount has the rights to any Transformers sequels, but a new deal with toymaker Hasbro guarantees Universal Pictures sole access to nearly all the company's iconic brands, including board games. The studio is said to be developing a Monopoly film, and a new live-action version of the game Clue may...

2 Stories