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Obama Pushes Global Uranium Fuel Bank

Shared supply would undercut Iran's claims of 'peaceful' enrichment

(Newser) - President Obama has proposed the creation of a global supply of uranium that would allow nations to obtain fuel for civilian nuclear power but would curtail rogue states' ability to build weapons. An international bank could hamper Iran's efforts to justify its covert enrichment program, the Boston Globe reports. "...

US: Iran Has Enough Uranium for a Bomb

Iran's step forward worries Mullen, many others

(Newser) - Iran has enriched enough uranium to make a nuclear bomb, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen told State of the Union today. "Iran having nuclear weapons, is a very very bad outcome—for the region and for the world," Mullen said. A recent report by the IAEA...

Iran Boosts Uranium Stockpile
 Iran Boosts Uranium Stockpile 

Iran Boosts Uranium Stockpile

UN reports finds country may already have enough for bomb

(Newser) - Iran is rapidly moving forward with its nuclear program and may already have enriched enough uranium to take the next step toward building a nuclear bomb, the Financial Times reports. The uranium will need more enrichment to reach weapons-grade levels, say UN experts, who believe the country will wait until...

Israel Target in Syria Likely Nuclear Site: UN

Uranium, site features could be remnants of reactor

(Newser) - The Syrian facility Israel bombed last year looks a lot like a nuclear reactor, UN inspectors said today, though they stopped short of calling it one. The independent investigation found manipulated uranium and features like large cooling pumps that are hallmarks of a nuclear site, the Washington Post reports. Syria...

N. Korea Readies Test Launch Missiles

UN monitoring halted, disarmament pact nearing collapse

(Newser) - North Korea sent 10 missiles to test-launch sites off the Yellow Sea today and halted UN monitoring of its nuclear complex, Reuters reports, in the latest hardline signal from the Communist regime as it flirts with scrapping a nuclear disarmament deal. Meanwhile, Pyongyang tested two ship-to-ship missiles in the West...

N. Korea Restarts Nuke Program

Pyongyang tells IAEA to remove seals from processing plant

(Newser) - North Korea plans to reactivate its nuclear program and will start reinserting plutonium-producing nuclear material within a week, reports the AP. Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, said that his inspectors removed all agency seals and surveillance equipment from the country's main nuclear facility....

Energy Crisis Requires a Global Agency
Energy Crisis Requires a Global Agency

Energy Crisis Requires a Global Agency

UN atomic watchdog argues for managed transition from oil

(Newser) - A global agency is needed to deal with the developing energy crisis, Mohamed ElBaradei, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, writes in the Financial Times. Demand for energy is rising fast and alternatives to fossil fuels remain largely hypothetical, and though there are international organizations to deal with everything...

Iran Prepared for Large-Scale Nuclear Fuel Output: UN

Report likely to raise debate on sanctions

(Newser) - Iran is able to produce nuclear fuel on an industrial scale, with 3,000 centrifuges capable of enriching uranium, a UN watchdog agency said today in a report sure to fuel diplomatic wrangling over sanctions. In praising Iran’s openness but demanding more, the International Atomic Energy Agency provided ammunition...

UN Finds Iran Nuke Progress Slow
UN Finds
Iran Nuke
Progress Slow

UN Finds Iran Nuke Progress Slow

Tehran has overstated nuclear capacity, watchdog agency finds

(Newser) - The UN's nuclear watchdog says Iran’s uranium enrichment is progressing slowly, Reuters reports, a finding that will likely dim American efforts to impose new sanctions. “Iran made a fast start but then there was a leveling off,” said an official of the IAEA, whose report debunked Iran's...

North Korea Seeks Military Talks With US

US parries request, stands firm on push to end nuclear programs

(Newser) - On the eve of the arrival of UN observers monitoring the shutdown of its main nuclear plant, North Korea today appealed for direct military talks with the US. But Washington insists that the elimination of Pyongyang's nuclear-weapons program takes precedence, the Voice of America reports, and a South Korean expert...

IAEA Prepares for Return to Pyongyang

Previously banished watchdogs will monitor reactor shutdown

(Newser) - The International Atomic Energy Association has approved its mission to North Korea, and could be inside the pariah nation this week, the BBC reports. Officials will oversee the closure of the Yongbyon nuclear reactor, a major concession the north made in February in exchange for economic and energy aid which...

North Korea Agrees to Fold Nuke Factories

Wins political concessions, economic aid for shutdown

(Newser) - North Korea reached a promising accord with the UN today, pledging to shut its main nuclear reactor in exchange for economic aid and political compromise from the US and its allies. IAEA inspectors returned today from the Yongbyon nuclear complex—the first visit since monitors were expelled in 2002—and...

N. Korea Said Ready to Close Reactor in July

Pariah set to come in from the nuclear cold

(Newser) - North Korea will close down its main nuclear reactor as early as next month, Reuters reports, citing Russia's Interfax news agency. UN  nuclear inspectors have been invited into the country; now a diplomatic source tell Interfax that inspectors will be present as the Yongbyon reactor, which produces weapons-grade plutonium, begins...

Bush Urges Stiffer Sanctions on Iran

Iran persists in building nukes, against UN orders

(Newser) - President Bush called for tougher sanctions against Iran today, a day after a new report showed the country is continuing its nuclear enrichment programs. Bush vowed to form a multinational bloc with Russia, China, and European allies to pressure Iran into ceasing its nuclear aspirations, reports the Washington Post.

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