McCain 2008

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Mac Hypocritically Mum on Felonious Pal Liddy

Republican won't cough up details despite hammering Obama on Ayers

(Newser) - Bad enough for a presidential candidate to pal around with a “lawless radical,” Steve Chapman writes in the Chicago Tribune, but worse to clam up about it even as you blast your opponent for the same thing. That’s exactly where John McCain is over dealings with G....

Why GOP Name-Calling Is Backfiring This Time

Americans aren't buying 'real America' comments: Greenwald

(Newser) - The spectacle of Republican politicians painting their opponents as anti-American is a familiar one, Glenn Greenwald writes for Salon, but three recent headline-making incidents show that something has changed. "The idea that any of them would apologize for insulting liberals or impugning their patriotism is simply unfathomable," he...

AP Poll: It's a Dead Heat
 AP Poll: It's a Dead Heat 

AP Poll: It's a Dead Heat

(Newser) - Not all the polls are going in Barack Obama's favor. An AP-GfK survey says John McCain has closed the gap with Obama after the last debate by gaining voters among whites and those earning less than $50,000. The poll has the race at 44%-43% in favor of Obama, a...

Shhh. Don't Tell: I'm Voting for Obama
Shhh. Don't
Tell: I'm Voting for Obama

Shhh. Don't Tell: I'm Voting for Obama

Disgusted Republicans could cancel out Bradley Effect

(Newser) - There are plenty of unpredictable factors that might elude pollsters, Kathleen Parker writes in the Washington Post. Most famous is the Bradley Effect. “While some have minimized the impact of a Bradley Effect in this election, we'd be wrong to discount it. Anti-black has morphed to some degree into...

GOP Ticket's Disagreements May Be His Idea ... Or Hers

Palin could be shoring up support for her political future

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has publicly disagreed with John McCain on several issues, from giving up in Michigan, to the gay marriage ban, to attacking Barack Obama’s connection to Rev. Wright. A VP hopeful’s job main job is to agree with the ticket, notes John Dickerson for Slate, so why...

London's Mayor Plugs Obama
 London's Mayor Plugs Obama 

London's Mayor Plugs Obama

Dem can restore US as beacon of hope, Boris Johnson writes

(Newser) - After President Bush managed an “astonishing double whammy,” damaging both democracy, via Iraq, and capitalism, on Wall Street—“the two great pillars of the American idea”—London mayor Boris Johnson sees Barack Obama as the candidate who can rejuvenate “the greatest country on earth,”...

Dems Loath to Punish Traitor Joe

The party is ticked, but this might not be the time for vengeance

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman has crossed nearly every line there is in supporting John McCain—on Sunday he even praised Sarah Palin—and many liberals want him ousted from the Democratic caucus. But Harry Reid and company show no signs of moving against Lieberman, Salon reports. “We're going to have to...

Swing Voters Don't Like 'Hothead' McCain

Crisis turns voters towards 'cool and collected' Obama

(Newser) - Doubts over John McCain's disposition are pushing undecided voters Barack Obama's way, according to the Los Angeles Times. Swing voters interviewed by the newspaper say McCain's negative body language over the last few weeks and his "hothead" outbursts have given them strong misgivings—as did his snap decision to...

Baldwin on SNL: 'It's Not Meet the Press'

(Newser) - If you saw Alec Baldwin's courtly interaction with Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live and you're wondering what's gotten into the well-known liberal firebrand, he's wondering something, too: What's your problem? "What did some of you people actually think would happen?" he writes in a post that went...

'Outsider' Palin Used Media Insiders to Win VP Nod

PR firm helped her woo pundits, make case

(Newser) - Sarah Palin likes to play up her outsider credentials while decrying the media elite, but she’s relied on both throughout her career. Belying her mockery of the “mainstream media,” Palin hired a well-connected PR firm to target East Coast journalists and courted conservative media insiders who eventually...

Journos Will Look Dumb if Mac Wins
 Journos Will 
 Look Dumb 
 if Mac Wins 

Journos Will Look Dumb if Mac Wins

A few situations that could trigger a McCain victory

(Newser) - If John McCain pulls off a surprise victory, reporters who predicted a landslide for Barack Obama are going to look for head-space in the sand, writes Jack Shafer in the Washington Post—unless they quickly whip off one of these articles:
  • "McCain's Michigan Miracle." When McCain pulled out

Don't Question McCain's 'Nam Heroism
Don't Question McCain's 'Nam Heroism 

Don't Question McCain's 'Nam Heroism

Mac was an inspiration to fellow POWs

(Newser) - There’s plenty wrong with John McCain, but questions about his heroism in Vietnam just don’t stand up, biographer Matt Welch writes in the LA Times. McCain “gave great strength to his fellow POWs,” and “unless you think that inspiring your fellow prisoners to resist and...

Robocalls Are Legit: McCain
 Robocalls Are 
 Legit: McCain 

Robocalls Are Legit: McCain

Defends use of same tactic used against him in 2000

(Newser) - John McCain defended his use of robocalls on Fox News Sunday, arguing his attacks on Barack Obama are different from the slanderous calls that targeted him during the 2000 primaries, Politico reports. “These are legitimate and truthful and they are far different than the phone calls that were made...

Cindy McCain Seeks Return to City That Shunned Her

Candidate's wife fights hard for husband despite distaste for political life

(Newser) - Cindy McCain is giving her all to get her husband into the White House despite the tough time the capital has given her in the past, the New York Times reports. When she moved there early in her marriage, the young political wife found herself ostracized by cliquey congressional wives...

Lobbyist Denies McCain Affair
 Lobbyist Denies McCain Affair 

Lobbyist Denies McCain Affair

'I have never even been alone with Sen. McCain,' Vicki Iseman says

(Newser) - Vicki Iseman lashed out at the New York Times and a former John McCain adviser for the February story that implied an affair occurred between her and the Republican candidate, the National Journal reports. “I did not have a sexual relationship with Sen. McCain,” Iseman says. In fact,...

Meghan McCain: I'll Get NH Tattoo If Dad Wins

A loss in the state would be 'very depressing' for her

(Newser) - If John McCain takes the White House and wins New Hampshire, Meghan McCain says she'll get a tattoo of the state’s motto, the Union Leader reports. "New Hampshire is so important to me and my family," the younger McCain told supporters in the state where her dad...

Sure, You Can See Palin Email ... for $15M
Sure, You Can See Palin Email ... for $15M

Sure, You Can See Palin Email ... for $15M

And after Alaska fees for search, they won't be ready until mid-Nov.

(Newser) - Sarah Palin ran on a platform of transparent government, but it seems that Alaskan transparency has a price: $15 million. That’s how much the governor’s office wants from news organizations for copies of official email, MSNBC reports. Even if organizations are willing to pay up, the email will...

Obama Forces Battle for Va.
 Obama Forces Battle for Va. 

Obama Forces Battle for Va.

McCain forced to defend GOP stronghold

(Newser) - Virginia hasn’t swung Democrats’ way since Lyndon Johnson, but suddenly it’s a battleground, the Washington Post reports, and Obama appears to have all the tactical advantages. The Dem has three times as many campaign offices, and his army of volunteers has registered almost a half-million new voters.

McCain, Letterman Make Up
 McCain, Letterman Make Up 

McCain, Letterman Make Up

(Newser) - John McCain finally made it back on David Letterman's show, and he promptly issued two apologies—one to Dave and one to Joe the Plumber. In an appearance taped to air tonight, McCain apologized to Letterman for canceling a September appearance at the last minute. "I screwed up,"...

Fired-Up Mac Couldn't Land a Punch on Obama
 Fired-Up Mac Couldn't Land a Punch on Obama


Fired-Up Mac Couldn't Land a Punch on Obama

Without a game-changer, Republican strikes out in third debate, and race

(Newser) - John McCain turned in his best debate performance last night but couldn't turn it into the game-changer he needed, Sam Youngman writes in The Hill. McCain was fiercer this time, but he failed to score a direct hit on his unflappable opponent and didn't come up with any new arguments...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>