Howard Dean

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Howard Dean Running for DNC Chair
Howard Dean
Running for
DNC Chair

Howard Dean Running for DNC Chair

'I'm in,' tweets former chair of Democratic National Commitee

(Newser) - Howard Dean wants his old job back. In the wake of Hillary Clinton's defeat, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee said he wants to run the DNC again, reports Politico . "The dems need organization and focus on the young," tweeted the former Vermont governor. "...

Congress Slaps NYT Benghazi Report: Qaeda Was Involved

Issa, Rogers say evidence doesn't indicate video was to blame

(Newser) - Congressmembers took turns today swinging at yesterday's New York Times report that al-Qaeda wasn't involved in the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi , with Darrell Issa defending his past statements implicating the terror group. "There is a group that was involved that claims an affiliation with...

Howard Dean: ObamaCare's Price-Fixing Is Doomed

Independent Payment Advisory Board ought to face bipartisan scrutiny

(Newser) - Howard Dean isn't toeing the party line when it comes to the Affordable Care Act. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Dean praises parts of the law, but takes aim at one of its key provisions: "the so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board," that will determine what rates...

US Bigwigs Get Paid Well to Push for Iranian Group

It's hoping to come off the list of designated terrorist groups

(Newser) - Prominent US leaders from Rudy Giuliani to Howard Dean have been visiting the White House to fight for an Iranian opposition group currently on the State Department's terror list—and those visits are drawing scrutiny at the Washington Post . The Treasury Department already has looked into the possibility that...

Santorum: It's Not Even Halftime Yet
 It's Not Even 
 Halftime Yet 

Santorum: It's Not Even Halftime Yet

Candidate upbeat on May races

(Newser) - With twitchy Republicans looking to put an end to an onerous and hard-fought primary season, Rick Santorum is saying not so fast, reports Politico . “This race isn’t even at halftime yet, we haven’t even selected half of the delegates yet,” Santorum told Fox News Sunday this...

Dean: What's the Tea Party Smoking?
 Dean: What's 
 the Tea Party 

Dean: What's the Tea Party Smoking?

GOP blames Obama, Dems blame Tea Party for S&P downgrade

(Newser) - If nothing else, the S&P downgrade made for a lively August Sunday on the talk show circuit, with anyone who is anyone booking an appearance to sling some blame for the US' brand new AA+ rating . The Democrats pointed directly at the Tea Party and its refusal to raise...

Howard Dean: Don't Dismiss Sarah Palin

High unemployment makes any GOP candidate dangerous, says Dean

(Newser) - Don't be so fast to write off Sarah Palin's chances at winning the presidency, warns former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, who tut-tuts Washington insiders for dismissing her out of hand. “Any time you have a contest—particularly when unemployment is as high as it is...

GOP Candidates Too Loud or Too Boring

Party needs someone who's both a fighter, fixer: Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty took a daring step towards explosive rhetoric recently: he declared the country’s mounting debt a “pile of poo.” Try not to look too offended. “Clearly, the guy running the bleep button for the GOP primary debates isn’t worried about Tim Pawlenty,” quips...

Potential Obama Challenger in 2012 Is ... Howard Dean?

Roger Simon think it's possible, but a Dean spokesman denies

(Newser) - The jockeying is well under way among Republicans to see who will emerge as the GOP challenger to President Obama in 2012. But at Politico , Roger Simon says the White House is keeping a wary eye on a Democrat: Howard Dean. "While today it looks impossible" that Obama would...

Jackson: Breitbart 'Morally Wrong'


Jackson: Breitbart 'Morally Wrong'

Pundits pile on White House handling of Sherrod affair

(Newser) - Lips were flapping about Shirley Sherrod all over the Sunday dial this morning, with Jesse Jackson calling out Andrew Breitbart as "morally wrong," reports Politico. He then slapped the White House's "tendency to buckle," in pressuring Sherrod to step down without "due process." Howard...

He's Baaack: Dean Leads Lefty Charge Against Obama

Almost looks like he's running for something...

(Newser) - Howard Dean’s return to the national stage with stinging criticism of the compromises Democratic leaders accepted on health care reform has thrilled disaffected progressives—and even sparked talk of another run for president. One liberal blogger says his dusted-off bona fides make Dean “perfectly positioned” to challenge Obama...

Axelrod: Dean Not Insane

 Axelrod: Dean 
 Not Insane 

Axelrod: Dean Not Insane

White House adviser softens rhetoric in health care spat

(Newser) - David Axelrod and Howard Dean took their health care smackdown to the Sunday dial today, with Axelrod conceding that OK, maybe the former Vermont gov isn't crazy. “I didn't say he was insane," the White House adviser told This Week. "“What I said was, it would...

Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year
Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year

Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year

... and shoulders will get colder as mid-terms near

(Newser) - President Obama’s support among his fellow Democrats—yep, looking at you, Howard Dean —is in a steeper dive than his opinion-poll numbers, and reminds David Broder of the last months of George W. Bush’s administration. But that was 7 years in for Republicans, he writes in the...

Dean and Landrieu Have Health Care Shouting Match

Dean says bill does 'more bad things than good things'

(Newser) - Howard Dean took the gloves off on Hardball yesterday, mixing it up with first Chris Matthews and then Mary Landrieu over the health care bill. Dean defended his desire to kill the bill, declaring that the bill was an insurance industry handout. Matthews vehemently disagreed, accusing Dean of “demagoguery....

Gibbs on Dean: Nobody 'Rational' Would Kill the Bill

'I don't know what legislation he's reading,' says press chief

(Newser) - White House press secretary Robert Gibbs fired back at Howard Dean today for encouraging progressives to kill the health care reform bill. Dean thinks the bill, without a public option, is now too compromised to deserve further support. "I would ask Dr. Dean, how better do you address those...

Public Option Compromise Gains Steam

Proposal creates national plan but lets states opt out

(Newser) - The public option lives: both conservative and liberal Democrats seem to like an idea proposed by Chuck Schumer to establish a national health plan but allow states to opt out if they so choose. Conservative Ben Nelson has backed it, and a spokesman for Max Baucus said he might join...

Newt: Obama School Speech 'Good for America'
 Newt: Obama 
 School Speech 
 'Good for America' 


Newt: Obama School Speech 'Good for America'

Dean: green jobs czar 'brought down'; CDC chief warns of swine flu challenges

(Newser) - Who says bipartisanship in Washington is dead? Today, top Republicans sided with President Obama on both his planned speech to schoolchildren and his strategy in Afghanistan, Politico reports. On Fox News Sunday, Newt Gingrich called Obama’s Tuesday speech “good for America.” On Afghanistan, Tim Pawlenty rejected calls...

Randall Terry Booted From Va. Town Hall

Crowd chants 'kick him out' at antiabortion activist

(Newser) - Theatrical antiabortion protester Randall Terry was escorted from a town hall last night as he hammered Howard Dean for "baby-killing," Salon reports. Terry has been protesting outside town halls, but last night, he came indoors as the former DNC chair and Rep. Jim Moran met with constituents in...

On Health Care, Dean Gives Obama a Pain

Passed over for administration post, ex-doc plagues prez

(Newser) - By now, President Obama may wish he’d brought Howard Dean into the administration, because the former doctor has become his top left-wing antagonist on health care reform, the Hill reports. Dean has spent the summer advancing his views on the topic, and though the White House is backing away...

Health Reform Ads Already Turn Nasty

Dems' Nelson blasts liberal TV spot, warns tone will kill legislation

(Newser) - Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson is firing back against two liberal groups who are accusing him of partnering with insurance companies to “lead the charge to delay health reform” in a new TV ad, the Hill reports. “If this is an indication of the politics going into August, then...

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