weapons of mass destruction

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Blair Tells Iraq Inquiry He'd Do It Again

At the time, existence of WMDs in Iraq was 'beyond doubt'

(Newser) - Tony Blair mounted a spirited defense of Britain’s involvement in the Iraq war today, telling the Chilcot inquiry he would make the same choices now, based on the information he had then. “The crucial thing after Sept. 11 is that the calculus of risk changed,” the former...

Tony Blair Faces Grilling Over Iraq War

Ex-prime minister to be questioned on WMDs, promises to Bush

(Newser) - The decision to send British troops to join the US invasion of Iraq was by far the most controversial of Tony Blair's leadership, and his place in history may depend on how well he defends it today. The former prime minister will face 6 hours of grilling from inquisitors about...

Al-Qaeda Preps Major WMD Attack on US: Report

Group said to be determined, methodical, and patient

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's threat to attack the United Sates using weapons of mass destruction is not "empty rhetoric," a new study claims. The report, written by a former CIA official with extensive knowledge of classified files, says al-Qaeda is gathering the materials and expertise required to use chemical, biological, and...

The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'
The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'
aughts in Review

The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'

Bush put US on path to banana republic status

(Newser) - The 2000s were dominated by George W. Bush and the new American oligarchy he represents, writes Juan Cole. He lists hit 10 lowest points of an awful decade:
  • “The constitutional coup of 2000,” in which “ugly racial and other low tricks” and a “far right-wing Supreme

Blair: I Would've Invaded Iraq Anyway
 Blair: I Would've 
 Invaded Iraq Anyway 

Blair: I Would've Invaded Iraq Anyway

Even if he'd known there were no WMD, ex-PM wanted Saddam out

(Newser) - Tony Blair is unrepentant of his support for the Iraq war, telling a BBC interviewer that even if he'd known there were no weapons of mass destruction, "I would still have thought it right to remove him. I mean obviously you would have had to use and deploy different...

Blair Knew Iraq Had No WMD 10 Days Before War Began

Intelligence ignored, British panel told

(Newser) - Prime Minister Tony Blair was told Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction 10 days before ordering British troops into the country in 2003, but Blair pushed ahead anyway, a panel investigating the war was told today. But, said a key intelligence official, the information didn’t weaken the case...

Iran Reopens Nuke Negotiations

Tehran will present 'updated' package to US, others in Germany today

(Newser) - Iran will present an "updated nuclear package" at talks with five UN Security Council nations and Germany today, according to state-run Iranian television. The Islamic Republic's chief nuclear negotiator promised to "cooperate in order to alleviate mutual preoccupations"—days after Angela Merkel threatened stiffer sanctions if Iran...

Saddam's FBI Interviews Released
Saddam's FBI Interviews Released

Saddam's FBI Interviews Released

Says WMD fiction was aimed at Iran; he wanted pact with US

(Newser) - Transcripts of Saddam Hussein's two dozen interviews with the FBI before his execution were released yesterday, after details were published last week by the New York Daily News, which obtained them through the Freedom of Information Act. Some details are still redacted, but the FBI says no "enhanced" techniques...

N. Korea Set to Launch 2nd Long-Range Missile

Weapon may be launched when S. Korea prez visits DC

(Newser) - North Korea is preparing to launch another intercontinental ballistic missile, according to South Korean media reports. Pyongyang is said to have moved its most advanced missile, whose 4,000 mile range puts Alaska within striking distance, to a brand-new launch pad and has forbidden ships from sailing the waters off...

Gates: US Won't Tolerate a Nuclear North Korea

Gates warns N Korea as satellites spot missile being moved

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates has warned that the US will not accept a nuclear-armed North Korea, Reuters reports. Gates said any transfer of nuclear material from North Korea to another country or group would be considered "a grave threat." "We will not stand idly by as North...

North Korea Fires 6th Missile: Report

Tensions rise further as Pyongyang warns of 'self-defense'

(Newser) - North Korea has fired yet another short-range missile off its east coast, according to reports from a South Korean news agency. Although unconfirmed, the launch would be the sixth missile that the North has test-fired since its surprise nuclear test on Monday. Today Pyongyang warned it would take "self-defense"...

North Korea's Real Aim May Be to Peddle Nukes to Others

Sale of weapons, info is true threat from secretive regime

(Newser) - North Korea's nuclear test yesterday makes it no likelier that the rogue state will actually launch a weapon of mass destruction, argues AP analyst Robert Burns. What it does suggest is something perhaps even scarier: that the regime may facilitate the nuclear ambitions of other state actors or even...

'Biohackers' Create New, DIY Organisms

Feds try to asses threat from part-time Frankensteins

(Newser) - Katherine Aull is creating new forms of life in her closet. Armed only with jury-rigged equipment and some DNA she bought online, the 23-year-old is creating custom E. coli bacteria she thinks could help cancer research. Aull is part of a growing movement of “biohackers,” amateur biologists crafting...

'Naive' Hillary Underestimates North Korea
'Naive' Hillary Underestimates North Korea

'Naive' Hillary Underestimates North Korea

Pyongyang can't be trusted with any nuclear program, says Bolton

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has embarked on an Asian tour armed with Bush-administration rhetoric and precious little understanding of the gravity of the North Korean situation, writes John R.  Bolton in a Los Angeles Times op-ed. The secretary of state is attempting to gain further support for American efforts to block...

Saddam to Commanders: Wait, Do We Have WMDs?

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction, but America made such a strong case that even the Iraqi leader himself had doubts, the Washington Post reports. Saddam, apparently in awe of US intelligence, asked his top commanders if the nation had stashes even he didn't know about. So says...

Rice Regrets Bad Iraq Intel, But Not Invasion

Former State chief also denies that race clouded Bush Katrina response

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice appeared on The View today to defend Bush administration policies, and lament a few key mistakes, the Los Angeles Times reports. Rice expressed regret that weapons of mass destruction never surfaced in Iraq—but stands behind the ouster of Saddam Hussein. Rice also said Hurricane Katrina was “...

Cheney: I OK'd Waterboarding
 Cheney: I OK'd Waterboarding 

Cheney: I OK'd Waterboarding

VP gave go ahead for 'remarkably successful' tactic

(Newser) - Vice President Dick Cheney personally approved using waterboarding to interrogate 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, he reveals in a wide-ranging interview on ABC News. "I was  involved in helping get the process cleared. The agency came in and wanted to know what they could and couldn't do," said...

Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge
Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge
Talk Show Roundup

Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge

Condi makes rounds; UAW pleads for bailout

(Newser) - Barack Obama stressed that the economy will see darker times before things turn around, but promised in a Meet the Press interview that his White House will bring back a focus on culture and science. The president-elect also vowed to kick his smoking habit for good. Elsewhere on the talk...

Rove: If We Knew the Truth, We Wouldn't Have Invaded

Contradicts president's past statements

(Newser) - If George Bush had known that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, he wouldn’t have invaded Iraq, Karl Rove said last night during a debate in New York. Were it not for the WMDs, the administration would have found “more creative ways to constrain him, like...

Bush's Biggest Regret: Faulty Intelligence

But 43 says he plans to leave office with 'head held high'

(Newser) - President Bush's biggest regret of his presidency is receiving faulty intelligence before launching the Iraq war, the president told ABC News in a wide-ranging "exit interview." Bush declined to say whether he would have ordered the invasion if he had known Saddam Hussein didn't actually possess weapons of...

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