nuclear arsenal

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Obama Will Pare US Nuclear Arsenal Further

Statement, out tomorrow, will also narrow possible uses

(Newser) - Ahead of signing a new arms treaty with Russia on Thursday, President Obama will announce tomorrow a further reduction of the US nuclear-weapons arsenal, and further restrict how the arms may be used. The Nuclear Posture Review will tone down Bush-era rhetoric, and, analysts tell the Los Angeles Times , give...

Ahmadinejad: Sanctions Will Help, Not Hurt

Criticizes Obama's 'three or four beautiful words'

(Newser) - Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that new international sanctions would only strengthen the country's technological progress by encouraging it to become more self-sufficient. In a speech, Ahmadinejad also rejected President Obama's offers of engagement, saying "three or four beautiful words" don't mean US policies have changed under his administration.

US, Russia Reach Deal on Cutting Nukes

Obama, Medvedev to sign treaty in 2 weeks in Prague

(Newser) - The US and Russia will drastically reduce their nuclear arsenals under a historic treaty to be signed next month. After long and trying negotiations, President Obama and Russian President Medvedev are to sign the treaty in two weeks in Prague, once final technical details are worked out. The accord is...

White House Overhauls Nuclear Strategy

New focus on arms control, nonproliferation

(Newser) - As the White House hammers out details of Obama's nuclear strategy, it's clear the president is making an about-face on many Bush policies, but not it's clear whether his approach will be dovish enough to please his base. The new strategy will commit the US to not developing any new...

Iran Balks at UN Plan on Nukes
Iran Balks
at UN Plan
on Nukes

Iran Balks at UN Plan on Nukes

Now wants to buy fuel, not ship uranium to Russia for enrichment

(Newser) - State TV says Iran wants to buy nuclear fuel it needs for a research reactor rather than accept the UN deal negotiated earlier this week, in which much of Iran's uranium would be shipped to Russia for further enrichment. The response will come as a disappointment to the US, Russia,...

Clinton: Taliban Threat to Pakistan Is Rising

But secretary, on European tour, sees no danger of nukes falling into terrorist hands

(Newser) - An audacious Taliban attack on Pakistan's army headquarters shows there is a growing terrorist threat to the nuclear-armed US ally, Hillary Clinton said today. The secretary of state, speaking at a joint news conference with British counterpart David Miliband, added that while extremists were "increasingly threatening the authority of...

UN Report: Iran Able to Make Nuclear Bomb

Nation has sufficient data, says 'tentative' IAEA conclusion

(Newser) - Iran may be closer to making a nuclear weapon than thought: A controversial report by the UN nuclear agency concludes that Tehran has "sufficient information to be able to design and produce" such a device. What's more, Iran has gone beyond just acquiring information from rogue experts and has...

Ahmadinejad: Obama Made 'Big Mistake' Over Nukes

Tehran didn't hide new facility, he insists

(Newser) - Iran's president hit back today at President Obama's accusation that his country had sought to hide construction of a new nuclear site, arguing that Tehran reported the facility to the UN even earlier than required. "The US president made a big and historic mistake," said Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "...

US Will Give Iran 3 Months to Spill Nuke Secrets

(Newser) - The US will tell Iran next week that it must open all its nuclear sites for inspection within 3 months, turn over any related documents, and make scientists available for questions. Tehran also may be ordered to allow inspectors into its newly revealed uranium-enrichment plant within days. The revelation of...

Obama Demands Inquiry Into Iran Nuke Plant

US, France, Britain threaten sanctions

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of France and Britain demanded today that Iran fully disclose its nuclear ambitions "or be held accountable" to an impatient world community. They threatened new sanctions after the disclosure of a secret Iranian nuclear facility. "Iran is breaking rules that all nations must...

Obama to Pentagon: Scale Back Nuke Arsenal

President rejects Defense review, plans international deal

(Newser) - Barack Obama rejected the first draft of a Pentagon report on the US nuclear arsenal and is demanding a radical review ahead of deep cuts, according to the Guardian. The president, whose stated goal is the complete abolition of nuclear weapons, wants to see a range of options: cutting the...

We'll Dump Nukes If Everybody Does: Putin

German leader echoes 'global zero' aim

(Newser) - Russian PM Vladimir Putin says his country is willing to abandon nuclear weapons if the US and all other nuclear-armed countries do the same. Putin was speaking at a meeting with Germany's foreign minister, who said earlier that the idea of scrapping nuclear arms altogether was a real prospect. The...

Oops: US Publishes Secret List of Nuclear Sites

(Newser) - Funny, what you can stumble onto on the web. A government agency put up 266 pages of "highly confidential" government information about the nation's nuclear facilities, including precise locations (with helpful maps) of where uranium is stored, reports the New York Times. The information was being compiled for release...

Iran Claims to Launch Long-Range Missile

Ahmadinejad reports new test of arms that could reach Israel

(Newser) - Iran test-fired a new advanced missile today with a range of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike Israel and southeastern Europe, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims. The reported launch comes two days after Barack Obama said he would seek deeper international sanctions against Iran if it shunned US attempts to...

Missile Shield Useless Against Iran's Arsenal: Study

System wouldn't protect Europe; Iran far from nuclear missiles

(Newser) - The US missile shield planned for eastern Europe wouldn’t protect the continent from threats posed by Iranian missiles, a team of American and Russian scientists found. Further, the Washington Post notes, it will be more than 5 years before Iran can build nuclear warheads and missiles to launch them,...

New Reactors Could Boost Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal

US hasn't fought massive project amid national turmoil

(Newser) - Pakistan is building two of the largest plutonium-producing reactors in the developing world—facilities that experts say could bolster the nuclear arsenal of a country fraught with turmoil. The US hasn’t publicly condemned the project, MSNBC reports, even though it makes Pakistan “the only country rapidly building up...

US Worries Grow Over Weakened Pakistan's Nukes

But Pakistani officials call concerns 'overblown rhetoric'

(Newser) - The growing insurgency in Pakistan has heightened US worries about the security of the country’s nuclear arsenal, the New York Times reports. Some fear militants could steal weapons in transport or get access to nuclear facilities. President Obama says he’s “confident” that the stock is “secure,...

Obama, Medvedev Agree to New Nuclear Arms Talks

President will visit Moscow in July

(Newser) - Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev pledged to "move beyond Cold War mentalities" at their first ever meeting, at the American ambassador's residence in London. The two presidents agreed to negotiate a new weapons treaty that would see both countries reduce their nuclear stockpiles—the first such...

North Korean Troops on War Alert
North Korean Troops
on War Alert

North Korean Troops on War Alert

Nuclear state prepares 'satellite' launch that US fears is missile test

(Newser) - North Korea is warning that troops are on full combat alert as its southern neighbor preps for an annual military exercise with the US, BBC reports. The nuclear nation also threatened war if a "satellite" it plans to deploy soon is disturbed. South Korea and the US believe that...

Clinton Predicts Russia Arms Treaty

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton, declaring a fresh start for relations with Russia, has predicted that the two nations would complete a new arms reduction treaty by year-end and find common ground on other major issues as well, the AP reports. Upbeat and often smiling, both Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov...

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