cancer screening

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FDA Approves Blood Test That Detects Colon Cancer

Guardant Health's Shield test picked up 83% of colorectal cancer cases

(Newser) - The FDA has given the green light to a blood test expected to improve screening for colon cancer. Guardant Health's Shield test, which looks for tumor DNA in blood samples, was found to detect 83% of colorectal cancers in patients with the disease. The test, to be administered at...

$1K Screening Test May Upend Cancer Management

Early detection tests are here, though skeptics are worried about false positives

(Newser) - A multicancer early detection test that can screen for over 50 types of cancer is getting a lot of buzz, but not all doctors are on board with administering it. Grail's Galleri test, which costs $949 and isn't covered by most insurance plans, fits with the growing trend...

Researcher 'Shocked' on Results of Cancer Screening Study

Recommended tests find just 14% of diagnosed cancers in US, report finds

(Newser) - Cancer screening is great, but it's not perfect. According to a new report, just 14% of all diagnosed cancers in the US are detected with a recommended screening test, while 15% of screenable cancers aren't detected by screening. The vast majority of cancers are actually found when a...

Task Force: Colorectal Cancer Screening Should Start Earlier

They say insurance companies should cover screenings starting at age 45

(Newser) - A government-backed task force says that with cases of colon and rectal cancer steadily rising among younger people, it is lowering the recommended starting age for colorectal cancer screening from 50 to 45. If the proposal from the US Preventive Services Task Force is finalized, which is expected to happen...

American Cancer Society Says You Should Do This at 45

It moves guideline for colon cancer screening earlier, from age 50

(Newser) - Getting screened for colon cancer is no longer a rite-of-passage for a 50-year-old, at least according to the American Cancer Society. In updated guidelines released Wednesday, it inched the recommended age to 45. NPR explains that doesn't mean getting a colonoscopy. The new recommendations detail six screening options, which...

Scientists 'Enormously Excited' About Cancer Blood Test

'Liquid biopsy' shows promising early results in detecting 8 cancers—but much work is still needed

(Newser) - Scientists are "very, very excited" about what they see as a positive "first step" in developing a blood test that could detect a variety of cancers, the Washington Post reports. In a study published in the journal Science , researchers used the CancerSEEK test, which looks for cancer-tied proteins...

Scientists Spot Stage 1 Cancers Via Blood Test

Earlier treatment could save millions of lives

(Newser) - Human blood is rich with genetic material, and scientists have in recent years taken many steps forward in decoding it. The latest announcement—that a blood test can spot cancer at its earliest stages—has the potential to save millions of lives as treatment is administered earlier in the disease'...

Guys With Long Legs Have Twice the Risk of 1 Cancer

More growth hormones that drive bone growth in legs may be risk factor for colon cancer

(Newser) - Higher cancer rates have been linked generally to taller people, but University of Minnesota researchers are reporting a startling find: Men with longer legs have a 42% higher risk of developing colorectal cancer than those with shorter legs, reports Live Science . More specifically, they found that the men with the...

Screenings Slash Colon Cancer Rate 30% in a Decade

But researchers see more work ahead

(Newser) - The fight against colon cancer through screening is "one of the great public health success stories of the decade," says a top figure at the American Cancer Society: In people over 50, colon cancer rates have dropped by 30% over the past decade, researchers say. That's mostly...

Study: Colonoscopy Cuts Cancer Deaths

Invasive test definitely a life-saver, researchers say

(Newser) - To say colonoscopies are unpopular would be an understatement, but the procedure definitely saves lives, a new study finds. The research, which confirms what doctors have long believed, found that the death rate from colon cancer was cut by 53% among people who had the test and had precancerous growths...

Medical Panel to Men: Skip Prostate Screening

Government group says PSA test doesn't save lives

(Newser) - A potentially big change in men's health care: A governmental health panel is about to recommend that men stop getting screened for prostate cancer, reports CNN . The Preventative Services Task Force has concluded that the commonly used PSA blood test often does more harm than good because it leads...

Screening Has Little Impact on Breast Cancer Deaths

Death rate down because of better treatment, researchers say

(Newser) - The drop in breast cancer deaths over the last few decades is thanks to better treatment, not widespread screening, according to a new study. European countries that introduced routine screening early saw breast cancer deaths decline at roughly the same rate as countries that introduced screening 10 to 15 years...

Screening Doesn't Reduce Ovarian Cancer Deaths

In fact, it can actually have negative impact

(Newser) - Bad news from a new cancer study: Not only does ovarian cancer screening not reduce the number of deaths from the disease—it also leads to unnecessary treatment for false positives. The 16-year study of 78,000 women found that doctors "were unable to detect ovarian cancers any earlier"...

Ovarian Cancer Breakthrough Raises Hopes

New use for old test: early diagnosis of deadly disease

(Newser) - Combining an existing blood test for ovarian cancer with a new screening protocol may lead to a reliable way to diagnose the deadly disease in its early stages, a new study says. "This is an important step forward," the lead researcher tells the Houston Chronicle . " This may...

Women Refuse to Cut Back on Mammograms: Poll
Women Refuse to Cut Back on Mammograms: Poll
they overestimate risk, too

Women Refuse to Cut Back on Mammograms: Poll

But most are misinformed about the risks

(Newser) - An overwhelming majority of American women intend to ignore the recommendation that they get fewer mammograms, with most wildly overestimating their risk of breast cancer. In a new poll, 84% of women aged 35 to 49 say they still intend to get routine mammograms before age 50, in keeping with...

Doctors Blast New Mammogram Guidelines

Cancer societies, gynecologists won't follow government's lead

(Newser) - There was an instant backlash from oncologists and gynecologists yesterday after a government panel recommended that that women in their 40s stop getting annual mammograms. “I think it is unfortunate that they came to this conclusion,” the director of imaging at one breast cancer center told the Los ...

Govt. Panel Recommends Fewer Mammograms

Breast cancer screenings should start at 50, not 40: task force

(Newser) - Most women can wait to get their first mammogram at 50 and then should get one every 2 years rather than annually, a powerful health policy group said today. New information led to the recommendations, said a member of the influential task force that reversed a 7-year-old edict urging aggressive...

Cancer Experts Worried About Screening

American Cancer Society to warn of risks as well as benefits

(Newser) - The American Cancer Society is rethinking its advice on screening for breast and prostate cancer amid studies showing that the tests can miss the deadliest forms of the disease, and in some cases lead to dangerous, unnecessary treatment. The society is working on a new message stressing that cancer screening...

Mammograms May Lead to Overtreatment: Study

But screening can't determine danger; many treated unnecessarily

(Newser) - One-third of breast cancers that show up on mammograms may be essentially harmless, meaning that treating every tumor causes unnecessary trauma, a five-nation study suggests. A mammogram doesn't reveal whether a cancer is lethal or harmless, so all get treated when some could be merely monitored, the BBC reports. The...

Study May Help Mastectomy Dilemma

Research identifies factors likely to imperil second breast

(Newser) - Researchers alarmed by a spike in potentially unnecessary double mastectomies have identified three risk factors that might help breast cancer patients make better decisions about whether to have a healthy breast removed, the Houston Chronicle reports. The research was motivated by an earlier study that revealed 80% of women who...

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