arms control

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Putin Says US Forced His Hand on Nuclear Missile Plan

Russian president says missiles banned in late-'80s US-Russia treaty to go into production again

(Newser) - A decades-long halt on Russia's production of shorter- and intermediate-range nuclear-capable missiles has come to an end. Vladimir Putin on Friday called for his country to resume the manufacture of ground-based missiles with a range of between 310 and 3,410 miles, which had been banned in the Intermediate-Range...

In '11th Hour' of Nuclear Pact, an Offer From Putin

Russian president wants to extend treaty for one year, but US has a new ask

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin made a strong call on Friday to save the last existing nuclear arms control pact between his country and the United States, proposing to extend it for at least one year. Putin's statement comes amid conflicting signals from Russian and US diplomats about the fate...

Russia Will Spy on US and Match Its Missiles, Putin Says

INF treaty ended last week

(Newser) - Now that an arms control treaty has been abandoned, Vladamir Putin says he'll keep track of US missile development by spying. If he sees the US building short- and medium-range, land-based nuclear missiles, Russia will build them, too, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Russian president announced his plans...

Reagan, Gorbachev Signed It 32 Years Ago. Now, a Dead Deal

US and Russia both walked away Friday from arms control treaty; US to test new missile

(Newser) - The United States plans to test a new missile in coming weeks that would have been prohibited under a landmark, 32-year-old arms control treaty that the US and Russia ripped up on Friday. Washington and Moscow walked out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty that President Reagan and Soviet leader...

Putin Just Made 'Tit-for-Tat' Move on INF Treaty

Following in US footsteps, Russia's pulling out of treaty now, too, he says

(Newser) - On Friday, the US said it would pull out of a longtime arms-control treaty with Russia; on Saturday, Russia followed suit. There'd been a small window to save the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which had been in place since the end of the Cold War, with Russia still...

'We Must Prepare for a World Without the INF Treaty'

Pompeo announces the US is withdrawing

(Newser) - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Friday that the US is pulling out of a treaty with Russia that's been a centerpiece of arms control since the Cold War. The American withdrawal, expected for months, follows years of unresolved dispute over Russian compliance with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, or...

Russia Has Reportedly Violated Major Nuke Treaty

It's 'testing' Trump, says John McCain

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain says Russia is "testing" President Trump by deploying an operational cruise missile in violation of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty. Officials tell the New York Times that Russia has two battalions of the cruise missile inside the country—one at an operational base and another at...

Iran Balks at 11th Hour, Says Deal Still 'Doable'

Tehran suddenly says it won't ship uranium to Russia

(Newser) - A German foreign minister today cited "some progress and some setbacks" in an 11th-hour attempt to reach a nuclear agreement with Iran in Swiss talks—and those "setbacks" include a seemingly sudden decision by Iran not to ship the bulk of its uranium to Russia as it had...

US Suspects Russia Violated Landmark Treaty

US alleges medium-range missile tests, but doesn't 'formally' declare violation

(Newser) - The US is alleging that Russia has tested a new medium-range cruise missile, in violation of a landmark 1987 arms control deal, the New York Times reported today. While the Obama administration hasn't "formally declared" Russia in violation of the pact, which helped end the Cold War, this...

UN Adopts Landmark Arms Treaty

Most nations back, but Russia, China abstain

(Newser) - The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the first UN treaty regulating the multibillion-dollar international arms trade today, a goal sought for more than a decade to try to keep illicit weapons out of the hands of terrorists, insurgent fighters, and organized crime. The resolution adopting the landmark treaty was approved...

To Keep Libya Missiles Safe, US Has a Plan: Buy Them

In an effort to prevent them from being used against passenger planes

(Newser) - The US is currently trying to clean up an uncomfortable side-effect of Libya’s civil war: The country is now littered with thousands of shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missiles pilfered from Moammar Gadhafi’s weapon caches. Dubbed "Manpads" (short for "Man-Portable Air Defense Systems"), these lightweight missiles pose little...

Nuclear Arms Treaty Clears Biggest Senate Hurdle

Vote to end debate makes passage all but certain tomorrow

(Newser) - It looks like President Obama's full-court press on the New Start treaty will give him his top foreign policy priority of the year. The Senate today voted 67-28 to end debate on the nuclear arms pact with Russia, all but assuring final passage tomorrow. Democrats needed at least nine Republicans...

GOP Support Grows Ahead of START Vote

Scott Brown is on board; Corker, Gregg likely

(Newser) - Things were looking bleak yesterday for the New START arms treaty—but that was yesterday. Following a closed-door meeting, GOP Sen. Scott Brown said he’d vote for the treaty and two other Republicans said they would likely support it, giving supporters enough votes to push it through as voting...

GOP Blindsides Obama, Blocks Russian Arms Treaty

New Start treaty will likely meet a quick end, thanks to Sen. Jon Kyl

(Newser) - President Obama seems likely to end 2010 with one less feather in his cap than he counted on: The new arms control treaty with Russia that numbered among his top foreign policy goals for the year appears to be dead in the water. The White House was "blindsided and...

Obama, Medvedev Sign Off on Nuclear Treaty

Move a step toward repairing US-Russian relations

(Newser) - President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed today to sharp cuts in the nuclear arsenals of both nations in the most comprehensive arms control treaty in two decades. "We have turned words into action," Obama declared. He said the pact, to be signed April 8 in Prague,...

Fashion's Issey Miyake Haunted by Hiroshima
Fashion's Issey Miyake Haunted by Hiroshima

Fashion's Issey Miyake Haunted by Hiroshima

Obama's disarmament talk inspires A-bomb survivor to speak up

(Newser) - Issey Miyake’s clothes are famous for color and exuberance, but the Japanese designer has a tragic past: He survived the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Miyake has declined to talk about the blast, “preferring to think of things that can be created, not destroyed,” he writes in...

Paranoid Russia Poses Big Test for Obama
Paranoid Russia Poses
Big Test for Obama

Paranoid Russia Poses Big Test for Obama

President's trip to Moscow will be hard work, no fun

(Newser) - The last time Barack Obama went to Russia, he and another senator were detained by border guards for hours—and his upcoming trip won't be much fun either, say the editors of the Economist. Russia's economy is beholden to unstable oil and gas prices, the country's mortality rate is spiking,...

Obama, Medvedev to Open New Arms Talks

Obama will meet with Medvedev, announce plan to cut arsenals

(Newser) - President Obama will begin a busy week in Europe tomorrow by announcing that the US and Russia will begin talks to reduce their nuclear arsenals by about a third to 1,500 warheads apiece, the New York Times reports. Obama will meet with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev on the sidelines...

Obama Seeks Deal With Russia to Slash Nuclear Arms

Talks could reduce stockpiles by 80%

(Newser) - President Obama plans to restart aggressive talks with Russia aimed at reducing both nations' nuclear arsenals by 80% to 1,000 warheads each, the Times of London reports. Obama will set up a special White House office to oversee the talks, aimed at forging a treaty to replace the 1991...

Scores Feared Dead in Albanian Explosions

Aged ammunition supply bunker blows; human error possible cause

(Newser) - A series of massive explosions rocked an Albanian army base today, where teams were working to dismantle obsolete Soviet-era munitions, Reuters reports. More than 170 were injured, with at least four confirmed dead. “We do not know the exact number” of casualties, said the prime minister, “but we...

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