medical students

14 Stories

In States With Abortion Bans, This Trend Could Be Bad News

Those states saw greater drops in medical school graduates applying for residencies

(Newser) - Fewer US medical school graduates are applying to residency programs, but the drop is more striking in states that ban abortion compared with other states, the AP reports. Figures released Thursday by the Association of American Medical Colleges showed continuing declines after the group first spotted the difference in an...

$1B Donation to Cover Med School Tuition for All

Ruth Gottesman wants graduates to begin careers free of debt

(Newser) - A former professor at a New York City medical school has given it $1 billion, saying the money should be used to cover tuition for all future students. Ruth Gottesman, 93, studied learning disabilities and operated literacy programs at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, the New ...

Med Students Walk Out of Own Induction Ceremony

U of Michigan students were protesting pro-life speaker Kristin Collier

(Newser) - Dozens of incoming medical students at the University of Michigan walked out of their induction ceremony last weekend in protest of a keynote speaker who opposes abortion. Dr. Kristin Collier, an assistant professor of medicine who directs the medical school's program on health, spirituality and religion, has expressed her...

Woman Pays $600, Flies 1K Miles to Vote

Med student Kaela Bynoe flew home to Florida from Baltimore after absentee ballot failed to show

(Newser) - Voters are heading out in record droves to cast their ballots in the 2020 election, but one medical student showed extra determination over the weekend to have her voice heard. Per NBC Miami , Kaela Bynoe, a first-year student at Johns Hopkins University's School of Medicine in Baltimore, became concerned...

Italy Pushes Graduating Doctors Into Service Before Final Exams

New physicians will free up experienced colleagues to treat COVID-19 patients

(Newser) - The worsening toll of COVID-19 in Italy has prompted the government to allow medical school graduates to bypass final exams and begin working immediately. The new graduates, entering service eight or so months ahead of schedule, will be assigned to senior homes and the clinics of general practitioners, Reuters reports....

For First Time, a Big Gender Shift for Med Students

After steady rise over past few years, women now make up the majority of US medical students

(Newser) - Some research has shown that female patients fare better when seen by women doctors, per Today —which means the latest news out of the Association of American Medical Colleges this week may put many ladies' minds at ease. For the first time ever, the majority of students—50.5%...

Med School Is on Us, Cornell Decides

School will cover all costs for anyone qualifying for financial aid

(Newser) - Student debt is a burden for many college graduates. For new doctors, the need to repay loans can drive them to higher-paying specialties rather than family medicine. "We have been planning, strategizing, and raising money" to address the student debt issue, says the dean of Cornell University's medical...

Doctors Who Agree to Serve the Poor Can Have Loans Paid Off

California writes its first checks in $340M program

(Newser) - As a remedy for its shortage of physicians, California has begun paying off the medical school debt of doctors who commit to making low-income Medi-Cal patients 30% of their caseload. The five-year commitment could suppress doctors' pay at the beginning of their careers, Forbes reports, but erase debt that can...

Students Sue College Over Vaginal Exams

Women say Valencia College retaliated when they complained about ultrasounds

(Newser) - Medical students sometimes perform procedures on fellow students in a practice known as "peer physical examination." But as the Orlando Sentinel notes, groups such as the US National Library of Medicine say clearer guidelines are needed. This lawsuit might speed things along: Two medical diagnostic students have sued...

How Seinfeld Is Teaching Psychiatry to Medical Students

Professor has trainees offer psychiatric evaluations of characters

(Newser) - Sure, it's no Sesame Street, but it turns out Seinfeld can be very educational. Its characters show signs of a range of psychiatric problems, and it's up to Rutgers medical students to diagnose them. Twice a week, professor Anthony Tobia has his students—who number about 150 a...

We Need to Shorten Time It Takes to Become a Doctor

Slate columnist thinks 14 years is too long

(Newser) - We're going to need more doctors in coming years, but our current system of producing them is too long and expensive, writes Brian Palmer in Slate . Factor in college, medical school, and the requisite fellowships and residencies, and the average US physician spends 14 years in training. That's...

Dark Knight Suspect Was Grad Student

James Holmes' apartment filled with booby traps: police

(Newser) - The 24-year-old accused of a movie theater shooting rampage was attending medical school until just last month, says a rep for the University of Colorado. The spokeswoman didn't know why James Holmes dropped out of the university, the AP reports. He lived in an apartment building exclusive to med...

Once a Pro-Lifer, She'll Soon Perform Abortions

Med student details what changed her mind

(Newser) - Rozalyn Farmer Love grew up Catholic, taught that abortions are categorically wrong. But the third-year medical student delved into women's health, meeting women in agonizing situations along the way, and realized that although "ending an unwanted pregnancy is a tragedy," it's far worse to deny "safe, competent...

Med School Will Stop Killing Dogs
Med School
Will Stop
Killing Dogs

Med School Will Stop Killing Dogs

Heart studies using live canines set to end next month

(Newser) - The last US medical school to sacrifice dogs so doctors-in-training can examine their beating hearts will end the practice next month, reports the New York Times. Medical students typically use echocardiograms to study hearts, and the subjects are live medical students. Students will “become just as good doctors without"...

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