Anglican Church

Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev 

Gay Episcopal Bish Weds Partner

Civil union in church with 20-year partner

(Newser) - New Hampshire's openly gay Episcopal bishop has tied the knot with his longtime partner in a civil union. Undercover police were among the 120 guests at the private ceremony in case of trouble, reports the Concord Monitor. The civil ceremony by a justice uniting Bishop Gene Robinson and his partner...

Aussie Anglican Won't Make Nice for Papal Visit

Cleric has no beef with controversial government funding

(Newser) - An influential Anglican cleric won’t be welcoming Pope Benedict to Australia with open arms. But the outspoken dean of Sydney, whose brother is the city's archbishop, says he has no trouble with the public funding that's going toward the pontiff's July visit. Phillip Jensen says he won’t be...

Zimbabwe Police Wage War on Anglican Church

Services broken up for three Sundays straight

(Newser) - Zimbabwe riot police stormed an Anglican service this week, swinging batons to clear the pews, even striking a grandmother who bent to retrieve a fallen Bible. It wasn’t the first time, the New York Times reports. For three straight Sundays, Zimbabwe’s rulers have sent police to break up...

British Cleric to Pope: Party On!
British Cleric to Pope: Party On!

British Cleric to Pope: Party On!

Archbishop of York knows Bavarian pontiff likes brew

(Newser) - An Anglican archbishop from the land of Monty Python brought Pope Benedict a hoppy Holy Grail this month, reports the Guardian. Archbishop of York John Sentamu had heard that Benedict liked Black Sheep, so he brought along the British ale and a custom brew dubbed Holy Grail to his audience...

Conservative Anglicans Plan Splinter Summit

US bishop blasts gay clergy cover-ups

(Newser) - Widening the Anglican gay divide, conservative leaders unveiled plans today for a summit to challenge the traditional Lambeth conference this summer, the Guardian reports. Planners of the Global Anglican Future Conference wrote on their website that Anglicans are "divided into liberal and conservative factions" and will likely splinter over...

Catholics Now No. 1 in Britain
Catholics Now No. 1 in Britain

Catholics Now No. 1 in Britain

Anglicans second to Catholicism for first time in 400 years

(Newser) - For the first time in 400 years, Catholicism has more adherents than the Church of England in Great Britain, the Sunday Telegraph reports. Immigrants from Eastern Europe and Africa have filled the pews of Catholic churches, while attendance at Anglican Sunday services has dipped 20% since 2000, according to a...

Chicago Episcopalians Pass on Lesbian Bishop

But new bish calls for 'full inclusion' of gays

(Newser) - Chicago’s Episcopal Diocese today passed up lesbian Tracey Lind for its bishop post, instead electing popular Midwest-native Jeffrey Lee. But Lee is a firm supporter of gay inclusion, much to conservatives’ chagrin. “I believe God is calling us to full inclusion of gays and lesbians in ministry of...

Blair to Convert to Catholicism
Blair to Convert to Catholicism

Blair to Convert to Catholicism

Long-rumored move expected in next few weeks

(Newser) - Tony Blair will officially become a Catholic in the next few weeks, a Catholic newspaper says, after years of signing off on Anglican appointments as prime minister. The conversion isn't a shock—Blair often attended Mass with his Catholic wife and child. But the Church of England’s official status,...

Episcopalians Affirm Gay Rights Stand
Episcopalians Affirm Gay Rights Stand

Episcopalians Affirm Gay Rights Stand

But pledge 'restraint' in naming gay bishops to avoid schism

(Newser) - Episcopal leaders wrapping up their meeting in New Orleans yesterday pledged to “exercise restraint” in selecting gay bishops and blessing same-sex marriages, but declined to disavow either practice. The move was designed to appease Anglicans, who sought a ban. “This is a ‘try to keep your foot...

Blair to Convert to Catholicism
Blair to Convert to Catholicism

Blair to Convert to Catholicism

Being Anglican was politically expedient, but the PM's been drawn to the Roman church for 30 years

(Newser) - Tony Blair is about to become a Roman Catholic, the Guardian reports. His wife is a practicing Catholic, his children were raised in the faith, and the PM has attended mass with them often. But political considerations have kept him officially Anglican all these years. With his last day in...

Desmond Tutu to Anglicans: Get Over It

Church should attend to AIDS, corruption, Darfur—not gay priests

(Newser) - Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu called on Africa's Anglican church to let go of what he called its "extraordinary obsession" with gay priests and same-sex marriage.  The church should, instead, be paying attention to the crises caused by AIDS, Darfur and Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe's corruption. 

Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev 
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