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There's a New Best Airline in the World

Qatar Airways comes in at No. 1 on list

(Newser) - Air New Zealand has been dethroned. is out with its annual list of the world's top airlines, and the new victor for 2024 is Qatar Airways. Thrillist notes that "the standards are high" to make it to the top of the list, put together by five...

Qantas Flight Issues Mayday Call Over Pacific

Plane ultimately landed safely

(Newser) - A Qantas flight traveling from New Zealand to Sydney landed safely after it issued a mayday call following an engine problem over the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday, the AP reports. Qantas Flight 144 landed at Sydney Airport from Auckland after a 3.5-hour flight between the neighboring nations' most populous...

Qantas Announces Big Move Against 'Tyranny of Distance'

Airline will offer direct flights from Sydney to London, New York starting in 2025

(Newser) - The journey from Sydney to London once took nearly 60 hours and consisted of seven stops along the way. Now, an update from Qantas on that front, via what it calls its "Project Sunrise." Australia's flagship airline announced Monday that in 2025 it will debut a nonstop...

This Is the Safest Airline in the World

Air New Zealand takes top spot in's annual ranking

(Newser) - People are flying again, though the current COVID surge has put a damper on many a winter vacation. If you're going to fly, though, you'll want to make sure your airline of choice is following best practices for safety—which is why's latest ranking comes...

Here Are the World's Best Airlines
Here Are the World's
Best Airlines

Here Are the World's Best Airlines

Qatar Airways takes the top spot

(Newser) - It's been a "less than regular" year for aviation, per CNN Travel , but there's definitely been more travel this year than last. For its annual airlines ranking, Skytrax did something a little different: Its customer survey, which asked about the performance and quality of more than 350...

Airline: We'll Tell You Where You're Going, Just Before You Land

Qantas resumes 'mystery flights' for Australian passengers

(Newser) - Australia's flag carrier has just the thing for people desperate to get away, so long as they don't care where they're going. In the hope of boosting the beleaguered tourism industry amid international travel restrictions, Qantas is asking Australian passengers to hop aboard one of three "...

Airline Boss Says Vaccination Will Be Required to Fly

'I think that's going to be a common thing,' Qantas CEO says

(Newser) - Qantas has become the first major airline to confirm that it won't be allowing unvaccinated passengers on board after coronavirus vaccines become widely available. Alan Joyce, the Australian airline's chief executive, says vaccines will be a "necessity" for international travelers when air travel starts to return to...

It's a Flight to 'Nowhere' and It Sold Out in 10 Minutes

Qantas bills the Oct. 10 flight as a scenic one

(Newser) - If you've been missing air travel, Qantas has an option for you. Or, had. The airline announced a 7-hour scenic "flight to nowhere" over Australia—and says it sold out in 10 minutes. "It's probably the fastest selling flight in Qantas history," Qantas CEO Alan...

Airline Makes Huge Cuts as It Tries to Survive the Pandemic

Qantas says it will take years to recover

(Newser) - Qantas plans to cut at least 6,000 jobs and keep 15,000 more workers on extended furloughs as Australia's largest airline tries to survive the coronavirus pandemic. Qantas announced a plan Thursday to reduce costs by billions of dollars and raise fresh capital, the AP reports. The plan...

Airline Backs Flight Attendant Accused of Racism

Qantas says it was a 'misunderstanding'

(Newser) - says he was singled out by an "overly aggressive" Qantas flight attendant because he is black. The Australian airline says it was all a "misunderstanding"—and it will support the attendant if she wants to take legal action against him. The Black Eyed Peas...

Qantas Tests 19.5-Hour Flight
Qantas Tests 19.5-Hour Flight

Qantas Tests 19.5-Hour Flight

London-Sydney flight equaled distance record airline set in 1989

(Newser) - Australia’s national carrier Qantas on Friday successfully completed a 19.5-hour non-stop flight from London to Sydney, which was used to run a series of tests to assess the effects of ultra long-haul flights on crew fatigue and passenger jetlag. The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner took off from London’s...

Boeing's New Problem: Planes Are Cracking

Up to 50 737NG planes have been grounded

(Newser) - It's been a rough week for Boeing as its CEO was grilled by a Senate committee about deadly issues with the company's 737 Max jets and told to quit by the mother of a crash victim. And Thursday didn't make it any better: Boeing announced cracks had...

Airline Plans Longest Direct Flights Ever

Qantas will put people on a plane for 19 hours

(Newser) - Think you've been on long flights? Qantas plans to test the first-ever 19-hour commercial flights from New York to Sydney and London to Sydney and monitor how the human body endures, the Guardian reports. Crew and 40 test passengers will be given wearable technology to measure sleep, food-and-drink intake,...

Traveling in 2019? These Airlines Are the Safest Bet reveals its top safety picks of 405 airlines

(Newser) - The world's safest airline for 2019 is also the industry's most experienced, according to . The website, which monitors the safety records of 405 airlines worldwide, considered industry and government audits; crash and incident reports; profitability; safety initiatives; and fleet age in coming up with the 20...

Australia Seizes American Basketball Star's Pet Dog

He's the latest to run afoul of quarantine laws

(Newser) - An American basketball player who flew into Brisbane with his French bulldog placed inside his hand luggage has run afoul of Australia's quarantine laws. Brisbane Bullets recruit Lamar Patterson was briefly detained after landing in Brisbane on Thursday with his dog, Kobe. The 27-year-old Patterson, who played for the...

LAX Flight Plunges Into Nosedive
LAX Flight Plunges
Into Nosedive

LAX Flight Plunges Into Nosedive

A380 aircraft runs into terrifying 'wake turbulence'

(Newser) - A Qantas flight from Los Angeles to Melbourne plummeted into a 10-second nosedive a few days ago that left passengers terrified, Australia's News Network reports. Seems flight QF94 ran into a "vortex" or "wake turbulence" caused by a flight that had left two minutes before. "It...

Dreamliner Just Landed a Historic Flight

Qantas' monster 17-hour flight makes it nonstop between Australia and Britain

(Newser) - The maiden flight of a new nonstop regular passenger service between Australia and Britain has touched down at London's Heathrow Airport, reports the AP . The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, operated by Qantas Airways, arrived Sunday in London just over 17 hours after setting off from the western Australian city of...

Flier Checks Single Can of Beer as Only Luggage

'He's won the internet'

(Newser) - Dean Stinson—as Perth Now reports—says it was the greatest moment of his life: seeing his single can of Emu Export beer arriving safe and sound at baggage claim. "There she was, alone on the carousel proudly making her way around," he tells Unilad . "It was...

New Flight From Australia to London May Be Record-Breaker

Qantas plans 17-hour nonstop journey from Perth

(Newser) - Qantas' course from the UK to Australia has long been known as the "Kangaroo Route" as it means bouncing around to various places including Singapore and Dubai. But not for long. The Australian airline says it will be the first to offer non-stop 17-hour flights from Perth to London...

Here Are the World's 5 Best Airlines

Congrats, New Zealand mates

(Newser) - "Get Lucky" could very well be New Zealand's theme song, at least when it comes to its national airline. CNN reports that for the fourth time, Air New Zealand has captured first place in's 2017 Airline Excellence Awards , which rated airlines around the world on...

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