
10 Stories

Exec's Videos on Work Culture Cause Uproar in China

Baidu exec accused of glorifying overwork, showing no empathy for colleagues

(Newser) - The head of public relations at China's biggest search engine may be out of a job after posting a series of videos that were seen as glorifying overwork and the harsh treatment of subordinates. Baidu exec Qu Jing caused a PR crisis for the company with the videos posted...

Public's Wait for 'Ernie Bot' Will Be a Bit Longer

China's Baidu decided last second to nix chatbot's public launch in lieu of 'closed-door' meeting

(Newser) - Monday was set to be the day when Baidu, China's largest search engine operator, showcased its new "Ernie Bot" via livestream to the media and general public, focusing on how the AI-driven chatbot worked with a smart cloud product. The South China Morning Post reports there was an...

'Smart Chopsticks' Can Detect Bad Food

Chinese invention started out as April Fool's joke

(Newser) - In a country with as many tainted food scandals as China, using "smart chopsticks" could be a pretty wise move. Baidu, the Internet giant nicknamed "China's Google," unveiled the utensils at its annual conference in Beijing this week, explaining that they could detect tainted products like...

Facebook Looking for Way Into China: Report

Social networking site currently censored there, but in talk with partners

(Newser) - Facebook is in talks with would-be partners about ways it could gain access to the millions of Chinese people just dying to friend someone. The talks are in preliminary stages, and might not amount to anything, sources tell Bloomberg . Right now, Facebook is censored in China, as are Twitter, YouTube,...

China's Top Search Engine Is Piracy Hub: US provides links to illegal sites, says report

(Newser) - The US has listed China's top search engine—one of the 10 most popular websites in the world—as one of the most "notorious markets" for pirated software and media, Reuters reports., the most popular website within China, was again singled out by the US trade representative's...

Zuckerberg Spotted in China
Zuckerberg Spotted
in China

Zuckerberg Spotted in China

Facebook founder tours country's leading search firm

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg is visiting what could be Facebook's final frontier. His social networking site is banned in China but Zuckerberg himself was welcomed on a visit to the offices of Baidu, the country's leading—and heavily censored—search engine, AP reports. Baidu's communications director says rumors that Baidu is considering...

Common Misperceptions About the China-Google Spat
Common Misperceptions About the China-Google Spat

Common Misperceptions About the China-Google Spat

Google has failed? Only if tripling market share means failure

(Newser) - With misinformation flying about the Google-China spat, Sky Canaves clears up some of the larger points for the Wall Street Journal :
  • Google has failed in China: Only if you consider boosting its market share from 13% to 36%, and while “Google doesn’t say if it’s profitable in

China Lashes Out at Search Engines Over Porn

Tries to crackdown on 'vulgar' content

(Newser) - China is accusing Google, local rival Baidu, and other top search engines and Web portals of threatening public morals by linking to porn and other “vulgar” content, the Financial Times reports. Such Web censorship campaigns aren’t uncommon in China, but this is the first time it’s gone...

Google Tries Free Music in China
Google Tries Free Music in China

Google Tries Free Music in China

Revolutionary model could help GOOG face down a local rival

(Newser) - In an effort to compete with search rival Baidu, Google will join with music companies to offer free music downloads in China. The hometown search engine, which has 60% of the local market to Google’s 25%, has long hosted free searches for unlicensed music downloads, and piracy has largely...

Quite Literally, Chinese Aren't Saying 'Google'

Language barrier keeps search engine a bit player in big market

(Newser) - "Google" is a verb in many dictionaries, but the challenge of pronouncing it in Chinese has spelled trouble for the planet’s biggest search engine. "G-O-O-G-L-E is not a normal Chinese spelling and people don't pronounce it right," one Google exec tells Bloomberg of China, where the...

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