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Best Thing for GOP Is if Tea Party Splits With It

David Frum thinks 'extremism' is killing the party's political prospects

(Newser) - Former Bush I speechwriter David Frum has a few words for Tea Party politicians who might be considering a split from the GOP to form a third party: Good riddance. Such a split might be the only hope for the party's long-term chances, writes Frum at CNN . Tea Party...

Hey, GOP: You Don&#39;t Want Cruz, You Want Rubio
Hey, GOP: You Don't Want Cruz, You Want Rubio

Hey, GOP: You Don't Want Cruz, You Want Rubio

Rubio's the real threat, but he's being eclipsed: Peter Beinart

(Newser) - Marco Rubio is the person the Republicans should want on their presidential ticket come 2016: Upon reading both Rubio's memoir and a biography of the Florida senator, Peter Beinart was left "with the queasy feeling many Republicans must have had when they began reading Obama books in 2007...

Why Attacks on Hillary's Age Will Never Work

No matter how old she is, she's the candidate for youth: Michael Tomasky

(Newser) - The GOP's new plan of attack against Hillary Clinton, assuming she runs for president in 2016: Go after her age. A New York Times article revealed the strategy yesterday, with Karl Rove explaining the basic idea: "We're at the end of [Clinton's] generation and ... it's...

Dear Republicans: No One Cares About These Scandals

Charlie Cook: Polls indicate actual voters don't care about Benghazi or the IRS

(Newser) - So-called "scandals" like Benghazi, the IRS, and AP phone record seizures have dominated political discourse in recent weeks. And yet, polls find Obama's approval rating hasn't wavered. Maybe these issues will eventually gain traction with voters, says Charlie Cook in the National Journal —but maybe regular...

Christie Snub Proves GOP Loves Crazy, Unelectable Candidates

Republicans embrace losing as sign of 'purity:' Roger Simon

(Newser) - The GOP seems determined to embrace "crazy" candidates while eschewing moderates who could actually win national elections, writes Roger Simon on Politico . Take the recent snub of Chris Christie, who was not invited to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Who was invited? Such "winners" as Sarah...

Republicans, It&#39;s Time for a &#39;Second GOP&#39;
Republicans, It's Time
for a 'Second GOP' 
David Brooks

Republicans, It's Time for a 'Second GOP'

David Brooks thinks the current party mindset is too far gone to fix

(Newser) - Republicans these days are talking a good game about the need to reform—witness Bobby Jindal's plea to stop being the "stupid party." But David Brooks in the New York Times says so far it's been more about sloganeering than actual reform. In fact, he thinks...

Well Played, John Boehner: GOP Beats a Wise Retreat

Doyle McManus: House Republicans' move was 'unexpectedly impressive'

(Newser) - Democrats might be gloating about the decision by John Boehner and House Republicans to back off from the debt-ceiling fight, but Doyle McManus thinks they should be a little worried, too. Boehner, after all, engineered an "unexpectedly impressive" retreat: His lieutenants fell in line and the Tea Party contingent...

The GOP Needs a Voice
 The GOP Needs a Voice 

The GOP Needs a Voice

Mitch McConnell and John Boehner won't cut it, Daniel Henniger argues

(Newser) - President Obama's press conference this week drew front-page coverage from all the major papers, but Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's responses were buried. "Media bias? No, media reality," writes Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal . "It isn't that no one is listening to...

Republicans Need Colin Powell
 Republicans Need Colin Powell 
Joe Scarborough

Republicans Need Colin Powell

Joe Scarborough: Embrace Powell, or party may not survive

(Newser) - Colin Powell's criticism of the GOP Sunday did not go over well with many members of his party—but Joe Scarborough thinks moderate, electable Powell is exactly what Republicans need. As the late William F. Buckley put it, conservatives need to take reality into account. Or as Scarborough puts...

112th Congress Punts on Sandy Aid Bill

Boehner sparks outrage by tabling vote on $60.4B in FEMA aid

(Newser) - The 112th Congress may have squeaked through a deal on the fiscal cliff , but shortly afterward John Boehner announced that it won't be voting on a $60.4 billion FEMA aid package for victims of Hurricane Sandy, reports USA Today . Though the Senate passed the bill and the House...

Jim DeMint Was Never a Legislator
 Jim DeMint 
 Was Never 
 a Legislator 
OPINION roundup

Jim DeMint Was Never a Legislator

He'll have just as much influence out of the Senate, two writers say

(Newser) - Jim DeMint has figured out something important, writes Steve Kornacki on Salon : In today's GOP, you don't need to hold an office in order to have power. When he leaves the Senate and starts running the conservative Heritage Foundation, his "power won't wane at all—and,...

Half of Republicans Say ACORN Stole the Election
Half of Republicans Say ACORN Stole the Election
survey says

Half of Republicans Say ACORN Stole the Election

Interesting, considering ACORN shut down: Public Policy Polling

(Newser) - A post-election poll by Public Policy Polling finds that 49% of Republican voters think now-defunct community organization group ACORN stole the election, causing an Obama win. That's down from 52% who believed the same in 2008. "This is a modest decline, but perhaps smaller than might have been...

GOP's Problem: It Fixed Crime Too Well

Republicans need a new issue: Charles Lane

(Newser) - Republicans used to own the War on Crime. The public's fear of crime and desire for a crackdown contributed to victories for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George HW Bush. But then Bill Clinton adopted stricter policies, and President Obama has done basically nothing to change them—meaning the...

Why the Earth&#39;s Age Does, Actually, Matter in Politics
Why the Earth's Age Does, Actually, Matter in Politics
paul krugman

Why the Earth's Age Does, Actually, Matter in Politics

Paul Krugman: Republican Party becoming increasingly 'anti-rational'

(Newser) - When Marco Rubio deflected a question about the Earth's age recently, the Florida senator argued that such issues have nothing to do with politics—but he's wrong, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Let's not forget that Rubio himself once "provided powerful aid to...

Soul-Searching in GOP? Don&#39;t Believe It
 Soul-Searching  in GOP?  
 Don't Believe It 
paul krugman

Soul-Searching in GOP? Don't Believe It

Paul Krugman doesn't buy the talk about 'new Republicans'

(Newser) - Political chatter has it that some "new Republicans" are emerging in the wake of Mitt Romney's loss, a group willing to budge on economic and social issues, writes Paul Krugman at his blog in the New York Times . Don't believe it for a second, he adds. "...

Don&#39;t Expect GOP to Change
 Don't Expect GOP to Change 

Don't Expect GOP to Change

It won't alter policies, it'll just rebrand: Alex Pareene

(Newser) - Now that Mitt Romney's out of the game, we're hearing a lot of Republicans say it's time for the party to change its ways. But Alex Pareene, writing for Salon , says we should be wary of that old trick. He points to a recent Politico interview with...

Gingrich: GOP Needs to 'Stop Talking,' Start Thinking

Newt Gingrich on the future of the Republican Party

(Newser) - In a less-than-subtle column for Politico , Newt Gingrich blasts the GOP for being downright "wrong" about pretty much everything from voter turnout to the best advertising messages to "the makeup of the electorate." Bottom line: "Republicans spent more and achieved less than Democrats in 2012,"...

For Stumbling Fox, Megyn Kelly Is a Hero

She's smart, telegenic, and skips the GOP cheerleading: Noreen Malone

(Newser) - Fox News may still be licking its wounds after Karl Rove's " bizarre" moment on election night, but Megyn Kelly proved why she might just be the network's salvation, writes Noreen Malone at the New Republic . She was the shining star Tuesday night when she challenged Rove and...



A list of the red states in this year's election

(Newser) - The AP reported that Mitt Romney was feeling pretty optimistic about his chances tonight, so much so that he had written a 1,118-word victory speech—and hadn't prepared a concession speech. But the win went to Obama, though Romney managed to take the following states and 206 Electoral...

How We Could End Up With a Romney-Biden Administration

And other quirky Election Day facts

(Newser) - Why vote on a Tuesday? What's with the elephant and the donkey? What happens if there's a tie? CNN takes on these common election questions, in case you need some distraction from the nail-biting race:
  • Election Day: The archaic rule scheduling Election Day on a Tuesday in November

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