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NATO Not Buying Russia's Turkish-Airspace Story

Turkey incursion was no accident, alliance's chief says

(Newser) - Russia is rapidly stepping up its involvement in Syria, and NATO is worried—especially by Russian violation of Turkish airspace . NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters Tuesday that he doesn't believe Moscow's claim that the incursions on a NATO member's airspace were a mistake, reports Reuters...

Russia-NATO War Games Run Risk of Actual War

Military exercises between Cold War rivals could spur real conflict: report

(Newser) - Like a game of Risk, Russia and NATO have not only been suspiciously eying each other in recent months, but also conducting military exercises in border areas that the Washington Post says are making Europe "a region of high military drama." Now a UK-based think tank is warning...

NATO Holds 5th-Ever Emergency Meeting

Turkey requests rare meeting on ISIS threat

(Newser) - For just the fifth time in its 66-year history, NATO ambassadors will meet in an emergency session today to gauge the threat ISIS poses to Turkey and the debated actions Turkish authorities are taking in response. The extraordinary meeting at NATO headquarters was requested by Turkey under Article 4 of...

NATO Airstrike Accidentally Kills 7 Afghan Soldiers

Strike hit 2 military checkpoints; officials cite 'bad coordination'

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike hit two Afghan military checkpoints today in a restive province about 30 miles east of the capital, Kabul, killing at least seven Afghan troops in what an Afghan official describes as an accident. Five troops were also wounded in the early morning strike in Logar province's...

After US Move, Putin Vows to Ramp Up Nukes

NATO slams him for 'nuclear sabre-rattling'

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin is being accused of "sabre-rattling," which isn't all that unusual, except in this case it involves nuclear weapons. The Russian leader said today that Moscow would add at least 40 ICBMs to its nuclear arsenal this year, reports Reuters . The announcement comes after the US...

US Placing Heavy Weapons in Eastern Europe

Historic move meant as a warning to Russia

(Newser) - America is about to make history by storing a slew of weapons, fighting vehicles, and battle tanks in Eastern European and Baltic countries—a clear message to Russia to back off, the New York Times reports. If it happens, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, and maybe Hungary will store...

'Dire' Ukraine Situation Getting Worse: US

Russia 'failing miserably' at peace as Kerry, other world leaders head to Kiev

(Newser) - Despite Vladimir Putin's posturing for a peaceful resolution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict , a senior US State Department official says Eastern Ukraine's security position is "dire" and Russia is "failing miserably" in its peace efforts, CNN reports. The official spoke today on John Kerry's plane as...

Greek F-16 Crash in Spain Exercise Kills 10

Another 13 injured in NATO training exercise accident

(Newser) - A Greek F-16 fighter jet crashed into other planes on the ground during NATO training in southeastern Spain today, killing at least 10 people, Spain's Defense Ministry says. Another 13 people were injured in the incident at the Los Llanos base, which sent flames and a plume of black...

US, NATO Ceremonially End Afghan Combat Mission

Flag has been lowered but fighting will go on

(Newser) - The US and NATO have ceremonially ended their combat mission in Afghanistan, 13 years after the 9/11 attacks sparked their invasion of the country to topple the Taliban-led government. NATO's International Security Assistance Force Joint Command, which was in charge of combat operations, lowered its flag today, formally ending...

'Dangerous Game of Brinkmanship Being Played'

Report finds 40 incidents between Russia, West recorded in past 8 months

(Newser) - Russian and NATO armed forces have been testing each other's air might since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. But in the past eight months alone, as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine mounted, 40 dangerous or sensitive incidents have been reported—a jump that puts engagement at Cold...

Spooked NATO Intercepts Sudden Slew of Russia Jets

NATO countries intercept 19 planes in 24 hours

(Newser) - It's not clear what Vladimir Putin might be up to, but reports of a possible Russian sub spotted off Sweden are now followed by those of NATO, which says it yesterday intercepted at least 19 Russian fighter jets and bombers flying in three separate directions outside Russian airspace. Eight...

Afghan Suicide Bomber Waited 'Long Time' to Kill Troops

3 coalition soldiers dead in attack near US embassy

(Newser) - A suicide bomber in Kabul waited "a long time" for NATO troops to approach his explosives-packed car, says a Taliban spokesman; the eventual blast killed three coalition soldiers this morning, the Washington Post reports. Five others were wounded, the New York Times reports. The bomber targeted a two-vehicle convoy...

On Deck at NATO Summit: ISIS, Ukraine

World leaders will also discuss the current mission in Afghanistan

(Newser) - A NATO summit today in Wales originally meant to focus on the ongoing Ukraine crisis will shift gears to include high-level discussions on the American- and British-led push to address ISIS, reports the New York Times . President Obama and British PM David Cameron penned a joint letter in the Times ...

Putin: I&#39;ve Got a Peace Plan
 Putin: I've Got a Peace Plan 

Putin: I've Got a Peace Plan

He unveils proposal amid skepticism, NATO summit

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin insists that he and Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko have agreed on the broad strokes of a peace plan, reports Reuters . But confusion and skepticism abound, especially because NATO is about to start a summit in which it will consider new sanctions against Moscow, along with a rapid-reaction military...

NATO Plans 'Rapid Reaction' Force to Counter Russia

Moscow warns of 'new military doctrine'

(Newser) - Tough talk as NATO-Russia relations continue to deteriorate: NATO leaders, who meet in the UK later this week, are planning a "rapid reaction" force that can deploy to Russia's worried Eastern European neighbors within 48 hours, reports the New York Times . The "spearhead" force would have a...

Map Shows Russians What's Russia, What's Not

Canadian NATO delegation fires tweet at Mother Russia

(Newser) - Canadian officials had a message for Vladimir Putin this week: Here's where Russia isn't. NATO delegates from Canada tweeted a simplified map Wednesday that delineates Russia's borders, calling Russia "Russia" and Ukraine (including the Crimean region) "not Russia," the AP reports. "Geography can...

Ukraine Prez Dissolves Parliament
Ukraine Prez Dissolves Parliament

Ukraine Prez Dissolves Parliament

Military convoys seen pouring in 'from the direction of Russia'

(Newser) - Ukraine's president today dissolved parliament and called for early elections in October as his country continues to battle a pro-Russian insurgency in its eastern regions. President Petro Poroshenko announced in a statement posted on his website that he has dissolved parliament and called for snap elections on October 26....

Man in Afghan Uniform Kills US General

He would be highest-ranking American officer killed since Vietnam

(Newser) - A man dressed in an Afghan army uniform opened fire today on NATO troops at a military base, killing a US two-star general and wounding some 15 people, among them a German brigadier general and a number of Americans troops, authorities said. The attack at Camp Qargha, a base west...

Pro-Russia Forces Free 1 Western Observer

Seven others have been held since Friday

(Newser) - At least one of the eight European military observers held prisoner by pro-Russia insurgents in eastern Ukraine has been freed. An AP photographer saw the observer get into a car today with representatives of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe and drive away. The released man is a...

Ukraine Rebels Blow Off Deal, Won't Leave

At least not until the government in Kiev does the same

(Newser) - The separatists who've seized government buildings in more than 10 Ukrainian cities say they don't intend to clear out, despite the agreement struck between Russia, the Ukraine, and Western powers yesterday that, among other things, called for those illegally seized buildings to be vacated. "This is a...

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