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These NATO Nations Want to Shore Up Against Russia

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland seek EU funding to build massive border defense network

(Newser) - NATO members Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland will seek European Union funding to build a network of bunkers, barriers, distribution lines, and military warehouses along their borders with Russia and Belarus, Estonia's officials said Saturday. The three Baltic countries initially announced the plan for a "Baltic Defense Line"...

Putin: Missile Deal Would Put West, Russia at War

Russian president warns Western bloc ahead of US-UK summit

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin on Thursday night threatened war between Russia and NATO if the West ends up providing missiles to Ukraine that are used to strike targets inside Russia. "This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are fighting Russia," the Russian president said in...

Security Stepped Up Due to 'Potential Threat' at NATO Base

Nonessential staff at air base in Germany sent home

(Newser) - Security at a NATO air base in western Germany has been raised because of intelligence information pointing to a "potential threat," and all staff not essential to missions have been sent home as a precaution, NATO said. The Geilenkirchen air base, near the border with the Netherlands, is...

As China and Russia Move In, Canada Bolsters Arctic Defense

US, NATO nations back plans for submarines, icebreakers

(Newser) - Global warming is causing sea ice in the Arctic Ocean to melt faster, which opens new shipping routes. That has Canada concerned that Russia and China, which already have stepped up activity in the region, could use the routes for military purposes, as well as trade. NATO allies share the...

After Biden Presser, Dems Are Stuck in 'Special Layer of Hell'

President did ... OK, per reviews, but it may not be enough to stop the calls for him to leave the race

(Newser) - President Biden's "do or die" moment , the press conference in which he had to convince the world he's able to lead the US for four more years, has come and gone . So what's the verdict? It's a mixed bag, with praise for Biden's foreign...

At NATO Presser, All Eyes Will Fall Once More on Biden
It's Do or Die Time for
Biden at NATO Presser

It's Do or Die Time for Biden at NATO Presser

President will again be under the microscope at Thursday night news conference

(Newser) - President Biden is currently on a "media blitz," including a rare solo press conference Thursday evening to cap off a three-day NATO summit. The New York Times calls it a "high-stakes moment," where Biden's "allies, doubters, and enemies will be watching for any evidence...

At NATO Summit, an 'Absolutely Critical' Moment for Biden

US president must prove on the world stage that he's up to the task of continuing for 4 more years

(Newser) - With November's election looming, President Biden is now facing "a week of reckoning," with the NATO summit kicking off Tuesday in DC. That convening may prove to be a "path to at least a temporary reprieve—or this president's last stand," per the BBC...

Guess Which US State Isn't Covered by NATO?

Hawaii, the 50th state to be folded into US isn't technically covered by the pact

(Newser) - Sweden ascended to the ranks of NATO last month, joining the United States and 30 other nations in the intergovernmental military alliance—though the United States isn't exactly 100% "united" on this front. That's because one of the 50 states, Hawaii, isn't covered under the...

Trump Has Plan to End Ukraine War. Ukraine Won't Like It

Former president wants to see Russia gain territory, limited NATO expansion: 'WaPo'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has a plan to stop the war in Ukraine, though Ukraine won't like it. The former president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee has spoken privately about his plan to pressure Ukraine to cede territory to Russia—specifically Crimea and the Donbas border region—in order to bring...

Putin Tries to Reassure NATO
Putin to NATO: We Won't Attack

Putin to NATO: We Won't Attack

Russian president says idea of Russian attack on NATO country is 'nonsense'

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has again denied any intention to invade other countries in Eastern Europe, which might not provide much comfort. As Politico notes, Russian officials also denied Moscow had plans to attack Ukraine in the months before Russia's invasion of the country two years ago. Putin made...

It's Official: We Have a New NATO Member

Sweden officially joins military alliance in blow to Russia's Putin

(Newser) - Sweden on Thursday formally joined NATO as the 32nd member of the transatlantic military alliance, ending decades of post-World War II neutrality as concerns about Russian aggression in Europe have spiked following Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, per the AP . Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and US Secretary of...

In Blow to Putin, Sweden Is Headed for NATO Membership

Hungary proved to be a lengthy holdout, but it finally gives a thumbs-up

(Newser) - Hungary's Parliament voted Monday to ratify Sweden's bid to join NATO, bringing an end to more than 18 months of delays that have frustrated the alliance as it seeks to expand and deal Vladimir Putin a blow in response to Russia's war in Ukraine. The vote, which...

Hungarian Officials Decline to Meet With US Senators

Bipartisan delegation lobbied for ratification of Sweden's NATO bid

(Newser) - A bipartisan delegation of US senators made an official visit to Hungary's capital Sunday and called on the nationalist government to immediately approve Sweden's request to join NATO. Hungary is the only one of NATO's 31 members not to have ratified Sweden's bid. The Hungarian government...

Trump Repeats His Controversial NATO Remarks

Though he didn't repeat his comment about letting Russia do whatever it wants

(Newser) - President Biden said the worst thing about former President Trump's NATO comments is that Trump really means them—and indeed, Trump doubled down on his remarks Wednesday during a campaign rally in South Carolina. He said, once again, that if elected president he wouldn't defend members of...

Biden Blasts 'Dumb,' 'Un-American' Trump Remarks

He says Trump sees NATO as a 'protection racket'

(Newser) - "When America gives its word, it means something," President Biden said Tuesday, blasting Donald Trump's remarks about NATO allies as "dangerous" and "un-American." On Saturday, Trump told a campaign rally in South Carolina that he would encourage Russia to do "whatever the hell...

Estonia Warns of Russian Border Buildup

Country's intelligence service says Kremlin expects clash with NATO within 10 years

(Newser) - "Russia has chosen a path which is a long-term confrontation," the head of Estonia's Foreign Intelligence Service warned Tuesday. Kaupo Rosin said Russia plans to double the number of troops it has stationed near its borders with NATO members in northern Europe, and the "Kremlin is...

NATO Chief Leads Outcry to Trump's Russia Stance
NATO Chief
Leads Outcry
Over Trump's
Russia Stance
the rundown

NATO Chief Leads Outcry Over Trump's Russia Stance

Candidate's comments put nations, troops at risk, secretary-general says

(Newser) - The head of NATO led an international response Sunday denouncing Donald Trump's comment that he would encourage Russia to do "whatever the hell they want" to members of the alliance who, in his view, don't contribute enough money to the collective defense. "Any suggestion that allies...

Finland Sends Ex-Leader to Runoff
Finland Sends
Ex-Leader to Runoff

Finland Sends Ex-Leader to Runoff

Alexander Stubb will meet former foreign minister in race for president

(Newser) - Former Prime Minister Alexander Stubb won the first round of Finland's presidential election on Sunday and will face ex-Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, the runner-up, in a runoff next month. The vote centered on the Nordic nation's new role as a NATO front-line country with Russia and the security...

Sweden Moves Big Step Closer to NATO Membership
Turkey Lifts Hurdle to
Sweden's NATO Membership

Turkey Lifts Hurdle to Sweden's NATO Membership

Hungary is now the only holdout

(Newser) - Turkish legislators on Tuesday endorsed Sweden's membership in NATO, lifting a major hurdle on the previously nonaligned country's entry into the military alliance. The legislators ratified Sweden's accession protocol by 287 votes to 55, with four abstentions. The ratification will come into effect after its publication in...

Putin Rips Biden Warning on Fighting NATO as 'Nonsense'

Finland is problematic, though, Putin says

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has pushed back against President Biden's suggestions that if the invasion of Ukraine succeeds, NATO countries will be attacked next. "Russia has no reason, no interest—no geopolitical interest, neither economic, political nor military—to fight with NATO countries," Putin said. He made...

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