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Marine Accused of 'Stealing' Afghan Baby Has Custody Voided

He's been relying on the custody order to raise the child

(Newser) - A Virginia appellate court ruled Tuesday that a US Marine should never have been granted an adoption of an Afghan war orphan and voided the custody order he's relied on to raise the girl for nearly three years. The decision marked a major turning point in a bitter custody...

Afghan General's Brutality May Have Backfired on US

'New York Times' reports on the legacy of Gen. Abdul Raziq

(Newser) - When the US was in Afghanistan, an Afghan general by the name of Abdul Raziq was seen as one of America's most valuable allies in the fight against the Taliban. On the upside, Raziq was young, brave, smart, and charismatic, and he kept order in crucial Kandahar, the New ...

After Heavy Rains, 300-Plus Dead Amid 'Extensive Devastation'

Flash floods swept through Afghanistan after unusually heavy deluges

(Newser) - Flash floods from unusually heavy seasonal rains in Afghanistan have killed more than 300 people and destroyed upward of 1,000 houses, the UN food agency said Saturday. The World Food Program said it was distributing fortified biscuits to the survivors of one of the many floods that hit Afghanistan...

CNN Pushes Back at Pentagon Account of Kabul Airport Attack

Outlet says new evidence turns over narrative of a lone suicide bomber in Afghanistan

(Newser) - Few claim that the US withdrawal from Afghanistan almost three years ago went smoothly. Now, conflicting accounts of the war's final days are emerging that puts the Pentagon's narrative at odds with others.
  • Bombing: In the late afternoon of Aug. 26, 2021, a blast brought about by an

9 Children Killed After Finding Old Land Mine

It exploded as they played with it in Afghanistan, Taliban says

(Newser) - An old land mine found by children in eastern Afghanistan exploded while they were playing with it, killing nine children, a Taliban spokesman said Monday. The mine, which the children found near their village in Gero district in Ghazni province, was from decades ago, said Hamidullah Nisar, director of the...

What We Know About ISIS-K, Group Behind Moscow Attack

Group considers Taliban rule of Afghanistan too soft

(Newser) - The Islamic State affiliate that said it carried out the killings in Moscow's Crocus City concert hall has been escalating its attacks in other countries as part of its campaign against the Taliban in Afghanistan, analysts say. The idea is to weaken the Taliban's relations with allies and...

Father of Marine Killed in Afghanistan Arrested at SOTU
Charges Dropped
Against SOTU Heckler

Charges Dropped Against SOTU Heckler

Steve Nikoui, father of Marine killed in Afghanistan, reportedly 'thrilled and humbled'

(Newser) - The father of a US service member killed in the 2021 bombing at Kabul's airport is no longer facing charges for heckling President Biden during the State of the Union address, per Fox News . As with other protesters, DC attorney general Brian Schwalb, a Democrat, declined to prosecute Steve...

With Signs of Afghan Looting, 'I Feel As If My Soul Is Dying'

Taliban denies looting at ancient sites despite evidence in satellite images

(Newser) - The Taliban's vow to protect the cultural treasures of Afghanistan may have been little more than lip service, according to researchers, who've uncovered evidence of the widespread bulldozing and looting of ancient sites. The Center for Cultural Heritage Preservation at the University of Chicago used satellite images and...

'It Is Hard to Overstate the Severity of the Situation'

Afghans struggle to feed their families amid UN aid cuts and a looming winter

(Newser) - The UN's World Food Program has had to cut 10 million Afghans off emergency food assistance over the past year due to " a massive funding shortfall ," exacerbating a crisis that will continue to worsen into the winter as snow cuts off supply routes and food and fuel...

'In the Very First Shake All the Houses Collapsed'
'100% of Homes Have
Been Completely Destroyed'

'100% of Homes Have Been Completely Destroyed'

Taliban says earthquakes have killed nearly 3K in western Afghanistan

(Newser) - A series of earthquakes in Afghanistan on Saturday killed nearly 3,000 people, say Taliban officials, with the Guardian reporting that subsequent quakes as strong as 5.9 magnitude hit the area on Monday. "Vans filled with dead bodies are arriving here each minute," said a medic at...

Two Earthquakes Kill Scores in Afghanistan

WHO, local organizations try to reach the injured

(Newser) - Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead but later said the figure was still being verified, the AP reports. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100...

Pakistan Plans to Deport All Illegal Immigrants

That includes 1.7M Afghans

(Newser) - Pakistan will carry out its recently announced plans to deport all illegal immigrants, including 1.7 million Afghans, in a "phased and orderly manner," the foreign ministry said Friday. The statement is likely meant to assuage international concerns and calm fears among Afghan refugees in Pakistan after Islamabad...

Taliban: Women Lose Value if Men See Their Faces

Molvi Mohammad Sadiq Akif says women who spurn hijabs risk 'falling into sin'

(Newser) - Women lose value if men can see their uncovered faces in public, a spokesman for a key ministry of Afghanistan's Taliban government said Thursday, adding that religious scholars in the country agree that a woman must keep her face covered when outside the home. The Taliban, who took over...

Afghan Official: Leaders Want Women Back in College

Decision on lifting the ban is up to Taliban leader

(Newser) - Afghanistan's universities are ready to readmit female students, but the ruling Taliban's leader has the ultimate say on when that might happen—if it happens at all, an education official said Saturday. "All our leaders are in favor" of restarting girls' education, he said, "even our...

Taliban Orders Hair, Beauty Salons to Shut Down

'The Taliban are taking away the most basic human rights from Afghan women'

(Newser) - Afghanistan's Taliban rulers have taken yet another freedom away from the country's women. The Vice and Virtue Ministry has ordered women's hair and beauty salons across the country to close, the BBC reports. An order issued July 2 gave salon owners one month to wind down their...

Security Council Pressures Taliban on Women's Rights

Unanimous vote calls for reversal of prohibitions on employment, education

(Newser) - The Taliban's systematic discrimination against women and girls in Afghanistan has brought a rare instance of unanimity to the UN Security Council. A resolution approved Thursday condemns the bias and demands Afghanistan's leaders overturn their policies prohibiting the education, employment, and full public participation of women and girls....

Taliban Kill Mastermind of Kabul Airport Bombing

2021 suicide bombing killed 13 US service members, 170 Afghans

(Newser) - The Taliban have killed the senior Islamic State group leader behind the August 2021 suicide bombing outside the Kabul airport that left 13 US service members and about 170 Afghans dead, according to the father of a Marine killed in the attack who was briefed Tuesday by military officials. Over...

Afghan Religious Scholars Speak Out on Educating Girls

Taliban minister warns clerics about complaining

(Newser) - Afghan religious scholars on Saturday criticized a ban on educating women and girls, after a key Taliban minister warned clerics not to rebel against the government on the issue. Girls cannot go to school beyond sixth grade in Afghanistan, with the education ban extending to universities . Women are barred from...

After White House Blames Trump on Afghan Exit, He Blasts 'Morons'

Two-year review acknowledges mistakes but blames Trump policies for limiting choices

(Newser) - The chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan should have happened sooner, the White House concedes, though it also places much of the blame for the mess on the Trump administration. After a two-year review, the National Security Council concluded "President Biden's choices for how to execute a withdrawal from...

Taliban Take Radio Station Run by Women Off the Air

Officials accuse the nation's only station operated by women of playing music

(Newser) - A women-run radio station in Afghanistan's northeast has been shut down for playing music during the holy month of Ramadan, a Taliban official said Saturday. Sadai Banowan, which means "women's voice" in Dari, is Afghanistan's only station operated by women. It launched 10 years ago and...

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