International Monetary Fund

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Eurozone Set to Finalize Greece Bailout

Finance ministers inching closer to a $171B deal

(Newser) - Eurozone finance ministers met in Brussels today, in a meeting that they believe will finalize a $171 billion second bailout for Greece, in exchange for roughly $264 billion in Greek government bonds. "I'd like to assume that we will come to a final and definitive agreement tonight,"...

Portugal May Need a 2nd Bailout

Country's troubles likened to Greek crisis

(Newser) - In order to pay back $11.6 billion in debt, Portugal needs to re-enter capital markets next year—and as it stands, that's looking like a tall order. The deadline isn't until September 2013, but the International Monetary Fund could call on the country to release a financial...

Greece Hires Out Ancient Ruins to Raise Cash

The Acropolis, the temple of Delphi, and Parthenon going for $2,070 a day

(Newser) - Debt-stricken Greece is taking an unprecedented step and exploiting its own magnificent history to raise cash and help its crippled economy. The Guardian reports that Greece is offering up its architectural masterpieces, including the Acropolis, the temple of Delphi, and the Parthenon, as backdrops for movies, commercials, and photo shoots—...

Strauss-Kahn Cheered on Return to IMF

Former IMF chief pays staffers farewell visit

(Newser) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn received a warm welcome during his farewell visit to International Monetary Fund headquarters in Washington, DC, yesterday. Hundreds of staffers packed into an auditorium to hear the former IMF chief speak, Reuters reports. "He is very much appreciated in the institution," Brazil's representative on the...

'Act Now' Urges IMF Head, Warning of Recession Risks

'Risk of recession outweighs risk of inflation,' says Lagarde

(Newser) - IMF head Christine Lagarde warned that the world economic recovery is in danger, and called for additional spending to support growth, at a conference for business and economic leaders in Jackson Hole on Saturday, reports Reuters . "The stakes are clear; we risk seeing the fragile recovery derailed. So we...

Lagarde Faces Probe in $400M Deal

Court orders look at $400M arbitration deal

(Newser) - Well, at least there’s no maid involved this time: A special French court has ordered an investigation into newly minted IMF chief Christine Lagarde, over her role in a $400 million arbitration deal with tycoon Bernard Tapie. The much-maligned settlement, awarded in 2008, came after Tapie sued a French...

US Backs Christine LaGarde to Head IMF

 Lagarde Named Head of IMF 

Lagarde Named Head of IMF

Move comes after the US endorsed her

(Newser) - Christine Lagarde has officially been named to replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn to head the IMF, reports the Washington Post . Lagarde's victory became all but guaranteed after the US endorsed her this morning, giving her the explicit support of more than half the votes on the institution's board, the Wall ...

IMF Cyberattack Was by Foreign Government: Source

Hacker collective Anonymous not responsible, says security expert

(Newser) - The cyberattack on IMF was carried out by hackers thought to be connected to a foreign government, not hacker collective Anonymous, according to a security expert familiar with the incident. The hackers removed a “large quantity” of data that included emails and other documents, the source says. Bloomberg obtained...

Israel's Fischer Joins Race for IMF Head

Fischer enjoys strong support from United States, but is late to the race

(Newser) - The race to be the next head of the IMF heated up yesterday, as Bank of Israel governor Stanley Fischer announced he would run for the prestigious position, reports Reuters . Fischer, a former deputy managing director at the IMF, is considered a strong candidate, as he was well liked during...

IMF Has Many Ethics Rules ... for the Little Guys Only

Guidelines really don't apply to top brass

(Newser) - The IMF has gotten tough on ethics over the last four years—well, ethics as they apply to the little guys. In a look at its ethics policy in the wake of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest, the New York Times reports that the fund has tightened the internal methods it...

Christine Lagarde, Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Likely Successor, Is Also His Antithesis: Maureen Dowd
 DSK's Likely 
 Successor Is 
 His Antithesis 

DSK's Likely Successor Is His Antithesis

Christine Lagarde would signal a new era at the IMF

(Newser) - If Dominique Strauss-Kahn presided over a testosterone-fueled, gray-suit clad world of international finance, then it is perhaps no small irony that it's poised to get a zebra-print breath of fresh air in the form of his likely successor. New York Times scribe Maureen Dowd writes a glowing profile of...

IMF Chief Wannabe: I'm 'Firm When People Are Bastards'

Christine Lagarde aims to take over for Strauss-Kahn

(Newser) - With Dominique Strauss-Kahn otherwise engaged , the IMF needs a new boss—and France’s finance minister is planning a world tour to prove she’s best for the job. Christine Lagarde will stop in China, India, and Brazil to offer her platform, which focuses on giving emerging countries more say...

France's Finance Minister Announces Bid to Head IMF

Christine Lagarde will seek to replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn

(Newser) - French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, considered the frontrunner to replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn as head of the IMF, announced today she does in fact want the job. Lagarde is backed by many European countries including Germany and Britain . Yesterday, developing nations issued a statement urging the IMF to abandon its longtime...

Britain, Germany Back Lagarde as New IMF Boss

French finance minister appears to be the frontrunner

(Newser) - When it comes to replacing Dominique Strauss-Kahn at the IMF, French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde appears to be the leading candidate. Britain and Germany are the latest in the chorus of countries calling for her to replace fellow Frenchman Strauss-Kahn, who resigned last week amid charges of sexual assault. German...

Harassment Rampant at IMF, Say Female Employees

Strauss-Kahn arrest dredges up more grievances

(Newser) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn wasn’t the only womanizer at the IMF. The bank’s executives are so notorious around the office that many female employees avoid wearing skirts lest they attract undue attention, the New York Times reports. IMF rules specifically allowed romance between employees until earlier this month, and employees...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Resigns as IMF Head
 Strauss-Kahn Resigns 

Strauss-Kahn Resigns

Jailed IMF chief steps down with immediate effect

(Newser) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn has stepped down as director of the International Monetary Fund. Strauss-Kahn, who is being held in New York's Rikers Island prison on sexual assault charges, denied the charges against him but said he wanted to protect his family and the IMF, reports the New York Times . The...

Pressure Is On for IMF to Replace Strauss-Kahn

Timothy Geithner, others imply he should resign

(Newser) - As Dominique Strauss-Kahn sits in Rikers Island , the pressure on the IMF to replace him as chief is building, the Wall Street Journal reports. Strauss-Kahn is “obviously not in the position to run the IMF,” Timothy Geithner said last night in his first public comments on the incident,...

IMF Boss Picked in Sex Attack Lineup

DNA evidence collected from 'great seducer' Dominique Strauss-Kahn

(Newser) - The Manhattan hotel maid accusing IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault picked him out of a police lineup yesterday, reports the New York Times . Strauss-Kahn was taken to the Manhattan Special Victims Unit in East Harlem where DNA evidence was collected from his skin and beneath his fingernails, authorities...

Afghanistan's Top Bank Faces $900M Losses

Experts fear bank's collapse amid widespread fraud

(Newser) - Kabul Bank might be on the brink of collapse. It's lost as much as $900 million in its fraud and mismanagement scandal , three times more than investigators originally expected, the New York Times reports. Investors and businessmen believe most of that cash wound up in the hands of elite Afghan...

Irish Lawmakers OK $90B Bailout—Barely

Despite cries from opposition, motion passes 81-75

(Newser) - Irish lawmakers have voted to take the $90 billion international bailout fund, an emergency measure designed to keep Europe's debt crisis from getting worse. Prime Minister Brian Cowen won today's motion on an 81-75 vote. He argued that Ireland had no choice but to take loans from the European Union...

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