
Stories 61 - 67 | << Prev 

China Pushes 'Hush Money' on Grieving Quake Parents

Pressured to stop questioning school toll

(Newser) - Officials in China's Sichuan province are buying the silence of parents who lost children in May's devastating earthquake, the New York Times reports. Grieving parents are being pressured to sign agreements accepting $9,000 in compensation if they stop asking questions about why so many schools collapsed. They are told...

Canada Apologizes to Indigenous Groups

Ottawa admits abuse of native cultures

(Newser) - Canada formally apologized to its indigenous peoples yesterday for forcing children to attend government-run schools where they were often sexually and physically abused. Prime Minister Stephen Harper read the apology in Parliament, calling the forced assimilation a "sad chapter" in the nation's history that damaged several generations, the Globe ...

Startup Site Wants to See Your Paycheck gives users dirt on others in exchange for theirs

(Newser) - Ever wonder how much people at Google or Microsoft really make? Just-launched wants to tell you, TechCrunch reports. Essentially, the site collects self-submitted compensation reports and reviews for as many jobs at as many firms as possible. Open to everyone are full details for Googe, Yahoo, Microsoft, and...

Minn., Bridge Victims Strike $38M Compensation Deal

Victims eligible for $400K apiece

(Newser) - Minnesota will establish two funds totaling $38 million to compensate victims of the Minneapolis bridge collapse that killed 13 people last summer, the Star Tribune reports. One pool allows victims up to $400,000 each; the other provides those "extraordinarily impacted" by the collapse with extra funds for medical...

Brits Will Pay $4M to Iraqi Boy Paralyzed by Bullet

Record compensation for teen shot by dropped rifle

(Newser) - Britain's Ministry of Defense has agreed to pay $4 million in compensation to an Iraqi boy accidentally shot by a British soldier, the Guardian reports. The boy, now 17, is paralyzed from severe spinal injuries inflicted when the soldier dropped his rifle at a Basra base in 2003. He is...

Military Death Payments Trouble Families

$500,000 windfalls for next of kin can cause confusion, discord

(Newser) - The military pays $500,000 to the next of kin of every soldier killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, but the sudden injection of cash during a time of grief often throws survivors off balance. Young military spouses can struggle with money management and long-lost friends and relatives sometimes appear asking...

Wall Street Bonuses In for a Fall
Wall Street Bonuses In for a Fall

Wall Street Bonuses In for a Fall

Extra pay could drop in half for some senior bond traders

(Newser) - Wall Street's multi-million-dollar bonuses are likely to take a hit for the first time in five years, with extra pay dropping in half for some senior sellers of mortgage-backed securities, according to the Wall Street Journal. Traders in stocks and commodities are expected to do better than those working with...

Stories 61 - 67 | << Prev 
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