campaign trail

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First Lady Leaves Hubby at Home, Stumps for GOP

President's unpopularity leaves him on the sidelines in final days

(Newser) - There’s just one Bush out on the campaign in this final weekend before the election, and her name ain’t George: First lady Laura Bush, still popular among Republicans, is stumping around the country for GOP candidates, who want big-name help but not attachment to the president’s unpopularity,...

Which City Are We In? Trail Takes Toll on Press, Too

18 months takes a toll on weary and addicted journalists

(Newser) - If you think you're tired of the election, just think about the reporters who've lived it nonstop for nearly two years. CNN's Candy Crowley tells the New Republic she falls asleep between events, pines for a mundane life and trips to the supermarket, and even resorts to leaving herself notes...

Two Distinct Americas Emerge on Campaign Trail

Party faithful split on politics but united in distrust

(Newser) - Vastly different crowds appear at the rallies of the candidates who started their campaigns calling for bipartisan unity, a roving New York Times reporter finds. Republican rallygoers shout to a country-pop soundtrack; the Democratic faithful dance to folk and Motown. Flag pins, pompoms, and patriotic songs define GOP gatherings, while...

How Obama's Grandma Visit Could Help Him

Humanizing move could warm ex-prof's 'aloof' image

(Newser) - Is it risky for Barack Obama to step off the trail so close to the election? No, writes Carl Lavin in Forbes, and here’s why: first, the move humanizes the former law professor, showcasing his “compelling family story.” Second, opponents can’t really attack a guy who’...

Mac Still Taking Weekends Off
Mac Still Taking Weekends Off

Mac Still Taking Weekends Off

But with 29 days to go, neither candidate is exactly galloping to the finish line

(Newser) - There are 29 scant days until Nov. 4, but you might not know there was a tight race for the White House given the leisurely schedules both candidates have been keeping—especially John McCain, reports Politico. McCain and Barack Obama have each been averaging barely more than one campaign event...

Out of the Spotlight, Biden Battles On

The other No. 2 has been pulverizing McCain with gusto in swing states

(Newser) - He may be getting less press attention than Sarah Palin's pets but there's another vice-presidential candidate in this race and he's been blasting John McCain all across the Rust Belt, the New York Times reports. Joe Biden barely mentions Palin in his fiery speeches to crowds of varying size, but...

The Bromance of Mac &amp; Graham
 The Bromance 
 of Mac & Graham 

The Bromance of Mac & Graham

SC senator plays eager foil to Republican nominee's quirks

(Newser) - “While most politicians collect allies, McCain collects followers,” Eve Fairbanks writes in the New Republic, and there’s no better example than Sen. Lindsey Graham, McCain’s “sidekick” and foil in the nation's most prominent “bromance.” McCain’s top stump surrogate is no stranger to...

For Palin, Speech Was Easy Part
 For Palin, Speech 
 Was Easy Part

For Palin, Speech Was Easy Part

Real test: can she woo undecideds?

(Newser) - Sarah Palin earned roars from the primed Republican crowd last night in St. Paul—but it remains to be seen whether she can translate that enthusiasm to undecided voters, writes Adam Nagourney in the New York Times. “It’s more difficult with someone of her background to go on...

Campaign Costly for Secret Service

Department nees $9.5 million more than budgeted, leaders say

(Newser) - The Secret Service has asked for an additional $9.5 million to cover the costs of protecting candidates during this year's campaign—already the longest and costliest in agency history, AP reports. The department had budgeted $107 million, up from $73 million in 2004, but between the marathon primary season,...

No More Baby Face: Long Campaign Is Aging Obama

Rigors of the campaign trail giving candidate some welcome wrinkles

(Newser) - "By the time I’m sworn in, I will look the part," Barack Obama quipped to donors Wednesday. Indeed, the long and grueling campaign is swiftly aging the relatively fresh-faced candidate, Politico writes; he's showing more wrinkles and his hair is getting grayer by the day. In sharp...

Obama Aims Blue Paintbrush at Red States

Campaign turns to Clinton supporters in new hirings

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign will hit GOP-dominated states as the candidate looks toward November, starting tomorrow with North Carolina, the New York Times reports. Obama hopes he can turn those states blue with the help of get-out-the-vote operations launched during the primaries—and aims to use his financial heft to...

GOP May Have Big Say in Dems' Indiana Primary

Clinton, Obama reaching out to Republican voters, too

(Newser) - In the red state of Indiana, the GOP could have a major say in the fortunes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in Tuesday's primary, the Wall Street Journal reports. Republicans could account for up to 15% of voters in the Democratic race because of the state's open-primary system. As...

Obama Shifts Blue-Collar Strategy

Visits church, b-ball court amid town-hall stumping

(Newser) - Moving to beef up his appeal to blue-collar voters in Indiana, Barack Obama is changing the tone of his campaign there, trading big rallies for more intimate town-hall sessions; the weekend included stops at a Methodist church and a basketball court, the New York Times reports. “I’ve got...

Bill Resumes Central Role in Hillary's Campaign

Despite his critics, he seems to helping her regain momentum

(Newser) - Despite controversial remarks on more than one occasion, Bill Clinton has moved to the forefront of his wife’s campaign, the Wall Street Journal reports. In what some insiders call the “Billification” of Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, the ex-President is pushing for sharper attacks on Barack Obama amid...

Ron Paul Can't Stop Stumping
 Ron Paul Can't Stop Stumping 

Ron Paul Can't Stop Stumping

GOP hopeful can't 'turn off' enthusiasm

(Newser) - Ron Paul conceded the GOP nomination months ago, but the Texas representative, buoyed by fervent followers, is still out on the stump, looking to the future. “There is no way I could turn it off," he tells Politico. "I went up to Penn State and had 1,...

Chelsea Faces Campaign's Rough Side

Tough questions start flying around youngest Clinton

(Newser) - Until recently, the campaign trail has been a generally hospitable place for Chelsea Clinton. She never talks to reporters, and her rallies generally attract fawning Clinton supporters lobbing softball questions. But as the race heats up, the questions are becoming more pointed, as is the scrutiny, the Los Angeles Times...

Romney, McCain Join Forces
 Romney, McCain Join Forces 

Romney, McCain Join Forces

Mitt stumps for Mac in Utah, dodges VP query

(Newser) - John McCain and Mitt Romney buried the hatchet and hit the campaign trail together in Utah yesterday. Romney thumped McCain 90% to 5% in the state's Republican primary, but he's now stumping and fundraising for his former rival in a week-long trip through the West, AP reports. "We are...

Obama Takes a Break in the Virgin Islands

Family fun in the sun at St. Thomas beach resort

(Newser) - Barack Obama is taking a breather from the grueling campaign trail in the US Virgin Islands, AP reports. The candidate and his family flew Sunday to St. Thomas, where tourists spotted them at a beach resort. Obama has been spending his downtime golfing rather than politicking, although he was greeted...

Campaigns Hit the Road; the Road Hits Back

Weddings, funerals, Democratic staffers' personal lives fall by the wayside

(Newser) - Forty-two states have voted, and the Democratic Party isn't much closer to having a presidential nominee than it was on New Year's Day. Election fatigue is walloping campaign workers who planned to pack up on Super Tuesday and are still working 6 weeks later. “People are being held hostage...

Rove: Here's How to Beat Obama
Rove: Here's How to Beat Obama

Rove: Here's How to Beat Obama

Bush pal advises Clinton, McCain in WSJ op-ed

(Newser) - The presidential race has seen Hillary Clinton and John McCain repeatedly rise from the dead. But with a long way to go for these “Lazarus” hopefuls, how can they beat out Barack Obama? Karl Rove offers some advice in the Wall Street Journal: Clinton, he says, should keep hitting...

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