war crimes

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Panel Reveals Chilling Details From Camps in N. Korea

One judge who survived Auschwitz says conditions are just as bad, if not worse

(Newser) - Three international judges have been digging into conditions at North Korea's infamous labor camps , and one of them gives a damning assessment to the Washington Post : "I believe that the conditions in the [North] Korean prison camps are as terrible, or even worse, than those I saw and...

Bosnia War Criminal Had Cyanide in System

Praljak swallowed poison at UN tribunal

(Newser) - A former Croatian general who died after swallowing a liquid at a war crimes hearing in the Netherlands had cyanide in his system, Dutch prosecutors said after an autopsy was performed Friday. Preliminary results from a toxicological test revealed "a concentration of potassium cyanide" in Slobodan Praljak's blood,...

Preliminary Test Done on Bottle War Criminal Drank From

Prosecutor confirms it contained a deadly substance

(Newser) - A deadly chemical was in the container from which a Croat war criminal drank shortly before dying , a Dutch prosecutor said Thursday, as an independent investigation into the dramatic death of Slobodan Praljak continued. "There was a preliminary test of the substance in the container and all I can...

Report: War Criminal Who Drank 'Poison' in Court Has Died

Lawyer for Bosnian Croat Slobodan Praljak says his client sucked down toxic liquid

(Newser) - Croatian state TV has reported that war criminal Slobodan Praljak, who stunned a UN war crimes tribunal Wednesday by drinking what he claimed was poison during proceedings, has died, per the AP . The BBC and Guardian had earlier reported that the 72-year-old Bosnian Croat—an ex-military commander convicted four years...

Minnesota Woman Helps Indict Nazi Death Camp Guards

88-year-old helped identify former SS officer

(Newser) - Judith Meisel says that when she was a teenager in the Stutthof concentration camp in western Poland, other prisoners told her: "Don't let us die without you mentioning what happened to us." The 88-year-old Minnesota resident has not forgotten: Her testimony helped German authorities indict two former...

ICC: Probe Into American War Crimes May Be Coming

Court says US troops tortured detainees

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court is talking about investigating Americans for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, a move that the State Department considers both unwarranted and inappropriate. The department says that not only is the US not a member of the ICC, it has its own justice system capable of dealing...

Suspect in Timbuktu Shrines' Destruction: 'I Am Really Sorry'

Ahmad al-Mahdi, charged with war crimes, pleads guilty at the Hague

(Newser) - When Islamic rebels backed by al-Qaeda infiltrated Timbuktu in 2012, they wreaked havoc in the Malian city and destroyed Muslim shrines, including nine mausoleums and the door of a mosque that had remained shut for hundreds of years, per the Guardian . Now Ahmad al-Mahdi, a former employee with Mali's...

Accused War Criminal Is Security Guard at DC Airport

Somali man allegedly oversaw 'incredible violence'

(Newser) - Yusuf Abdi Ali "oversaw some of the most incredible violence that you can imagine," Center for Justice and Accountability attorney Kathy Roberts tells CNN . "He tortured people personally; he oversaw torture." But despite the war crimes allegations, the Somali man has been working as a security...

Chad's Ex-Dictator Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity

Hissene Habre's lawyer says he will appeal

(Newser) - Chad's former dictator Hissene Habre was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture, and sex crimes during his time in power, Judge Gberdao Gustave Kam said Monday, ending the trial that began in July 2015. Whoops of joy and tears greeted the...

She Helped Get Him Out of Gitmo; Now She's Marrying Him

'Child soldier' Omar Khadr engaged to human rights activist Muna Abougoush

(Newser) - As Omar Khadr fought for years to be released from Guantanamo Bay, he always had Canadian human rights activist Muna Abougoush in his corner. Abougoush helped put together the Free Omar Khadr website and even visited him when he was eventually moved to a Canadian prison, notes the Guardian . Now...

UN Report Details South Sudan's Use of Rape as 'Instrument of Terror'

'One of the most horrendous human rights situations in the world'

(Newser) - A UN report describing sweeping crimes like children and the disabled being burned alive and fighters being allowed to rape women as payment shows South Sudan is facing "one of the most horrendous human rights situations in the world," the UN human rights chief said Friday. Zeid Raad...

Trump Changes Tune on Torturing Terrorists, Killing Their Families

'As president I will be bound by laws just like all Americans'

(Newser) - Apparently having slept on it, on Friday Donald Trump walked back the endorsement he gave to torturing terrorists and killing their families during the GOP debate Thursday night, the Wall Street Journal reports. "We should go for waterboarding, and we should go tougher than waterboarding," CNN quotes Trump...

Doctors Without Borders Says US Plane Shot Staff Fleeing Airstrike

They 'were shot by the circling gunship while fleeing the burning building'

(Newser) - Not only was a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan destroyed during a US airstrike last month, but an American plane shot people attempting to get out of the facility, according to the nonprofit's report on the incident released Thursday. "Thirty of our patients and medical staff died,...

US Story About Hospital Airstrike Changes Yet Again

Doctors Without Borders wants to know why it's the 4th version in 4 days

(Newser) - Details continue to emerge about Saturday's bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, with the US military commander in Afghanistan testifying Tuesday that it was due to US directive. "To be clear, the decision to provide aerial fires was a US decision made within the...

'Accountant of Auschwitz' Guilty on 300K Counts

94-year-old former SS guard gets 4 years

(Newser) - A 94-year-old former SS sergeant who served at the Auschwitz death camp has been convicted on 300,000 counts of accessory to murder and given a four-year sentence. Oskar Groening testified during his trial at the state court in Lueneburg, in northern Germany, that he guarded prisoners' baggage after they...

UN Report: Both Sides in Gaza May Be War Criminals

Israel, Palestinians both on the hook for 'serious violations' of humanitarian law

(Newser) - Evidence of "serious violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law" in the Gaza Strip was noted in a UN report released today—and both Israelis and Palestinians got hammered, the AP reports. But the Human Rights Council probe into the Gaza war that started last July...

Hundreds of Bosnians in US May Be Guilty of War Crimes: Report

Soccer coach, casino employees among those targeted for deportation

(Newser) - A Virginia soccer coach, Vegas casino workers, a dozen Phoenix residents: Hundreds of Bosnians living in the US may be guilty of war crimes, say American officials, and authorities are working to deport at least 150 of them, the New York Times reports. That number could climb past 600, officials...

Palestinians May Pursue War Crimes Case Against Israel

Abbas agrees to join International Criminal Court

(Newser) - Stung by a resounding defeat in the UN Security Council, the Palestinians announced today that they joined the International Criminal Court to pursue war crimes charges against Israel. The move by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas set the stage for a diplomatic showdown with the United States and was likely to...

Serbia, Bosnia Crack Case of 1993 Massacre

15 people arrested today

(Newser) - Police in Serbia and Bosnia arrested 15 people today in a wartime massacre case that traumatized the Balkans and came to symbolize a culture of impunity that still shields notorious wartime death squads and their masters. Prosecutors from Serbia and Bosnia, bitter wartime enemies, say they worked together to crack...

Syria Likely Gassed Civilians 8 Times in April: UN

Independent commission also says country is plagued by 'crimes against humanity'

(Newser) - The Assad regime likely used chlorine gas eight times on its own people in northern Syria villages in April, according to a report released today by an independent UN commission, the AP reports. The report also indicates that the Syrian people have been besieged by crimes against humanity at the...

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