Islamic State of Iraq

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Iraq Militants Loot Bank, Are Now Insanely Wealthy

ISIS makes off with $429M, may be world's richest terror group

(Newser) - What's worse than a ruthless multinational terrorist organization? A rich ruthless multinational terrorist organization. And that's what Iraq has on its hands now, because the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has plundered 500 billion Iraqi dinars—or about $429 million—from Mosul's central bank, which the...

Where Did Syria Extremists Come From? Iraq's Prisons

ISIS ranks fueled by what it termed 'Operation Breaking the Walls'

(Newser) - The most extreme faction in Syria didn't just spring up naturally—it was purposely built through a series of daring Iraqi prison breaks, the New York Times reports. With demand for fighters high, and the US recently departed, the group now known as the Islamic State of Iraq and...

Al-Qaeda Disowns Deadly ISIS Faction

Even as offshoot kills 2 Syrian rebel leaders

(Newser) - The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is "not a branch of al-Qaeda," Ayman al-Zawahiri declared in a statement posted online yesterday. "Al-Qaeda is not responsible for ISIS' actions," and has "no connection" to it, al-Qaeda General Command said, according to the BBC . It added...

Syrian Rebels' Infighting So Bad, They Need a Judge?

Al-Qaeda leader calls for Islamic court to be set up

(Newser) - Syrian rebels are locked in a bitter and violent struggle—with each other. Hostilities between Syria's more moderate rebel factions and the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and Syria exploded into open warfare on Friday, and it's been so costly that the head of another al-Qaeda affiliate, the...

Al-Qaeda: 'We Declare Fallujah an Islamic State'

It's another sign that Syrian war is affecting entire region

(Newser) - Battles are raging today in Fallujah and Ramadi, the two biggest cities in Iraq's Anbar province, between government troops and Sunni militants under the banner of the al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebel faction known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. After days of fighting—which began when Nouri al-Maliki...

As Qaeda Surges, US Sends Iraq Arms—but Precious Few

75 Hellfire missiles and 10 drones won't do the trick: expert

(Newser) - A call for help from Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki has been answered, sort of: The US is sending dozens of missiles and drones to Iraq to help combat a burgeoning al-Qaeda that's driving the country's highest level of violence since 2008, the New York Times reports. The aid—...

Syria: Snipers, Death Squads Target Kids
'War on Childhood' Has
Killed 11K Kids in Syria

'War on Childhood' Has Killed 11K Kids in Syria

Snipers, death squads target children as jihadists make gains

(Newser) - The horrific toll civil war is taking on the children of Syria is laid bare in the first major report to focus on the issue. At least 11,420 children, more than a tenth of the conflict's casualties, have been killed since the conflict began in March 2011, including...

Syrian Rebels Accidentally Behead a Syrian Rebel

Al-Qaeda linked group apologizes

(Newser) - Everybody makes mistakes at work. Here at Newser, that means making a typo. For fighters in al-Qaeda-affiliated rebel groups, it means beheading the wrong guy. Militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria posted a video online recently in which they showed off a severed, bearded head, saying it...

In Iraq, It's Like the 'Surge' Never Happened

Al-Qaeda has killed thousands this year

(Newser) - Nine car bombs exploded in Baghdad yesterday, which, along with a suicide attack and other incidents killed at least 66 people, the AP reports—and, unfortunately, that didn't make it a particularly unusual day. The al-Qaeda affiliate group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has been pummeling the country...

Syrian Rebels Turn on Each Other

Infighting breaks out amongst moderates and Islamic extremists

(Newser) - Syrian rebel groups are no longer just battling government forces; some are now fighting a second front: other rebel groups. Infighting has broken out amongst the rebels, with the Western-aligned Free Syrian Army clashing with al-Qaeda-aligned groups the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, reports the AP . There has been...

57 Dead in Wave of Baghdad Bombings

Wave of bloodshed has killed more than 300 in two weeks

(Newser) - A wave of car bombings tore through mostly Shiite Muslim neighborhoods of the Baghdad area this afternoon, leaving at least 57 dead in the latest outburst of an unusually intense wave of bloodshed roiling Iraq, which has killed more than 300 people in the past two weeks alone. There was...

Iraq's Deadliest Day in Weeks Leaves 93 Dead

Attacks look like al-Qaeda's Iraqi offshoot

(Newser) - Iraqi officials said today that a blistering string of attacks across the country yesterday ultimately killed at least 93 people, as the extent of the violence grew clearer and mourners started to bury their dead. The day's attacks began early in the north of Iraq and ended with deadly...

Al-Qaeda in Iraq Takes Credit for New Wave of Bloodshed

Militant group announces new campaign of violence in Iraq

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's Iraq affiliate took credit yesterday for the string of bombings and shootings across the country on Monday that killed 116 and wounded 300, reports Reuters . The Islamic State of Iraq posted a statement on its website saying the attacks —the deadliest since the US pullout last December—...

Iraq Church Attack Leaves Dozens Dead

More than taken 100 hostage in Baghdad yesterday

(Newser) - Dozens are dead and more than 50 wounded after militants took nearly 100 hostage in a Catholic church in Baghdad yesterday, prompting Iraqi anti-terrorist forces to storm the building. Officials say most of the injuries and deaths occurred after the kidnappers set off two suicide vests, the New York Times...

Iraq Takes Over Prison —and 4 Inmates Escape

Three are high-ranking members of insurgent group

(Newser) - Lock the cells, please: US and Iraq made a big deal of it earlier this month when the American military turned over control of the last US-run prison in the country. (See summary here .) But within a matter of days, four prisoners—three of them high-ranking members of the...

Al-Qaeda Claims Baghdad Bombing

Blast at Iraqi ministries left 155 dead

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's umbrella group in Iraq claimed responsibility for this weekend's twin suicide bombings in the heart of Baghdad that killed at least 155 people, including 24 children trapped in a bus leaving a day care center. The group, known as the Islamic State of Iraq, said in a statement posted...

Sunnis Launch Ramadan Murder Drive
Sunnis Launch Ramadan Murder Drive

Sunnis Launch Ramadan Murder Drive

Insurgents target police, Interior Ministry officials, tribal leaders for assassination

(Newser) - Sunni insurgents have launched an assassination campaign aimed at  Iraqi police and officials of the Interior Ministry to mark the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, reports the New York Times. Eight police officers, including a police chief, have been killed and 30 injured. A provincial governor  survived a suicide bombing...

Al-Qaeda Puts Price on Head of Cartoonist

$100,000 for murder of Swede who drew offensive image

(Newser) - An al-Qaeda affiliate is offering a reward to slaughter a Swedish cartoonist who drew an image offensive to Muslims. In an online statement, Islamic State in Iraq offered $100,000 for Lars Vilks' murder and $50,000 for that of the newspaper editor who published the cartoon. The reward escalated...

Iraqi al-Qaeda Group to Track Down 'Traitors'

Islamic State of Iraq vows to kill those who align with US

(Newser) - Thursday's assassination of a Sunni tribal leader was the first in what an al-Qaeda front group warns will be the fate of all who cooperate with the US, reports the AP. The Islamic State of Iraq announced on Islamist websites that "special security committees" will track down "traitors"...

Bin Laden's Envoy in Iraq Captured
Bin Laden's Envoy in Iraq Captured

Bin Laden's Envoy in Iraq Captured

Leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq details foreign involvement in Baghdad

(Newser) - US Forces have captured a leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq they say was an envoy to central al-Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. Khaled al-Mashhadani was captured on July 4th in Mosul, and is believed to be the most senior Iraqi in the organization which has been at...

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