Michelle Obama

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Michelle Obama on Trump Assertions: 'Racist'

Former first lady makes her 'closing argument' for Joe Biden

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is out with a 24-minute "closing argument" video on the 2020 race in which she makes her pitch for Joe Biden. In it, the former first lady levels some serious criticism against President Trump. The president is "lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping...

'Extraordinary' Demand for Obama Memoir Expected

No. 44's 'A Promised Land' is due out Nov. 17, right after the election

(Newser) - A release date has been set for the first part of former President Obama's memoir, and demand is expected to be "extraordinary," the New York Times reports. A Promised Land, the 768-page first installation of a two-volume set, will debut globally on Nov. 17 via Penguin Random...

Michelle Obama's Other Big Message: It's in the Necklace

Her 'vote' necklace goes viral as she encourages people to turn out in person

(Newser) - Michelle Obama took plenty of pointed jabs at President Trump Monday night, and he took notice . But another aspect of the former first lady's speech for the Democratic National Convention is generating lots of attention—and it involves her words and her necklace. Coverage:
  • The message: Obama's tweaking

Trump to Michelle: 'Thanks for Your Very Kind Words'

President has sarcastic response to former first lady, but also calls speech 'very divisive'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama went after President Trump in blunt fashion during the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, and the president took notice. "She gets these fawning reviews," the president said at the White House, per the Hill . "If you gave a real review it wouldn't be...

One Convention Takeaway: 5 Words From Michelle Obama

She turns 'it is what it is' around on the president

(Newser) - Much of the analysis from the first night of the Democratic convention centers on the closing speech from Michelle Obama. (Watch it in full here, via CNN .) Examples of reaction on that and more:
  • Not Barack: At Politico , Ryan Lizza thinks "this is surely the first time a

It&#39;s Convention Time, Pandemic-Style
DNC, Night One: 4 Republicans
Speak Up for Biden

DNC, Night One: 4 Republicans Speak Up for Biden

Plus Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, and more

(Newser) - The most unusual political convention to date is underway—the Democrats' all-virtual affair leading to the coronation of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Thursday night. Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders spoke Monday night, along with a rarity—a Republican, former Ohio governor (and 2016 presidential candidate) John Kasich, who...

Michelle Obama: We Need to Talk About the M-Word
Michelle Obama:
We Need to Talk
About the M-Word
in case you missed it

Michelle Obama: We Need to Talk About the M-Word

Former first lady describes going through menopause at the White House

(Newser) - Michelle Obama was cruising on Marine One when it hit her: a hot flash that felt "like somebody put a furnace in my core and turned it on high. And then everything started melting." In that moment, the first lady, who was about to walk into an event,...

Michelle Obama Suffering From 'Low-Grade Depression'

Former FLOTUS makes the reveal on her podcast

(Newser) - If your mental health is suffering a bit thanks to, well, 2020, you're not alone. Michelle Obama revealed on the second episode of her podcast that she's experiencing "low-grade depression," the BBC reports. "I'm waking up in the middle of the night because I'...

Obama: 2 Things Keep Me Awake
Has 2 Big

Obama Has 2 Big Worries

Fears about voter suppression and about Trump challenging legitimacy of the election

(Newser) - The New York Times is out with a story on former President Obama's private remarks about his successor during fundraising events for Joe Biden. The upshot is that Obama is far more critical of President Trump in private than he is in public, but two issues in particular appear...

Trump Exiles Clinton, Bush Portraits at White House

Recent predecessors are moved out of sight, bumped by presidents from 100 years ago

(Newser) - President Trump can't remove former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush from history, but he can make them less visible. Their official portraits have been taken out of the Grand Foyer at the White House and exiled to the Old Family Dining Room, a little-used room just off...

Michelle Obama's New Venture: Podcast

It debuts July 29 on Spotify

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is getting into the podcast business. "The Michelle Obama Podcast" premieres July 29 on Spotify as part of a partnership with Higher Ground, the production company the former first lady launched with her husband to inspire young people, reports CNN . Episodes will center on "the relationships...

Netflix's Monday Surprise Involves Michelle Obama

It reveals it'll release the documentary 'Becoming' next month

(Newser) - Michelle Obama sold more than 11 million copies of her memoir Becoming. She could reach even more people with Becoming the documentary. In a Monday surprise, Netflix announced that it would release the film on May 6. Directed by Nadia Hallgren, the documentary shadows Obama throughout her 34-city tour to...

Biden Wants Michelle Obama on Board: Report

The de facto Democratic candidate wants her support

(Newser) - Michelle Obama, the VP pick? Probably not, but Fox News reports that Joe Biden's camp is talking to the former first lady about getting her endorsement and drawing her into his campaign. "We know what pretty much everyone in America does: Michelle Obama is probably the most beloved...

Michelle Obama Has a Gift for Children—and Parents

She'll read on-air for kids, just like Dana Perino has been doing on FoxNews.com

(Newser) - Stuck at home with the kids? Michelle Obama will be reading children's books on PBS every Monday at noon for the next month, Fox News reports. "At this time when so many families are under so much stress, I'm excited to give kids a chance to practice...

Obama 'Flattered' by Student Request That's Going Viral

High school senior asks former president to give a national commencement speech

(Newser) - A high school senior thinks he has a way to take some of the sting out of missing graduation ceremonies this spring. "Hi @BarackObama!" he tweeted Tuesday. Saying "it would give us great comfort to hear your voice," Lincoln Debenham of Eagle Rock High School in...

Michelle Obama Pushes for Expansion of Mail-in Voting

'No American should have to choose between making their voice heard and staying safe'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's voting rights group has joined a new push to expand voting-by-mail options as lockdown measures extend further into election season. The group, When We All Vote, is supporting Democratic legislation that would require states to offer absentee voting to all voters. This is the first time the...

Michelle Obama: Isolation Offers 'Important' Lesson

'We just don't need a lot of the stuff that we have'

(Newser) - Her show is on hiatus but Ellen DeGeneres is still interviewing celebrities, now from the comfort of her couch in Santa Barbara. Last week, she called up Adam Levine, followed by Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, and John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, confessing that she was "so bored,"...

USDA: School Lunch Proposal Is Efficient. Critics: 'Unconscionable'

Department wants schools to be able to cut mandates on fruits and veggies, offer more pizza

(Newser) - Michelle Obama turned 56 Friday, but one unwelcome gift came in the form of a new Trump proposal that would strike further at one of her most well-known initiatives as first lady: healthier school lunches. Per the Washington Post , the Department of Agriculture on Friday released proposed mandates on "...

Michelle Obama's New Project Involves College Freshmen

Her new show will follow individuals' stories

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is collaborating with college students for a new show on IGTV, Instagram's app for longform videos. Media company ATTN: is producing the six-episode series, A Year of Firsts, which will follow four first-year college students from across the country. "Each of them has overcome tremendous odds...

Most Admired Man of the Year? A Tie Between 44, 45

Trump, Obama each get 18% of the vote

(Newser) - In perhaps a sign of the times, two men tied for most admired man of the year in Gallup's 2019 poll : The current US president, Donald Trump, and the last one, Barack Obama. Eighteen percent of US adults voted for each one, with Trump getting the vote of 45%...

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