campaign contributions

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Sports Owners Put Their Money on McCain

GOP candidate raising far more than Obama from team honchos

(Newser) - Hollywood money may be filling Barack Obama’s coffers, but sports-owners’ cash is overwhelmingly going to John McCain. The presumptive GOP nominee has raked in $3.2 million raised or donated by sports owners, while Obama has drummed up only $615,000, Politico reports. Even in Chicago, Obama’s hometown,...

McCain Raises $27M in July

 McCain Raises
 $27M in July 

McCain Raises $27M in July

Biggest one-month total for Senator since primaries

(Newser) - John McCain raised $27 million in July, his largest one-month fundraising haul since clinching the nomination, while the Republican National Committee brought in nearly $26 million. "Our fundraising continues to be very healthy," Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager, said in a conference call with reporters, noting that July...

Exec: I Was Fired for Not Donating to Mitt

CEO asked employees to give; denies man lost job over refusal

(Newser) - An ex-executive with a Chicago-based consulting group has filed an employment bias complaint, alleging that he was fired in part for his refusal to donate to Mitt Romney’s campaign, the Wall Street Journal reports. The complaint offers a rare glimpse into the machinery of corporate donations. In emails seen...

Housing Industry Funnels Cash to Lawmakers

Campaign contributions soar compared to 2006

(Newser) - The housing industry has given more campaign cash to lawmakers and political parties this election cycle than it gave through the entire 2006 cycle, the Wall Street Journal reports, as an emergency housing bill containing favorable provisions for the industry has been working its way through Congress. Cash has flowed...

Lobbyists to McCain: Gee, Thanks, Traitor

Loyal donors kicked to curb as candidate burnishes image

(Newser) - John McCain has been purging his campaign of lobbyists, which has left more than a few feeling betrayed. These are the people, after all, who stuck through McCain when his primary chances looked grim, and kept his campaign financially above water. “If it was OK to have these people...

Spitzer Makes Amends—With His Donors

Disgraced NY gov refunds campaign contributions for 2010

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer had $2.9 million in the bank for a presumed reelection campaign, but the disgraced New York governor has done something rather uncommon for politicians: offered a refund. An email obtained by the New York Post reports that Spitzer will return what remains in his campaign coffers to...

Clinton Camp May Need Another Loan
Clinton Camp May Need Another Loan

Clinton Camp May Need Another Loan

As donations flag, strapped campaign must cut spending

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's loss of momentum is taking a tangible toll on her ability to raise—and spend—money, leaving her campaign even more strapped for cash at a time she needs to pull out all the stops, the New York Times reports. Advisers say that Clinton is prepared to shell...

Clinton Lent Campaign $6.4M in Past Month

Democratic contender puts money where her mouth is

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton injected $6.4 million of her own money into her presidential campaign over the past month, a senior aide tells the AP. That donation more than doubles the amount Hillary has lent her campaign so far.  But despite the personal largesse—$11.5 million so far—and...

Clinton Plea Raises $10M
 Clinton Plea Raises $10M 

Clinton Plea Raises $10M

60,000K go online after Pennsylvania victory speech

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign has raised nearly $10 million since Hillary made a plea to voters last night in her Pennsylvania victory speech, Reuters reports. Clinton urged supporters to contribute through her website, and she struck a chord with 60,000 donors, campaign chief Terry McAuliffe said. It's the single biggest...

Dems in Dead Heat for Hollywood Dough

$300 in contributions separates Clinton, Obama

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential candidates are in a neck-and-neck race for donations from Hollywood. Less than $300 in contributions from the entertainment industry separates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, reports the Los Angeles Times. Both boast just short of $3 million in Tinseltown cash. But John McCain has only shaken loose...

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt
 Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt 

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt

Aides explain much of it as paperwork matter

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had $8.7 million in debt at the end of February, including roughly $300,000 in unpaid health insurance invoices for her staff and $3,100 from her own high school alma mater, where she held a campaign event. Barack Obama notched only $625,058 in debt, reports...

Dem Donations a Nightmare for GOP
Dem Donations a Nightmare
for GOP

Dem Donations a Nightmare for GOP

Obama, Clinton cash flow makes McCain's look like a trickle

(Newser) - Republicans may be enjoying the death match between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but likely not the phenomenal fundraising of the Democrats.  "I look at the Barack Obama campaign in some horror," the GOP national treasurer tells AP, citing Obama's $50-million take in February, along with Clinton's...

McCain, Obama Clash Over Campaign Funds

McCain puts Obama's public funding pledge in the spotlight

(Newser) - John McCain is baiting Barack Obama over campaign finance, the New York Times reports. Obama pledged last February that he would accept public financing—which comes with spending limits—if he became the Democratic nominee and his Republican opponent did likewise. He hasn't recommitted and GOP front-runner McCain is wondering...

Obama Expects to Rake in $30M This Month

Half of record January millions were donations under $200

(Newser) - After hauling in an epic $32 million in contributions in January, Barack Obama is expecting a near record-busting $30 million in donations this month. Even more striking, the candidate for change seems to raise most of his money in just that—change. Half of January's yield came in online contributions...

Edwards' New Plan: Outlast 'Celebrity Candidates'

Hopeful lays out new strategy and boasts of January funding increase

(Newser) - John Edwards may be running third among Dem hopefuls, but he vowed to stay in the race today with a new long-term strategy, the Chicago Tribune reports. He plans to roll online donations into ad campaigns in Super Tuesday states and a dozen others—including "red" ones—until the...

Video Game Industry Reaches Boss Level

Industry chiefs aim to get more of a say in Washington

(Newser) - The video game industry has grown up and is going to start putting some quarters into Washington, the New York Times reports. Game makers have formed their first political action committee and will soon start making campaign donations to candidates, in hopes of steering more of them to the industry's...

Clinton/Obama Question Splits Labor Unions

Dems worry base too bitterly divided to unite behind single nominee

(Newser) - Labor unions are the foundation of any Democratic campaign, but that foundation in the '08 race remains clearly split between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the LA Times reports. Both have fervent support among different unions, and tension within the party is running high, raising fears that the base won't...

Dem Donations Hit Record High
Dem Donations Hit Record High

Dem Donations Hit Record High

Clinton, Obama 2007 totals top $100M

(Newser) - The race for the presidency is crowded, but that isn't stopping candidates from raising huge sums of money, the Washington Post reports. The power of the internet to raise cash from both grassroots supporters and wealthy donors is credited with helping Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama raise over $100 million...

In Shift, Clergy Gives More Dollars to Dems

Donations favor Obama, Clinton over Huckabee

(Newser) - In a shift from 2004, Republican presidential and congressional hopefuls are losing clergy support as measured by campaign donations, Politico reports. According to FEC data, clergy and religious groups have given Dem candidates $367,000 but the GOP just $288,000. Of the Dem haul, Barack Obama leads with $107,...

Interest Groups Gain in Cash —and Influence

As party $$$ dips, issue $$$ rises; will further polarize 2008 election

(Newser) - The swift-boating of John Kerry was only the first wave—election spending by groups unaffiliated with the major political parties nearly tripled between 2000 and 2006, the Wall Street Journal reports, to 19% of the total. And the so-called "527" groups, which don't have to disclose their donors, are...

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