
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

12 Immigrants Killed in Johannesburg Riots

Foreigners blamed for poverty

(Newser) - At least 12 foreigners were shot, stabbed, beaten or burned to death over the weekend in anti-immigrant protests in and around Johannesburg. Thousands of terrified immigrants, many of them Zimbabweans fleeing problems in their own country, are now seeking refuge in churches or police stations, reports the New York Times....

New Taser Tech Would Electrify Cops' Shields

'Peel and stick' film can be used without raising a traditional weapon

(Newser) - Rioters might finally have met their match: Taser International is rolling out a “peel and stick” film to electrify cops' shields—so they won’t even have to fire the gun-shaped original to render troublemakers immobile, Wired reports. The product was unveiled at a showcase that also includes shock-inducing...

Two Shot in Somalia Food Riots
 Two Shot in Somalia Food Riots 

Two Shot in Somalia Food Riots

Thousands protest over inflation and soaring prices

(Newser) - Soldiers shot and killed at least two people in Somalia as thousands rioted over inflation and soaring food prices. A recent rash of counterfeiting has led some merchants to only accept US dollars, instead of local shillings, the BBC reports. In response, angry Somalis threw rocks and burned tires, shouting,...

China Sends 30 to Prison in Mass Tibet Trials

Trial condemned as 'rubber stamp,' by human rights groups

(Newser) - A Chinese court sentenced 30 people yesterday, including six monks, for taking part in the March protest riots in Tibet, the New York Times reports. The sentences ranged from three years to life in prison. Human Rights Watch watch said the trials were secret and defendants weren’t allowed representation,...

Haitians Protest as Food Prices Soar

Capital shuts down as mob tries to storm presidential palace

(Newser) - Hungry Haitians attacked the presidential palace yesterday, demanding the resignation of President Rene Preval over soaring food prices, Reuters reports. UN peacekeepers fired rubber bullets and tear gas to control the angry mob; a week of protests has killed five people and paralyzed the impoverished capital. “If we are...

Riots Flare as Kenya Talks Stall

Government and opposition deal falters

(Newser) - Riots erupted again in Kenya yesterday as opposition leaders suspended talks with the government over a stalled power-sharing pact, reports the New York Times. Dozens of men in a Nairobi slum lit bonfires and hurled rocks at police, chanting, "No cabinet, no peace!" The violence marked the first...

Mexico's Emo Teens Under Fire
 Mexico's Emo Teens Under Fire 

Mexico's Emo Teens Under Fire

They're being attacked in the streets by other youth subcultures

(Newser) - An ugly clash of cultures is surfacing in Mexico with so-called emo teenagers being viciously beaten in big cities across the country, Wired reports. In one well-publicized attack north of Mexico City, an 800-strong mob—made up of punk fans and ordinary working-class teens—beat up a handful of long-haired,...

Bush Urges China-Tibet Dialogue
Bush Urges China-Tibet Dialogue

Bush Urges China-Tibet Dialogue

Protesting monks disrupt tour of foreign journalists in Lhasa

(Newser) - President Bush called Chinese President Hu Jintao today and urged Beijing to begin talks with the Dalai Lama, the BBC reports. Bush also pressed for greater access to Tibet for journalists and diplomats, the White House said. China today allowed a small group of foreign reporters into Lhasa for the...

China Slams Pelosi's Support for Tibet

House Speaker guilty of 'double standards,' state says

(Newser) - China’s government hammered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today over her meeting with the Dalai Lama and subsequent condemnation of China's "oppression" of Tibetan protests that turned to riots, the AP reports. Xinhua, China’s state news agency, said “human rights police” like Pelosi employed “double standards”...

Kurds Battle Riot Police in Turkey

Shouting PKK slogans, Turkish Kurds clash with police

(Newser) - Thousands of Kurds battled police with rocks and fires in Turkish cities today, the BBC reports. Dozens were injured, including almost 40 demonstrators and 15 officers, as cops arrested more than 130 people. One policeman and three protesters are in intensive care. Sparked by Turkey's strikes on Kurdish rebels in...

China Admits Police Shot Tibetan Protesters

State's claim of 13 dead, 4 wounded at odds with exiles' estimate of 99 killed

(Newser) - China admitted today its police opened fire on Tibetan protesters, wounding four in “self-defense,” the BBC reports. The statement from state-run Xinhua news agency is China’s first admission to hurting anyone since protests began last week. Chinese officials say rioters have killed 13; Tibetan activists reported security...

China Clamps Down on Tibetans
China Clamps Down on Tibetans 

China Clamps Down on Tibetans

Towns 'like armed camps' as Beijing tries to regain control

(Newser) - The Chinese government has acknowledged for the first time that  rioting has spread from Tibet into neighboring provinces, as it forcefully reasserted control, setting up roadblocks with armed police in areas with large Tibetan populations. In Gansu, hundreds of Tibetans, many on horseback, stormed a government compound, burned the Chinese...

China Cracks Down on Tibetan Rioters

Security forces begin house-by-house searches and arrests in Lhasa

(Newser) - Chinese authorities cracked down on Tibetan rioters today, conducting house-to-house searches in Lhasa ahead of the midnight deadline for rioters to turn themselves in. A convoy of four Chinese trucks marched 40 handcuffed prisoners through the city. The participants in the riots, the worst the region has seen in 20...

Riots Spread Outside Tibet
 Riots Spread Outside Tibet 

Riots Spread Outside Tibet

Protesters torch marketplace, police station in Sichuan province

(Newser) - Following violent protests against Chinese rule that left 80 dead in Lhasa, according to the exiled Tibetan government, rioting flared today in a province bordering Tibet. Ethnic Tibetans in Sichuan besieged the main government building and set fire to a police station and marketplace. "They've gone crazy," one...

US Rips Serbian 'Thugs' in Embassy Attack

Government officials accused of sanctioning deadly violence

(Newser) - The UN and US have strongly condemned attacks on the American and Croatian embassies in Belgrade during riots that erupted yesterday at a state-sponsored demonstration against Kosovo's independence. "Our embassy was attacked by thugs," said a White House spokeswoman. Rioters torched the embassies and had running battles with...

French Police Storm Housing Projects

1,000 cops bust 33 for riots in raid on immigrant communities

(Newser) - More than 1,000 French police stormed housing projects in three largely immigrant communities outside of Paris early today and arrested 33 suspects believed linked to riots in November, AP reports. Police sources said two gang leaders in particular organized the street violence that included armed rioters in what they...

Sarko Unveils Rescue Plan for the 'Burbs

He will beef up police, boost jobs to try to conquer poverty, ethnic tension

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy unveiled a three-year plan to resurrect the poverty-torn suburbs of France, saying the "very idea of the nation is at stake." The plan calls for a major boost in police officers to crack down on pervasive drug dealers, the BBC reports, along with a bid to...

Post-Election Rioting Kills 124 in Kenya

Protesters, and EU election monitors, dispute Kibaki's 'win'

(Newser) - At least 124 have died in rioting that escalated across Kenya today in anger over president Mwai Kibaki's  disputed re-election victory. Police fired live ammunition at protesters, who threw stones, wielded machetes and burned cars and buses. Supporters of opposition candidate Ralia Odinga, who led in the vote count until...

Pakistanis Recover After Riots
Pakistanis Recover After Riots

Pakistanis Recover After Riots

In Karachi, residents emerge for food as police lockdown ensues

(Newser) - Life limped to normal today in fire-blackened Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city and the site of fierce rioting since last week’s killing of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. After three days of unrest that left at least 40 people dead across Sindh province, residents ventured out of their homes...

Kenyan Prez Kibaki Declared Victor, Sworn In

News sparks riots as late vote count upsets challenger's lead

(Newser) - Kenya today declared President Mwai Kibaki the winner of Thursday's election, igniting riots in Nairobi as protesters accused the Kibaki government of election fraud and demanded a recount, reports the BBC. At least 10 people have been killed. Kibaki was sworn into a second 5-year term immediately after the announcement...

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