Robert Gates

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Push to Put Private Guards Under Military

Congress wants military in charge, despite resistance from Condi

(Newser) - Despite reluctance from Condoleezza Rice, Congress is pushing to bring all private security guards operating in Iraq under US military control. The Senate included military oversight of private contractors in its 2008 defense bill, and the House is likely to follow, the AP reports. The bill's sponsor, Sen. Carl Levin,...

Rice Sets New Rules for Guards
Rice Sets New Rules for Guards

Rice Sets New Rules for Guards

But Blackwater may still get the ax

(Newser) - Private security contractors in Iraq will operate under tougher controls and tighter supervision, according to new State Department rules approved by Condoleezza Rice today, but they won't be supervised by the military, as Defense's Robert Gates had proposed. Measures include investigative "go teams"' that will respond quickly to...

USAF Officers Take Rap for Missing Nukes

Top commanders relieved of duty after warheads take unauthorized flight

(Newser) - Nearly 2 months after a B-52 loaded with nuclear warheads took an unauthorized flight from North Dakota to Louisiana, the Air Force has relieved four officers of duty, CNN reports. After a 6-week investigation, 70 airmen will be disciplined for what the Air Force secretary called an "unacceptable mistake...

Embattled Blackwater Maneuvering to Expand Role

Seeks new contracts despite massacre

(Newser) - Blackwater, the private security firm under fire for controversial shootings in Iraq, is preparing expansion plans to develop a bigger role as an arm of the US military. Company founder Erik Prince wants to make Blackwater a one-stop shop for all kinds of operations to which Washington won't commit US...

Putin Threatens to Pull Out of Nuke Treaty

Confronts Rice, Gates over missile shield in Eastern Europe

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin kicked off a meeting with Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates today in Moscow by threatening to withdraw from a treaty governing intermediate-range nuclear missiles unless it was expanded to include other countries. The pugnacious Russian president also warned his American visitors not to push ahead with the missile...

Britain Coordinated Troop Cuts With the US

Defense heads say they agreed southern Iraq was secure enough

(Newser) - The British and American defense secretaries say the US was consulted before Britain halved its troops in Iraq, the Los Angeles Times reports, and they agreed southern Iraq was secure enough for the withdrawal. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the withdrawal was coordinated with US commander Gen. David Petraeus,...

Army Pulls Out Checkbook to Keep Officers

Defense Dept. offers up to $35K to retain young specialist officers

(Newser) - An acute shortage of young officers trained in aviation, intelligence, and other key specialties has prompted the Army to offer cash bonuses—up to $35,000—to persuade more to re-enlist, the Washington Post reports. The move is an effort to combat  a shortage of 3,000 captains and majors...

US Marines Want Out of Iraq
US Marines Want Out of Iraq

US Marines Want Out of Iraq

Commander calls for lead Afghan role instead

(Newser) - The US Marine Corps is lobbying to be withdrawn from Iraq and instead be given the lead role in Afghanistan, reports the New York Times. The move would leave the Army with primary responsibility for the increasingly unpopular war in Iraq. Supporters believe it would allow the branches to operate...

Gates Eyes $3B Army Expansion
Gates Eyes $3B Army Expansion

Gates Eyes $3B Army Expansion

Gates ready to approve major recruitment campaign to boost ranks

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he's likely to approve spending nearly $3 billion over the next four years to accelerate an expansion of the US Army, stretched thin by punishing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the AP reports. The Pentagon believes the Army and Marine Corps need to grow to...

Blackwater 'Cowboys' Faster on Trigger

Have been in twice as many shootings as other security firms in Iraq

(Newser) - The US security firm being investigated in an Iraqi operation earlier this month that killed at least 11 civilians has been involved in twice as many shootings as other companies providing protection to American officials in Iraq, the New York Times reports. Guards working for Blackwater killed 10 and wounded...

Gates Boosts War Request to Nearly $190B

Training, equipment top priorities for troops in Iraq, Afghanistan

(Newser) - US Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked Congress today for an extra $42 billion for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, driving the tab for the next fiscal year up to nearly $190 billion, Reuters reports. The extra money is primarily for training and specialized equipment for the wars such as new...

Dems Fail to Bring Troop Bill to Senate Vote

Warner defection kills bill to mandate time between deployments

(Newser) - Senate Democrats were unable to muster enough GOP support today to bring to a vote a bill that would have given US troops more down time between overseas deployments. A late defection by Republican John Warner was the death knell for the bill, the Wall Street Journal reports, sponsored by...

Gates Sketches the Military's Long Haul

Defense sec rules out permanent bases but prepares for decades

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal meets with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, whose vision for a postwar Iraq includes a long-term American military presence—but no permanent bases à la Germany or Korea. Gates also proposes the maintenance of air- and sea-based forces throughout the Persian Gulf. It's a vision similar to...

Dems Shift Strategy to Speed Troop Pullout

Plan would require troops to stay at home as long as last tour before redeploying.

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress are pinning their hopes on what they believe is the most politically palatable way to speed the withdrawal of troops from Iraq in the wake of Gen. Petraeus’ report last week. A bill mandating that troops be allowed to spend the same amount of time at home...

Gates Eyes Deeper Troop Cuts
Gates Eyes Deeper Troop Cuts

Gates Eyes Deeper Troop Cuts

Defense Sec hopes to have US Iraq forces down to 100,000 by end of 2008

(Newser) - On the heels of President Bush's announcement of limited drawbacks in Iraq, Defense Secretary Robert Gates expressed confidence yesterday that a bigger pullout would be possible. Gates said yesterday that he hopes for more cuts than Bush and Gen. David Petraeus were willing to commit to, bringing troop levels down...

Bush Visits Iraq, Says Some Troops Might Come Home

Surprise war council in Iraq points to improving security

(Newser) - Fewer US troops will be needed in Iraq if security conditions continue to improve, said President Bush today during a surprise visit to Iraq. The pronouncement came after meeting with Gen. David Petraeus, the US commander in Iraq, and US ambassador to Baghdad Ryan Crocker–both of whom will be...

Bush Drops In on Iraq
Bush Drops
In on Iraq

Bush Drops In on Iraq

Prez makes surprise trip to Baghdad, will meet with Maliki, generals

(Newser) - President Bush landed today in Anbar Province, just west of Baghdad, for a surprise trip in advance of the September 15 status briefing on Iraq. Bush will meet with President Nouri al-Maliki, local officials and US generals including David Petraeus, CNN reports. The president was on his way to a...

Gates Warns of 'Protracted' Iraq Stay

Troops will remain to support government, Defense chief says

(Newser) - US troops will likely remain in Iraq for a "protracted period of time," Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned yesterday. Soldiers would remain as a "stabilizing and supporting force" for the government long after combat troop numbers are reduced, he said in a CNN interview. Gates couldn't say...

White House Proposes $43B in Mideast Military Aid

Rice pitches strategy to help contain Iran

(Newser) - More than $43 billion in US military aid is earmarked for the Middle East, Reuters reports, part of a strategy to fight terrorism and counterbalance Iran. The outlays, which require congressional approval, include $13 billion to Egypt, $30 billion to Israel, and an unspecified amount to Saudi Arabia and other...

Gates Apologizes to Hillary
Gates Apologizes
to Hillary

Gates Apologizes to Hillary

Defense sec tries to cool feud over challenge to patriotism

(Newser) - Hillary shouldn't have been called a traitor, Robert Gates wrote yesterday in a letter apologizing for a deputy's refusal to share Iraq withdrawal plans with members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The deputy had charged that the divulging the information could “reinforce enemy propaganda.”

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>