Is This the Safest Place in the World? Residents Think So

The 2018 Global Law and Order Report asked people in 142 countries about local crime
By Janet Cromley,  Newser Staff
Posted Jun 27, 2018 5:03 PM CDT
Is This the Safest Place in the World? Residents Think So
Singapore residents generally feel safer going out at night and report less theft than residents of other countries.   (Getty/primeimages)

Listen up, safety-conscious globetrotters. A new Gallup survey has ranked world-wide destinations based solely on what locals have to say about their own sense of safety, reports CNN. Researchers asked 148,000 residents aged 15 or older in 142 countries the following safety-related questions: Do you have confidence in the local police? Do you feel safe walking alone at night? In the last 12 months have you had money or property stolen from you? In the last 12 months, have you been assaulted or robbed? Countries where residents felt the safest were:

  1. Singapore, with a score of 97
  2. Norway: 93 (three-way tie)
  3. Iceland: 93
  4. Finland: 93
  5. Uzbekistan: 91 (two-way tie)
  6. Hong Kong: 91
  7. Switzerland: 90 (two-way tie)
  8. Canada: 90
  9. Indonesia: 89
Venezuela scored near the bottom, with 42% of Venezuelans reporting having had money or property stolen in the past year. Only Afghanistan, Uganda, and South Sudan fared worse in that area. To see the complete 2018 Global Law and Order Report, click here. (More travel stories.)

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