Cancer-Stricken Bro to Watch Idol Hopeful in Person

Determined sibling will travel with medic, nurse
By Elizabeth Wolff,  Newser Staff
Posted Apr 15, 2008 11:16 AM CDT
Cancer-Stricken Bro to Watch Idol Hopeful in Person
American Idol contestants, rear left to right, Carly Smithson, Kristy Lee Cook, Ramiele Malubay, David Cook, Jason Castro, David Hernandez, Michael Johns, Chikezie, Syesha Mercado, David Archuleta, and front left to right, Amanda Overmyer and Brooke White attend the American Idol annual Top 12 Party...   (AP Photo/Phil McCarten)

This may be American Idol contestant David Cook's biggest week—and not because he might get the boot. Cook's older brother, who is battling brain cancer, will make the dangerous flight from his Indiana sickbed to watch his kid brother perform tonight, People reports. A frail Adam will be aided by his wife, a medic, and nurse for the risky commute. (More David Cook stories.)