If you find yourself wishing you'd had kids in a simpler time, like a few decades ago, meet Bunmi Laditan, whose satiric Facebook post about vitamin shopping has gone viral. "I own two good bras but I'm ready to spend upwards of $100 on children's vitamins," Laditan writes in describing her 45-minute chore of comparing vitamins, supplements, probiotics, and who knows what else. "Do you know what vitamins I had growing up? NONE. DAYLIGHT WAS MY VITAMIN," she writes. "Occasionally, once a year tops, my mom would get us those chalky (Flintstones) vitamins that looked liked kidney stones but we'd only have to eat them for a few days before she lost interest in our health." But that just won't do today.
She goes on to gripe about the fact that, although she basically lived on Tampico ("that's orange juice for poor people") and turned out fine, nowadays, "you don't really love your kids if you're not a paranoid mess about their physical well being and willing to spend a small fortune on dye-free toothpaste made in the woods that tastes like (elderberry) and privilege." Laditan is the author of several books, including one titled, Toddlers Are A--holes, and is the voice behind "the Honest Toddler." She's been praised before for her posts "blowing the lid off dinnertime desperation," per Today, and "reminding us of the sacrifices we make as parents," per ScaryMommy. Indeed, "nothing about modern parenting is simple and it irritates me," sums up Laditan. (This man's Walmart discipline caused a stir online.)