John McCain

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McCain: Tillerson Remarks Kill 'Hope' Across Globe

In human rights op-ed, senator says our values must inform US foreign policy

(Newser) - When John McCain was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, one thing got him and his fellow POWs through the toughest moments: hope, bolstered by the belief that the US government and citizens had not forgotten them. But in a Monday op-ed addressing human rights in the New York Times ...

Decorated Vietnam Airman, McCain's Cellmate Dies at 85

Col. Leo Thorsness was awarded the Medal of Honor for his deeds

(Newser) - Col. Leo Thorsness survived six years of captivity and torture at the "Hanoi Hilton," cellmates with John McCain. He died Thursday in Florida at the age of 85 from leukemia, the New York Times reports. With two Silver Stars, five Distinguished Flying Crosses, and the Medal of Honor,...

N. Korea Freaks After McCain Calls Kim Jong Un 'Crazy Fat Kid'

'What, did they want me to call him a crazy skinny kid?'

(Newser) - John McCain recently went on MSNBC and called Kim Jong Un a "crazy fat kid," and North Korea is taking it pretty well. Just kidding—the country's Foreign Ministry put out a statement calling McCain's words a "grave provocation little short of declaration of war....

Fortune Names World&#39;s 10 Best Leaders
Fortune Names
World's 10
Best Leaders

Fortune Names World's 10 Best Leaders

Theo Epstein, Jack Ma top the list

(Newser) - The world's greatest leaders aren't necessarily heading countries. Indeed, the greatest leader is US politics is an Army general, according to Fortune 's fourth annual list of the world's 50 greatest leaders. However, each individual on the list—43 of whom appear for the first time—...

Trump Budget &#39;Won&#39;t Survive Congress&#39;
Even GOP Lawmakers Say
Trump Budget Has No Chance

Even GOP Lawmakers Say Trump Budget Has No Chance

Cuts labeled 'draconian, careless'

(Newser) - President Trump's first budget proposal appears to have little chance of getting past the people who actually control federal spending. The sweeping spending cutbacks were denounced as extreme Thursday even by Trump's Republican allies in Congress. The cuts to domestic programs are "draconian, careless, and counterproductive,"...

Shots Fired in Great McCain-Paul War of 2017

McCain says Paul is 'working for' Putin; Paul says McCain is 'unhinged'

(Newser) - Infighting! We got GOP infighting here! Yahoo News reports senators Rand Paul and John McCain are having a bit of a tiff this week after McCain called Paul out on the floor of the Senate on Wednesday. McCain was seeking a vote on a Senate bill—expected to be widely...

House, McCain Demand Evidence of Trump Wiretap

Senator says president should withdraw claim if there's no proof

(Newser) - The House Intelligence Committee is asking the Trump administration for evidence that the phones at Trump Tower were tapped during the campaign as its namesake has charged . The request was reinforced Sunday by Sen. John McCain who says the president must either come up with the evidence or retract his...

McCain: Silencing Media Is 'How Dictators Get Started’

Senator rips Trump as top White House aide says 'bogus stories' must be taken seriously

(Newser) - John McCain assessed President Trump's assertion that the "media is the enemy of the American People" with a blunt pronouncement: "That's how dictators get started," he told Meet the Press, per the Washington Post . "In other words, a consolidation of power," said the...

Ashton Kutcher Blows McCain Kiss After Testimony

Kutcher was on Capitol Hill to discuss human trafficking

(Newser) - After an emotional testimony before the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, a new bromance? Ashton Kutcher was in DC on Wednesday to testify about human trafficking, which he's been fighting against since 2009, and in addition to giving what CNN calls an "impassioned" speech on the topic,...

Yemen &#39;Bans US Raids&#39;
Yemen 'Bans US Raids'

Yemen 'Bans US Raids'

Sources say civilian deaths outraged government

(Newser) - The raid that led to the death of a Navy SEAL and an unknown number of civilians might be the last time Special Operations boots are on the ground in Yemen for a long time. Sources tell the New York Times that Yemen's government, angered by the civilian deaths,...

McCain Slyly Slams Trump in Statement to Australia

Senator assures nation that he and the rest of the US stand behind alliance

(Newser) - John McCain is reaching out to Australia after President Trump's angry phone call with the nation's prime minister. In a statement released Thursday, McCain said that he had called Australia's ambassador to the US to express his "unwavering support for the US-Australia alliance," Politico reports....

Conway: Ban Is &#39;a Small Price to Pay&#39;
Conway: Ban Is
'a Small Price to Pay'

Conway: Ban Is 'a Small Price to Pay'

Trump's order sees some pushback from Republicans

(Newser) - Kellyanne Conway says that a federal judge's emergency order late Saturday temporarily barring the US from deporting people from nations subject to President Trump's travel ban "really doesn't affect the executive order at all." Conway says Trump's order is about "preventing, not detaining"...

Graham, McCain Back Tillerson at SecState
Graham, McCain Back
Tillerson at SecState

Graham, McCain Back Tillerson at SecState

Meanwhile, McConnell says Cabinet picks will go through; Schumer is in no hurry

(Newser) - Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain will support Rex Tillerson as secretary of state in a move that all but clinches his nomination, reports Politico . Graham confirmed his position on CBS' Face the Nation and in a joint statement with McCain; Marco Rubio still hasn't decided, but McCain...

&#39;Every American Should Be Alarmed&#39;: McCain on Russia
'Every American Should Be
Alarmed': McCain on Russia

'Every American Should Be Alarmed': McCain on Russia

Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on foreign cyberthreats, Russia underway

(Newser) - "Every American should be alarmed by Russia's attack on our nation." These words from Sen. John McCain, chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as the panel kicked off a hearing Thursday into foreign cyberthreats, with Russia at the top of the agenda, the New York Times ...

McCain on Syria: Obama Did &#39;Nothing to Stop It&#39;

McCain on
Syria: Obama
Did 'Nothing
to Stop It'

McCain on Syria: Obama Did 'Nothing to Stop It'

'We must acknowledge the United States' complicity in this tragedy'

(Newser) - Syria has finally reclaimed Aleppo from rebels after four years of war, and as we reflect on the bloodshed and remember the dead, Sen. John McCain says there's one other thing at hand: "We must acknowledge the United States' complicity in this tragedy." In a Washington Post ...

Senate Bigwigs: Russia Hack 'Should Alarm Every American'

Bipartisan group demands investigation, says CIA report 'cannot become a partisan issue'

(Newser) - Two prominent Republicans and two prominent Democrats wasted little time in demanding a bipartisan investigation into the CIA's claim that Russian hackers worked to throw the 2016 election Donald Trump's way, reports Politico . "Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress,...

GOPers on 'Collision Course' With Trump Over Russia

He's downplaying alleged election meddling

(Newser) - Some leading Senate Republicans are on a "direct collision course" with Donald Trump over the election, according to the Washington Post . The GOP senators—including prominent Trump critics John McCain and Lindsey Graham—are planning to launch an aggressive and wide-ranging probe of alleged Russian meddling in the election...

John Kasich Has Voted, and It Wasn't for Trump

Ariz. Sen. John McCain got the Ohio governor's write-in vote

(Newser) - John Kasich took some time out from rooting for the Cleveland Indians in the World Series to cast his vote Monday in the presidential election, and he kept a promise he had made some time ago: "Stop Trump." The Republican governor of Ohio, who says voted...

McCain: Trump Supreme Court Nominees Might Not Be Better

He backtracks on vow to block all Hillary Clinton nominees

(Newser) - John McCain said Monday that the GOP-controlled Senate would block every Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton would put up if she was president, but then walked those comments back. The Senate would be "united against" all Clinton nominees, McCain told Philadelphia's WPHT-AM radio in an interview supporting...

John McCain Easily Wins in Arizona
John McCain
Easily Wins
in Arizona

John McCain Easily Wins in Arizona

A day after his 80th birthday, no less

(Newser) - A day after his 80th birthday, John McCain cruised to victory in Tuesday's Arizona primary against challenger Kelli Ward, who suggested he might die in office . McCain led Ward, 47—a Trump supporter and former state lawmaker—by double digits when the race was called, reports the Los Angeles ...

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