South China Sea

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Pentagon May Poke China Over Disputed Islands

Defense chief considers sending planes, ships close to Spratly Islands

(Newser) - Relations between the US and China might get testy in the very near future. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Pentagon is considering sending planes and ships close to a disputed set of islands in the South China Sea. China has been undertaking a massive project to make the...

Report: China Building Fake Islands Where It Shouldn't

Six countries claim ownership of Spratly Islands in South China Sea

(Newser) - China may be trying to strengthen its claim to islands in the South China Sea by literally building more. NBC News reports by way of local media that a proposal has been filed with the Chinese government that would see one of its observation posts on the Spratly Islands' Fiery...

China: Vietnam Rammed Our Ships 1.4K Times

Dispute over islands cites 1974 textbook

(Newser) - The dispute between China and Vietnam , fueled by the contentious location of a Chinese oil rig, is heating up: Now China is accusing Vietnamese ships of ramming its vessels well over a thousand times during the last month, the BBC reports. "As of 5pm on 7 June, there were...

Vietnam Boat Sinks; Feud With China Worsens

Countries offer conflicting accounts of incident

(Newser) - Exactly what happened in the South China Sea yesterday isn't clear, but the result was the sinking of a Vietnamese fishing boat—and a growing feud between Vietnam and China. Vietnam says its boat sank after 40 Chinese vessels surrounded it and one rammed it, the BBC reports. China,...

Enraged by China, Vietnam Mobs Torch 15 Factories

South China Sea protest spins out of control

(Newser) - Anti-China mobs torched up to 15 foreign-owned factories and trashed many more in southern Vietnam last night amid rising anger over China's recent installment of an oil rig in disputed Southeast Asian waters. The unrest at industrial parks established to attract foreign investors, which followed protests involving up to...

Vietnam Boats Ram China Boats 171 Times in 4 Days

Nations are sniping after Beijing puts drilling rig in disputed territory

(Newser) - China is in yet another territorial dispute with a neighbor, and this time things are already getting a little physical. After Beijing plunked down its first-ever deepwater drilling rig in disputed waters off Vietnam this week, the Vietnamese navy made clear its displeasure. China says Vietnam's vessels rammed its...

China: We Watched US Cross Our Airspace

Muted response suggests it's not trying to provoke incident in East China Sea

(Newser) - China acknowledged today that it let two American B-52 bombers fly unhindered through its newly declared air defense zone in the East China Sea despite its earlier threat to take defensive measures against unidentified foreign aircraft. The US flights, which tested the Chinese zone for the first time since it...

China's Growth Destroyed 80% of Its Coral Reefs

Alarming degradation found, 'window of opportunity' to save them closing

(Newser) - Thirty years of dynamic growth in China has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, but the environmental damage has been brutal. The latest evidence: More than 80% of its coral reefs are gone, thanks to development, overfishing, and pollution, reports AFP . A new report calls the damage "a...

Obama Attends East Asia Summit Amid Sea Feud

China at center of multiple territorial disputes

(Newser) - President Obama is in Cambodia today, meeting with East Asian leaders amid a contentious territorial dispute over the South China Sea . Speaking publicly, neither Obama nor Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao responded to reporters' shouted questions about the tensions, the BBC reports. Instead, Obama referred to a "cooperative and constructive...

China Fumes Over US Knock on South China Sea

Beijing calls in top US diplomat Robert Wang

(Newser) - Stung by comments from Washington over the South China Sea, China has summoned a top US diplomat and urged America to "mend the error of its ways." The US State Department said Friday that China's creation of a new city with a military garrison to oversee the...

China Dubs Tiny Island a &#39;City&#39;
 China Dubs Tiny Island a 'City' 

China Dubs Tiny Island a 'City'

It's the latest move in the battle for the South China Sea

(Newser) - There's a new city in China. OK, by "city" we mean a patch of land so small it can barely hold a single airstrip, and by "in China" we mean a 13-hour ferry ride from China's southernmost province. Yes, Sansha may not look like much—almost...

China Warns of War Over This Rock

Chinese citizens in Philippines warned to stay indoors

(Newser) - China issued a warning to its citizens in the Philippines yesterday, telling them to "avoid going out at all if possible," because a war may be brewing between the two countries, the Telegraph reports. What is this war over? A few rocks in the South China Sea. Both...

China Ups Ante in Philippines Showdown

By sending more boats, 'they are worsening the insult': Philippine military

(Newser) - China has escalated a showdown with the Philippines along the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea by sending in more surveillance ships and fishing boats, Philippine military personnel tell the AFP . "They are just worsening the insult," the major in command of the region says. "...

US, Philippines, Defy China With War Games

China warned that exercises in disputed region would raise risk of war

(Newser) - US and Philippine Marines launched a faux-assault on a small island in disputed waters today, ignoring China's warnings that doing so would raise the risk of armed conflict. China and the Philippine vessels are in the midst of a standoff in another part of the energy-rich and much-contested South...

Philippines Facing Down China Warships

Both countries vow diplomatic response, but tensions high

(Newser) - A warship from the Philippines and two Chinese surveillance vessels are squaring off in the latest territorial dispute in the South China Sea, reports the Wall Street Journal . The confrontation began when a Philippine surveillance plane spotted eight Chinese fishing boats anchored in a lagoon in the Scarborough Shoal over...

Philippines to US Military: Come On Back

Talks under way to increase presence as check against China: Washington Post

(Newser) - The US military might be returning to the Philippines in force, reports the Washington Post . It says the two nations are in talks to significantly beef up the American presence about 20 years after the US got evicted. The move would likely involve stationing ships in the South China Sea,...

China Looks to Wrench Pacific Reign From US

Military buildup challenging America's long dominance

(Newser) - China is engaged in a major military buildup aimed at ending the total domination of the western Pacific that the US has enjoyed since the end of World War II, the Wall Street Journal finds. Pentagon officials, who publicly decline to describe China as a threat, say the number of...

Vietnamese Protest China as Tensions Rise

Live-fire drills in South China Sea worsen standoff

(Newser) - Hundreds of people around Vietnam protested China today, as tensions between the two countries continue to rise, reports the AP . About 300 people chanted "Down with China" near the Chinese embassy in Hanoi, while more marched in Ho Chi Minh City and other locations. Relations have deteriorated between the...

China Holds Military Exercises in Disputed Sea

Move comes amid rising territorial tensions

(Newser) - With tensions rising between China, Vietnam, and the Philippines over overlapping territorial claims comes the news that China has held military drills in the disputed South China Sea. State media reports that some 14 boats and a pair of military aircraft participated in three days and nights of exercises meant...

Typhoon Kills 32 in Vietnam
 Typhoon Kills 32 in Vietnam 

Typhoon Kills 32 in Vietnam

Military clears villagers from flood-prone areas as Ketsana grows stronger

(Newser) - Typhoon Ketsana slammed central Vietnam today, flooding towns and villages and killing at least 32 people. Roughly 170,000 people were evacuated before the storm hit. State-run TV called it the worst storm the country had seen in more than three decades. Meanwhile, the death toll in the Philippines climbed...

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