Gail Collins

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev 

'Time to Take Back Mama Grizzly'
 'Time to Take Back  
 Mama Grizzly' 

'Time to Take Back Mama Grizzly'

Women aren't responsible for Palin, Bachmann, Angle, O'Donnell

(Newser) - So 2010 was the year of the mama grizzly, and now it's time to get her back from Sarah Palin and Co., writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. For starters, she never belonged in their camp anyway—Gloria Steinem tells Collins that the real mama grizzlies “are...

Shake Off the Hangover, Dems
 Shake Off the 
 Hangover, Dems 

Shake Off the Hangover, Dems

You've still got Harry Reid ... and a lot of work to do, writes Gail Collins

(Newser) - It's the morning after the morning after, and it's time for dazed Dems to "lift up your little liberal heads and shout," because after all, you still have ... well, you've still got Harry Reid, writes Gail Collins in a rambling New York Times trot through some of the...

What Happens in College Stays in College
 What Happens in 
 College Stays in College 

What Happens in College Stays in College

But not if you're in college at age 40, Christine O'Donnell

(Newser) - Ah, college: That time of experimentation and rebellion—and especially youthful indiscretions, most of which oughtn't be fodder for debate when indiscreet youths grow up and run for political office, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. "Nothing anyone did in college short of a felony should count...

2010: It's a Race to the Bottom
 2010: It's a Race to the Bottom 

2010: It's a Race to the Bottom

Alvin Greene, Meg Whitman, Christine O'Donnell, oh my!

(Newser) - The crazies have come pouring out of the woodwork, writes Gail Collins in a survey of the 2010 election landscape. Sure, not much is new about Carl Paladino and Andrew Cuomo frustrating New Yorkers' simple dream "of having a governor whose sex life is a complete mystery," but...

Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?
Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?

Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?

Senate race shows clear split on DC-dependence

(Newser) - It must be the air up there, but Alaska has a seeming case of schizophrenia, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. The state, and especially its politicians, champion its independent, frontier spirit even as it simultaneously and relentlessly shakes Washington down for cash—to the tune of the...

Stop Making Scandals Out of Molehills
Stop Making Scandals Out of Molehills
Gail Collins

Stop Making Scandals Out of Molehills

Who cares about a little plagiarism, hazing, or porn writing?

(Newser) - Politicians seem to be magnets for silly scandals these days. Take Scott McInnis. He was paid $300,000 to write an essay series about water rights, and plagiarized most of it. For this, Colorado Republicans turned on him, supporting Dan Maes, a guy who claimed that Denver’s bicycle promotion...

Here Come the Rich Candidates
 Here Come the Rich Candidates 
Gail Collins

Here Come the Rich Candidates

Sorry, politics aren't a level playing field

(Newser) - “Career politicians be warned; you now face your worst nightmare!” Meg Whitman declared last night, basking in the glow of a gubernatorial primary win that cost her a mere $71 million. And she’s sort of right, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times . For career politicians,...

States Are Going Crazy, as Well as Broke
States Are Going Crazy,
as Well as Broke
gail collins

States Are Going Crazy, as Well as Broke

Arizona and Oklahoma are leaders in both insanity and insolvency

(Newser) - The Tea Partiers may be up in arms over the federal government meddling in their lives and not being able to balance its books, but Gail Collins points out that it's the states that are going into overdrive passing wacky laws (hello, Arizona, Oklahoma!) and whiffing on budget cuts...

Obama Finally Goes On Offensive

 Obama Finally 
 Goes On 

Obama Finally Goes On Offensive

Democrats have clear advantage on financial reform

(Newser) - EJ Dionne sees a newly aggressive Barack Obama recognizing that he can put Republicans on their heels with financial reform. Republicans for the first time "are uncertain as to whether resolute opposition to a Democratic idea is in their political interest," he writes in the Washington Post . "...

Virginia Is for Lovers (of Revisionist History)

States seems content to forget the facts, Collins says

(Newser) - Virginia might not be so much for lovers as for haters, writes Gail Collins—or at least crazy revisionists of history. Gov. Bob McDonnell's celebration of "Confederate History Month," which failed to acknowledge the existence of slavery in its "love affair with all things Confederate," is...

Tomorrow, Obama Validates Presidency

Tomorrow, Obama Validates Presidency

Through it all, president stubbornly pushed for change

(Newser) - When the right and left can't even agree on which St. Joseph had his feast day yesterday, "the moral is that nothing about health care reform is easy," writes Gail Collins in the New York Times . "Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing." Yet against all odds, we...

Dems Desperately Seeking North Dakotan
 Dems Desperately 
 Seeking North Dakotan 

Dems Desperately Seeking North Dakotan

Byron Dorgan's resignation leaves party in bind, writes Collins

(Newser) - Two senator retirements do not a Democratic crisis make—especially when Chris Dodd's stepping aside is actually great news for the party—but the party may have a dilemma in North Dakota, writes Gail Collins. Byron Dorgan's retirement has taken everybody by surprise. Unlike in Connecticut, nobody seems ready to...

Welcome to the Conspiracy to Ration Mammograms
Welcome to
the Conspiracy
to Ration Mammograms
Gail Collins

Welcome to the Conspiracy to Ration Mammograms

Don't you dare deny us unnecessary tests!

(Newser) - Republicans are right: the new government guidelines urging women not to have mammograms in their 40s are definitely a nefarious conspiracy to start rationing care. “Whatever happens, we do not want the government conducting any studies on whether current health practices actually do any good,” writes Gail Collins...

Collins: For Once, I'm on Sarah Palin's Side

Ex-boyfriend's assessment of Palin family is a mom's nightmare

(Newser) - In Levi Johnston’s Vanity Fair interview, he says the Palin family is “much different” from a “normal family”—but maybe he’s not the best judge, given that he’s “a 19-year-old high school dropout whose mother was arrested on six felony drug counts,”...

Lesson Learned From Sanford: He's Nuts

Another middle-aged heterosexual leader trips up

(Newser) - Mark Sanford’s appearance yesterday taught us something important: He’s “a complete loony,” writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. We should thank him, really, for providing us with a governor “weirder than Rod Blagojevich and less responsible than Eliot Spitzer.” Once, he was...

Don't Let 'Waste' Taunts Prompt More Waste
Don't Let 'Waste' Taunts Prompt More Waste

Don't Let 'Waste' Taunts Prompt More Waste

Obama shouldn't scrap chopper deal just to appease McCain

(Newser) - Fearful of appearing wasteful, the Defense Department wants to dump a contract for new presidential helicopters and start fresh—but that means losing $4 billion already spent on the project. It’s the same old story when it comes to “wasteful procurement,” writes Gail Collins in the New ...

Bristol as a Role Model? You Must Be Kidding
Bristol as a Role Model?
You Must Be Kidding

Bristol as a Role Model? You Must Be Kidding

(Newser) - When the Candie’s teen fashion line came under fire for dressing high school girls like hookers, it formed a nonprofit to fight teen pregnancy. And when the foundation needed a “teen ambassador,” it called Bristol Palin. “Can I say upfront that this is a terrible, terrible...

Hey, Obamaniacs: Here Are Your Answers
 Hey, Obamaniacs: 
 Here Are Your Answers 

Hey, Obamaniacs: Here Are Your Answers

Wait, bipartisanship means we have to listen to Republicans?

(Newser) - If you’re a card-carrying Obama fan, chances are “you’ve been feeling unstimulated” with the news of late, Gail Collins writes in the New York Times. But don’t worry, she has the answers to all your burning questions:
  • How could so many Cabinet nominees have tax problems?

We All Have Some Guilty Associations
We All Have Some Guilty Associations

We All Have Some Guilty Associations

Gail Collins has been palling around with terrorists, too

(Newser) - So William Ayers once threw a house party for Barack Obama, and now Obama’s responsible for all Ayers’ misdeeds? By that standard, writes Gail Collins—who might have attended a college party with Ayers' wife, Bernardine Dohrn—"I believe I may now be held partly responsible for all...

She Got Out of Jail Free
She Got Out
of Jail Free

She Got Out of Jail Free

Times scribe: Clinton got 'sympathy vote' from women who recognized her vulnerability

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had a “horrendous week” in the lead-up to Tuesday's New Hampshire primary—and won not on merit, but on a “sympathy vote” from women who saw themselves in her, exhausted and “overdosed on multitasking.” The New York Times’ Gail Collins argues that women recognized...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev