war crimes

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Two Bosnian Serbs Get 22 Years for War Crimes

Prosecutors had wanted life sentences

(Newser) - The Yugoslav war crimes tribunal today convicted two senior Bosnian Serbs of playing key roles in a campaign of murder, torture, and persecution against Muslims and Croats during the 1992-'95 Bosnian war, and sentenced them each to 22 years in prison. Mico Stanisic was the interior minister in the...

Group: Sri Lanka Executed Top Rebel's 12-Year-Old Son

Photos are proof of war crime, campaigners say

(Newser) - Sri Lankan government forces executed the 12-year-old son of a rebel leader on the bloody final day of the country's 26-year civil war, campaigners say. The Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka group says two photographs taken less than two hours apart show the son of slain Tamil Tiger...

Guatemala Ex-Dictator Heads for Genocide Trial

Montt accused of overseeing atrocities against Mayan civilians

(Newser) - A former US-backed dictator who presided over one of the bloodiest periods of Guatemala's civil war will stand trial on charges he ordered the murder, torture, and displacement of thousands of Mayan Indians, a judge has ruled. Human rights advocates have said that the prosecution of Jose Efrain Rios...

International Criminal Court Issues First-Ever Acquittal

Ex-militia boss Mathieu Ngudjolo faced war crimes charges

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has handed down its first acquittal. Judges in the Hague called for the "immediate release" of Congolese ex-militia leader Mathieu Ngudjolo, who was accused of of commanding fighters who brought ruin to a Democratic Republic of Congo village in 2003, al-Jazeera reports. Presiding Judge Bruno...

Kosovo Ex-PM Acquitted of War Crimes Again

Ramush Haradinaj looking to lead country again, but Serbs cry foul

(Newser) - A UN war crimes tribunal today acquitted Kosovo's former prime minister for the second time of murdering and torturing Serbs as a rebel commander in Kosovo's 1998-1999 war for independence, setting the stage for Ramush Haradinaj's return to political life in the deeply divided nation. The verdict...

Video May Show Rebels Executing Syria Soldiers

If it's legit, Amnesty International calls it a war crime

(Newser) - Syrian rebels have killed 28 soldiers at three army checkpoints, including about 10 who were reportedly shot after surrendering, Reuters reports. The latter executions, apparently caught in a (graphic) video , are a "potential war crime," says an Amnesty International spokeswoman, reports the New York Times . The incident "...

Germany Targets Philly Man in Nazi Probe

Johann 'Hans' Breyer is accused of aiding in genocide

(Newser) - German prosecutors have thrown an elderly Philadelphia man back in the spotlight for allegedly aiding in the genocide of Jews at Auschwitz, the AP reports. The new investigation into 87-year-old Johann "Hans" Breyer, a retired toolmaker, comes nearly a decade after the Justice Department gave up trying to deport...

UN Panel: Syria Has Committed War Crimes

Rebels have too, but on a smaller scale, panel concludes

(Newser) - As violence continues to pummel Syria, a UN panel has concluded that President Bashar Assad's forces have carried out war crimes and crimes against humanity, and that the highest levels of government have likely been involved in the murders, torture, sexual violence, and other atrocities. Specifically, it blames the...

Hungary Arrests Alleged Nazi, 97

Laszlo Csatary doesn't dispute actions, says he was only following orders

(Newser) - Hungarian authorities have charged a 97-year-old man with war crimes, after a Jewish rights group fingered him as a former Nazi , accusing him of abusing and deporting thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Prosecutors had Laszlo Csatary, aka Ladislaus Csizsik-Csatary detained this morning, because they believed he was about to...

Hague Acquits Karadzic of 1 Genocide Count

But refuses to drop 10 more charges as war crimes trial goes on

(Newser) - The Yugoslav war crimes tribunal has acquitted former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic of one of the two genocide charges he faces at the halfway stage of his long-running trial. Judges say prosecutors did not present enough evidence to support the genocide count covering mass killings, expulsions, and persecution by...

Charles Taylor Sentenced to 50 Years

Former Liberian president expected to appeal

(Newser) - Charles Taylor is going away for 50 years. The former Liberian president, 64, was sentenced to a half-century in a British prison today, as international war crimes court judges blamed him for "some of the most heinous and brutal crimes recorded in human history." But Taylor will likely...

As Trial Begins, Mladic Taunts Survivors

Sarcastically claps, draws finger across throat

(Newser) - The war crimes trial for Ratko Mladic opened today in the Hague, and the Bosnian Serb general once again made no attempt to appear sympathetic. He gave a thumbs-up and slowly clapped his hands sarcastically as the trial began, waving and smirking at the rows of survivors and relatives of...

Charles Taylor Guilty of War Crimes

International court rules against former Liberian president

(Newser) - In a historic ruling, an international court convicted former Liberian President Charles Taylor on Thursday of aiding and abetting war crimes and crimes against humanity for supporting notoriously brutal rebels in neighboring Sierra Leone in return for blood diamonds. Taylor is the first head of state convicted by an international...

Nazi War Criminal John Demjanjuk Dead

91-year-old had lost his US citizenship

(Newser) - The man at the center of what might have been the last Nazi war crimes trial is dead. German officials say John Demjanjuk, 91, died today in a nursing home, reports the Telegraph . Demjanjuk was a retired Ohio auto worker who was stripped of his US citizenship and convicted in...

Congo Warlord First to Be Convicted by World Court

Lubanga guilty of recruiting child soldiers

(Newser) - The world's first permanent war crimes tribunal has recorded its first verdict, finding Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga guilty of recruiting child soldiers as young as 11 and sending them into battle. The International Criminal Court will sentence Lubanga, who led a militia during an ethnic conflict in the Democratic...

US Drones Return to Hit Rescuers, Funerals

Strikes occurring every 4 days under Obama: report

(Newser) - A few days back, President Obama said that US drone attacks in Pakistan had "not caused a huge number of civilian casualties." But a Bureau of Investigative Journalism report finds that somewhere between 282 and 535 civilians, including 60 children, have been "credibly reported" killed in the...

Cops Raid Homes of 6 Ex-SS Soldiers

Germany probing 1944 massacre in occupied France

(Newser) - German police have raided the homes of six former SS soldiers suspected of having taken part in the worst massacre of civilians in Nazi-occupied France. A German war crimes prosecutor says the John Demjanjuk trial inspired him to reopen the investigation into the massacre of 642 men, women, and children...

&#39;Kill Team&#39; Soldier Gets 5 Years
 'Kill Team' Soldier Gets 5 Years 

'Kill Team' Soldier Gets 5 Years

David Bram guilty on 7 of 9 charges related to murder, assault of civilians

(Newser) - A US Army sergeant was sentenced to five years in jail on Friday for his role in the infamous "Kill Team" of soldiers, who committed war crimes while serving in Afghanistan, reports the New York Daily News . David Bram, the eleventh soldier convicted of crimes related to the Kill...

War Crimes Court's Next Target: NATO?

ICC cites allegations of civilian deaths in Libya

(Newser) - Is the International Criminal Court's next target NATO? Some NATO officials fear an investigation is nigh, after the ICC's prosecutor said Libya war-crimes allegations would be reviewed "impartially and independently," NATO-affiliated diplomats tell the AP . But an examination of allegations won't necessarily lead to an...

Amnesty International to Canada: Bust Bush

Canada to Amnesty: No way, eh

(Newser) - George W. Bush is visiting Canada next week and international law requires the country to arrest him for torture and war crimes ... according to Amnesty International. The group has sent a thousand-page memorandum to Canadian authorities explaining why the former president should be behind bars, Politico reports. Bush's own...

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