
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Mental Illness Risk Linked to Father&#39;s Age
 Older Dad? 
 Mental Illness 
  Risk Goes Up 

Older Dad? Mental Illness Risk Goes Up

But study shouldn't discourage older dads, experts say

(Newser) - Are older dads more likely to have troubled children? A wide-ranging new study suggests yes, linking older fathers to an increased risk of a wide range of mental disorders as well as lower grades in school and a higher risk of drug problems. Children born to 45-year-old fathers were more...

Could a Diuretic Reverse Autism in Some Cases?
Could a Diuretic Reverse Autism in Some Cases?
new study

Could a Diuretic Reverse Autism in Some Cases?

Results of rodent tests released

(Newser) - French researchers have been testing a diuretic on kids with autism, and in a study released yesterday in Science, they explain why they think the drug, a version of bumetanide they have patented, has so much promise: because of their experiments with mice. As USA Today explains, a chemical switch...

Autism Rates Soar in US' Biggest Somali Community

Minneapolis rates far above national average

(Newser) - A health puzzle in Minneapolis: Autism rates in the city are way above the national average, especially in the city's Somali-American community, which is the nation's biggest. Autism spectrum disorders affect around one in 88 American children, but the rate in Minneapolis is one in 48 overall, rising...

Nonverbal Autistic Boy Stuns Mom, Sings Katy Perry

8-year-old had never uttered more than single words previously

(Newser) - An autistic boy in Texas who had never strung together more than a few words is now a bit of a YouTube sensation for doing far more than that. Jack Robbins, 8, stunned his parents when he began regularly singing the lyrics to Katy Perry's song "Roar" around...

Babies' Eye Contact May Offer Clue to Autism

Researchers see dropoff at 2 months, earliest sign yet

(Newser) - A new autism study makes what looks to be a significant discovery: The first signs show up as early as two months of age in the form of reduced eye contact by babies, reports the New York Times . If the findings hold up, they could provide doctors with the earliest...

NYC Searching for Missing Autistic Boy

Non-verbal 14-year-old walked away from school

(Newser) - If you live in New York City, authorities want to be sure you're on the lookout for Avonte Oquendo. Fliers featuring the 14-year-old's face have gone up all over town, and subway conductors have been urging passengers to be on the lookout, and helicopters are even scanning for...

After Autistic Boy Gets Hate Mail, Community Rallies

Poison-pen letter urges family to euthanize 13-year-old

(Newser) - A small town east of Toronto has rallied around the family of an autistic boy that was sent hate mail so vicious they feared for the 13-year-old's safety. The boy has been spending summer mornings with his grandmother, who received a horrifyingly cruel anonymous letter complaining about Maxwell Begley'...

Induced Labor Could Be Linked to Autism
 Induced Labor 
 Could Be Linked 
 to Autism 
study says

Induced Labor Could Be Linked to Autism

Study finds increased risk in kids who were induced

(Newser) - A new study finds induced labor may be linked to an increased risk of autism, but doctors warn that more research is needed. The study of 625,000 children found that, overall, 13 out of every 1,000 boys and four out of every 1,000 girls developed autism. But,...

Autism Has 'Eerie' Connection to Cancer Gene

Researchers see hope for autism treatment

(Newser) - "It's eerie," says a scientist of a newly discovered link between autism and cancer. What researchers found: A gene known as PTEN can cause a number of different cancers, including breast, thyroid, and colon; and it turns out that some 10% of kids with mutations in the...

Search for Missing Autistic Boy Takes Criminal Turn

Terry Smith's half-brother arrested

(Newser) - Police and volunteers by the hundreds have been combing the "snake-infested scrub" around Menifee, California, for days searching for an autistic 11-year-old last seen Saturday night, reports MyValleyNews . Now it's beginning to look like Terry Smith never got far from home. Police today found a body matching his...

Despairing Mom, Caregiver Killed Autistic Boy: Cops

Pair charged with murder after surviving apparent suicide attempt

(Newser) - Months after recording a plea for help, the mother of a severely autistic 14-year-old boy and a close family friend who helped care for the boy around the clock stabbed the teen to death before taking pills in an apparent suicide attempt and lying down beside him, police in Illinois...

Placenta May Hold Autism Clues

Study suggests folds and creases point to higher risk

(Newser) - A new study suggests that doctors can gauge a newborn's chances of developing autism by looking at the baby's placenta, reports USA Today and the New York Times . The more unusual folds and creases it has, the greater the risk. The study looked at 217 placentas from a...

Folic Acid May Cut Autism Spectrum Risk

 Folic Acid May Cut 
 Autism Spectrum Risk 
study says

Folic Acid May Cut Autism Spectrum Risk

Norway researchers review 85K children

(Newser) - Taking folic acid around the time of conception could significantly reduce the number of babies with an autism spectrum disorder, a study suggests. In a review of 85,000 children born in Norway between 1999 and 2009, researchers found that moms who didn't take a folic acid supplement were...

My Son Is The Next Adam Lanza
 My Son Is 
 the Next 
 Adam Lanza 

My Son Is the Next Adam Lanza

Liza Long: 'These boys—and their mothers—need help'

(Newser) - Liza Long's little boy is a high-IQ math whiz who likes Greek mythology and Einsteinian physics. But when she tells the 13-year-old to change his pants, he can fly into a murderous rage: “You’re a stupid bitch," cries the boy—let's call him Michael. "...

How the New DSM Took My Syndrome Away
How the New DSM Took My Syndrome Away

How the New DSM Took My Syndrome Away

Man mourns demise of Asperger's to 'autism spectrum disorder'

(Newser) - Joshua Muggleton isn't just at peace with his Asperger's syndrome, it's become a part of his identity, a source of pride. "When I meet a fellow Aspie, I feel a sense of fraternity," he writes in the Guardian . "This person, unlike the other 99%...

Autism Linked to Fever, Flu in Pregnant Women
Autism Linked to Fever, Flu
in Pregnant Women
study says

Autism Linked to Fever, Flu in Pregnant Women

Pregnant woman who suffered from either were at higher risk

(Newser) - A new study finds a link between illness during pregnancy and autism, but experts are already urging caution when interpreting the results. Danish researchers found that expecting mothers who suffered from the flu were twice as likely to have a child who developed an autism spectrum disorder, while those who...

British Hacker Won't Be Sent to US for Trial

Gary McKinnon accused of 'biggest military computer hack of all time'

(Newser) - After fighting extradition for seven years, the British man accused of the "biggest military computer hack of all time" will not be sent to the US to stand trial, Reuters reports. Britain's interior minister, Theresa May, withdrew the extradition order after finding that Gary McKinnon , who suffers from...

Autism Linked to Dad's Age: Study

Finding might explain increase in cases

(Newser) - The older a man is when he conceives a child, the more likely that child is to develop autism or schizophrenia, a study released today concluded. The finding lends credence to the theory that the recent surge in autism diagnoses is caused in part by the trend toward having children...

Bus Driver Catches Autistic Girl Who Fell 3 Stories

They're both fine in New York City

(Newser) - A New York City bus driver is being hailed as a hero for saving a 7-year-old girl who fell three stories from an air conditioning unit outside a Brooklyn building. "I just prayed that I'd catch her," Stephen St. Bernard recalled after rescuing the child yesterday. He...

Autistic Brains Ruined in Freezer Meltdown

Harvard-affiliated hospital freezer suffers inexplicable failure

(Newser) - A freezer failure has severely damaged one third of the world's largest collection of autistic brains, leaving researchers baffled and upset, the Boston Globe reports. The meltdown occurred at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital, where the fridge thermostat malfunctioned and two alarms failed to go off when the temperature rose from...

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