Aung San Suu Kyi

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Holocaust Museum Takes Stand Against Aung San Suu Kyi

In 'strong rebuke,' it rescinds Elie Wiesel Award

(Newser) - The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum gives out its prestigious Elie Wiesel Award to just one person a year, selecting "an internationally prominent individual whose actions have advanced the Museum's vision of a world where people confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity." Now, the second...

3 Female Nobel Winners Look Into Plight Blamed on a 4th

The peace laureates will visit Rohingya Muslim women displaced by Aung San Suu Kyi's soldiers

(Newser) - Three female Nobel Peace laureates began a weeklong trip to Bangladesh on Saturday to meet Rohingya Muslim women who were tortured and raped by soldiers in Myanmar before fleeing the country. During their visit, Iran's Shirin Ebadi, Yemen's Tawakkol Karman, and Northern Ireland's Mairead Maguire will assess...

US Diplomat: If Suu Kyi Was Closer, 'She Might Have Hit Me'

Bill Richardson resigns from advisory panel after argument with Myanmar leader

(Newser) - Bill Richardson's resume is a long one: He's the former New Mexico governor, US ambassador to the UN, energy secretary under Bill Clinton, and member of the Advisory Board on Rakhine State. That last role is no longer a current one, and that fact is making waves. Richardson...

Myanmar Leader Stripped of Honor Amid Ethnic Cleansing Claims

De facto leader of Myanmar criticized for downplaying the issue

(Newser) - Oxford recognized Aung San Suu Kyi for her struggle to bring democracy to Myanmar when the city gave her the honorary Freedom of Oxford title in 1997. On Monday night, city councilors decided to withdraw the honor, CNN reports. Suu Kyi, the longtime activist turned de facto leader of Myanmar,...

Myanmar's Leader Unsure 'Why Exodus Is Happening'

Critics accuse government of ethnic cleansing

(Newser) - With a mass exodus of Rohingya Muslims sparking accusations of ethnic cleansing , Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Tuesday said her country does not fear international scrutiny and invited diplomats to see some areas for themselves, reports the AP . Though an estimated 421,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh...

UN's Human Rights Chief Just Went There on Myanmar

'Seems like a textbook example of ethnic cleansing'

(Newser) - The top human rights official for the UN has dropped a damning charge on Myanmar: "ethnic cleansing." Addressing the agency's Human Rights Council, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein said that Myanmar will not allow investigators to fully assess what's happening to the Muslim Rohingya community, "...

Nobel Winner Blasts 'Misinformation' About Rohingya Situation

Aung San Suu Kyi says people in Rakhine are being protected

(Newser) - Harsh criticism against Myanmar's de-facto leader in light of a violent campaign against a Muslim minority is unfounded, says Aung San Suu Kyi. In a statement released by her office Wednesday, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate blamed "terrorists" for "a huge iceberg of misinformation" about violence targeting...

&#39;Almost Genocidal&#39;: Hundreds Dead in Myanmar Clashes
'Almost Genocidal':
Hundreds Dead in
Myanmar Clashes

'Almost Genocidal': Hundreds Dead in Myanmar Clashes

UN agencies barred from providing aid

(Newser) - The United Nations is warning about a possible humanitarian crisis after increased violence against a Muslim ethnic minority in Myanmar. With the government claiming the Rohingya people are migrants from Bangladesh with no citizenship rights, security forces in the country have killed hundreds and destroyed their villages, reports the New ...

Burma Has a New President
 'Watershed Moment' in Burma 

'Watershed Moment' in Burma

Htin Kyaw is first civilian leader in 54 years

(Newser) - Burma's parliament elected Htin Kyaw as the country's new president Tuesday in a watershed moment that ushers the longtime opposition party of Aung San Suu Kyi into government after 54 years of direct or indirect military rule, reports the AP . The joint session of the two houses of...

Suu Kyi&#39;s Party Wins Majority
 Suu Kyi's Party Wins Majority 

Suu Kyi's Party Wins Majority

Burma says resounding no to military rule

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition party has secured a historic majority in Burma's parliament, making it possible to form the country's first truly civilian government in more than 50 years. With the tally still being counted, the Election Commission said that Suu Kyi's National League for...

Suu Kyi Party Suspects 'Trick' After Election

But she says government has promised to respect will of the people

(Newser) - Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi's party, which appears headed for a massive election victory , accused the government election panel Tuesday of intentionally delaying results, saying it may be trying "to play a trick." However, in an interview with the BBC , Suu Kyi did not repeat...

One Rule Blocks Suu Kyi From Presidency in Burma

But her party looks headed for a landslide victory

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition party was confident after Burma's elections Sunday , and that confidence so far seems to have borne out: Her National League for Democracy (NLD) party appears "on course for a landslide victory that could ensure it forms the next government," per Reuters...

Burma Election Makes History
 Burma Election Makes History 

Burma Election Makes History

Suu Kyi's party leading after first free national vote in 25 years

(Newser) - The opposition party led by Aung San Suu Kyi sounds very confident after elections that the Independent describes as the freest in Burma's history. Her National League for Democracy party is expected to make huge gains after Sunday's vote in the country's first free national election in...

We Shouldn't Be Optimistic About Burma—or Suu Kyi

Adam Lerner writes that the president has some shortcomings to acknowledge

(Newser) - Barack Obama is currently in the midst of a three-day visit to Burma, and after an evening meeting with President Thein Sein he expressed that he is "optimistic about the possibilities" for the country. Writing for Politico , Adam Lerner sees "optimism" as the entirely wrong word choice. As...

Snowden Nominated for Coveted Human Rights Prize

In running for Europe's Sakharov Prize

(Newser) - Past winners of the Sakharov Prize, a human rights prize for freedom of thought, include Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi—and soon Edward Snowden could join their ranks. The NSA leaker is one of seven nominees for the prize this year after getting a nod from the Greens...

Burma Minority Limited to 2 Kids

Now a top official supports local rule

(Newser) - Burmese officials last month "reaffirmed" a controversial two-child limit on minority Rohingya Muslims in two townships in Rakhine state, and now a top official has lent his support to the effort. "This will benefit the Bengali women," Immigration Minister Khin Yi tells Reuters , using the government term...

Suu Kyi: I Want to Be President in 2015

Former political prisoner has grand ambition in Burma

(Newser) - This would have been unthinkable a scant few years ago—let alone during the 15 years she spent under house arrest—but Aung San Suu Kyi says she wants to be the next president of Burma in 2015, reports Voice of America . "I want to run for president, and...

Burma's Opposition Re-Elects Suu Kyi

Party looking to infuse new blood, but keeps longtime leader

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi was selected today to remain head of Myanmar's main opposition party, keeping her leadership post even as the party undergoes a makeover to adjust to the country's new democratic framework. The Nobel laureate was named chairwoman of the National League for Democracy's new...

Obama Praises Reforms in Historic Burma Visit

Thousands line streets as he meets Suu Kyi

(Newser) - President Obama praised progress in Burma and promised American help if reforms continue on his visit to the country today, the first by an American president. He met with pro-democracy leader and President Thein Sein before giving a televised speech at the University of Yangon, the AP reports. "Instead...

Obama to Become First US President to Visit Burma

Will make historic visit later this month

(Newser) - President Obama will make a groundbreaking visit later this month to Burma, an official said today, following through with his policy of rapprochement to encourage democracy in the Southeast Asian nation. Security for a visit on Nov. 18 or 19 has been prepared, the official said, but the schedule is...

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