The Internet Actually Makes People Happier

Research links web use to well-being, especially in women
By Emily Rauhala,  Newser Staff
Posted May 14, 2010 6:53 AM CDT
The Internet Actually Makes People Happier
'But it's good for me!'   (Shutter Stock)

Turns out the hours you spend online might be helping, not hurting, you. Research from Britain's Chartered Institute of IT finds a link between internet use and well-being. "Put simply, people with IT access are more satisfied with life," one researcher tells Time. "IT has an enabling and empowering role in people's lives, by increasing their sense of freedom and control."

The link between internet use and happiness is particularly pronounced among women and other disadvantaged groups, the study finds. Technology matters most, it seems, to those who are most isolated. "IT gives them communication with the outside world, access to networks and so on," one expert says. This is particularly important in areas where "telephones and transport are far from ideal or reliable." Does that mean video games are ok too?
(More broadband internet stories.)

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