Right America, Feeling Wronged, a documentary airing tonight on HBO, follows filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi as she chats with die-hard McCain/Palin supporters on the campaign trail, some of whom fear Barack Obama is the anti-Christ. Critics are mixed on the result: While David S. Glasier calls it “one of the most profoundly disturbing programs I've seen” in the News-Herald, Verne Gay, writing in Newsday, says the film is “just a parade.”
Pelosi, Nancy’s daughter, “never—not once—gets beyond the Red State cliche,” Gay writes. “I suppose all of us supposedly smug liberal East Coast media types are meant to find this parade of right-wing malcontents confirmation of our own biases.” But Glenn Garvin disagrees in the Miami Herald: Pelosi does “an admirably fair job of letting a reasonable cross-section of the 55 million Americans who didn't vote for Barack Obama last November explain why.”
(More film stories.)