Surrogate Ups the Ante on Obama Attacks

Clinton warm-up speaker sets a new standard for nasty
By Jonas Oransky,  Newser Staff
Posted Feb 20, 2008 5:20 PM CST

R. Thomas Buffenbarger, the international president of the Machinists union, speaks in this YouTube video.
(Skills2Compete (YouTube))

Political surrogates often get stuck with the dirty work, but one Clinton-backing union leader came “close to redefining the genre” last night, the New York Times’ John M. Broder reports: R. Thomas Buffenbarger called Barack Obama a “silver-tongued warrior with a microphone…dancing to the tune of billionaires.” The Clinton camp reserved comment, voicing only pride in “the support of the machinists."

Said Buffenbarger of Obama, “There he is with his nose in the air pontificating when the coast is clear and as soon as anyone throws a punch he’s in a bum’s rush to get away.” The Illinois senator’s camp could hardly match the New Yorker’s for crudeness, coming closest when deeming Hillary “more of the same divisive, say-or-do-anything-to-win politics of the past.” (More Hillary Clinton stories.)