Weird Twists in Tale of Bride Who Faked Cancer

Jessica Vega indicted after being outed by her husband ... who hired her a lawyer
By Evann Gastaldo,  Newser Staff
Posted Apr 10, 2012 3:15 PM CDT

A report on Jessica Vega.

Weddings are so expensive these days, but authorities say Jessica Vega found a way to fund hers: tell everyone she was dying of acute myeloid leukemia! Vega, then 23, said she wanted to marry her daughter's father, Michael O'Connell, before she died. As was earlier reported, the community rallied around her, donating thousands of dollars in goods and services to ensure Vega had a nice wedding and a honeymoon in Aruba. Even O'Connell was fooled—but when he discovered the truth, it was he who outed his wife four months after the May 2010 wedding.

Vega has now been indicted and faces six felonies, including grand larceny and scheme to defraud, reports the Times Herald-Record—which, interestingly, ran a story about Vega's plight back when she was "fundraising." O'Connell says he and Vega divorced over the situation, but their story apparently doesn't end there. He has now moved Vega to be with him in Virginia, and they have another child. Despite the fact that he cooperated with the investigation against her and does want her to repay the donors, he doesn't want to see her in jail (he recommends a mental health facility) and has even hired an attorney for her. (More Michael O'Connell stories.)