Politics / Mitt Romney 2012 Pro-Newt PAC Unleashes Anti-Romney Documentary 28-minute film unloads on frontrunner over his days at Bain Capital By John Johnson Posted Jan 11, 2012 7:02 PM CST Copied Mitt Romney, campaigns at The Hall at Senate’s End, in Columbia, S.C., Wednesday. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Mitt Romney's Bain Capital troubles got a lot more high-profile today. The pro-Gingrich PAC Winning Our Future released a 28-minute video (see it here) that depicts Romney and his former Bain compatriots as greedy job-killers, complete with dramatic music and interviews of those said to have lost their jobs thanks to Bain. Some reaction to When Mitt Romney Came to Town: Politico: It's "everything it's cracked up to be ... a systematic takedown of Mitt Romney as economic savior and corporate genius. ... It's just about the last thing a political consultant wants voters to see at the start of a seriously competitive election year." Bloomberg: The film "at times stretches the truth and takes some reports out of context or selectively edits them." Talking Points Memo: "Who would have thought that in 2012, the first documentary laying out in detail the underlying philosophies of the Occupy Wall Street movement would be produced by…a super-PAC supporting Newt Gingrich!" Related note: A separate Politico story headlined: "Newt: I crossed the line" interprets a Gingrich comment from today as him backing down from the Bain criticism. The Gingrich camp's response to the story: Yeah, not so much, notes the Hill. (More Mitt Romney 2012 stories.) Report an error