Beach Volleyball Team Puts Ad Barcodes Where?

On bikini bottoms, to be photographed
By Sarah Whitmire,  Newser Staff
Posted Aug 13, 2011 1:25 PM CDT
British Volleyball Players Put QR Codes on Their Bikini Bottoms
A 'QR Code' displayed on a mobile phone.   (Getty Images)

Two pro beach volleyball players are capitalizing on their ... assets: They're going to wear bikini bottoms printed with an advertising barcode on the backside, the Telegraph reports. Spectators will photograph the Quick Response code on their smartphones, then get directed to the sponsor's website. British players Zara Dampney and Shauna Mullin have partnered with UK betting firm Betfair for the campaign, which could be a game-changer for sports advertising.

"As far as we're aware this is the first time QR codes have been used in in-play sports advertising, and what better way to test its effectiveness than by putting them on one of the places that is likely to get photographed the most," says a Betfair spokesman. The team of Dampney and Mullen is ranked 26th in the world and is aiming to be a part of the 2012 Olympic in London. Click the Telegraph link to see a photo of the two coded butts. (More beach volleyball stories.)

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