There are a number of Republicans salivating over a shot at the Oval Office next year, but Haley Barbour won't be joining them. The Mississippi Republican, called a "fundraising powerhouse" by Politico, said today he won't run, calling it a "difficult, personal decision, and I am very grateful to my family for their total support of my going forward, had that been what I decided." Barbour's withdrawal may increase the likelihood of a run by Mitch Daniels, notes Politico.
"A candidate for president today is embracing a 10-year commitment to an all-consuming effort, to the virtual exclusion of all else," Barbour added. "His [or her] supporters expect and deserve no less than absolute fire in the belly from their candidate. I cannot offer that with certainty, and total certainty is required." Click here for one potential reason why Barbour ruled out a presidential run. (More Haley Barbour stories.)