
Stories 21 - 27 | << Prev 

Marine In Iraq Suspended Over Bible-Quoting Coins

He reportedly handed them out to Iraqis

(Newser) - A US Marine has been suspended after he reportedly distributed coins with Bible verses at an entry point in Falluja, CNN reports. One coin reportedly asked, in Arabic, “Where will you spend eternity?” Military rules forbid troops from proselytizing. A US spokesman apologized to angry Muslims and said “...

Security Comes to Fallujah With Saddam-Like Iron Fist

US hails progress, but top cop relies on brutal tactics, says democracy not for Iraq

(Newser) - Fallujah, a hotbed of violence that has shown signs of stability, is trumpeted by the US as a success story of the Iraq war effort. But the security achieved there, largely the work of Faial Ismail al-Zobaie, the city’s police chief and a former insurgent, is the result of...

Fallen Marine's Dog Heading Home to His Family

Lex didn't want to leave dead buddy

(Newser) - Paramedics had to drag Lex the German shepherd away from the body of Cpl. Dustin Lee when the 20-year-old Marine from Mississippi was killed in a March mortar attack in Fallujah. Now Lex is back in the States and heading for retirement with Lee's family. “Lex was my son’...

Grieving Mom Still Wants Answers from Blackwater

CEO offers to meet after reading her story

(Newser) - Donna Zovko's son Jerry was working for Blackwater in 2004 when he was killed and his mutilated body dragged through Fallujah, and Zovko tells CNN she would trade her meeting with the Pope "for the truth of my Jerry's death." After seeing the story Blackwater's CEO offered to...

Blackwater's Legal, PR Counterstrike

Security firm goes on offensive to influence press, block suits

(Newser) - As Blackwater reels from the threat of criminal prosecution in Iraq, civil suits in the US, and bad press everywhere, the New York Times looks at the private security firm's counterstrike. Blackwater has hired a clutch of Washington lawyers and damage-control experts, including a former Clinton White House counsel, to...

Blackwater Blamed for Fallujah Bloodshed

Murder of unprepared patrol sparked battle

(Newser) - Blackwater, the private security firm under investigation for a dozen civilian deaths in Iraq last week, is now being faulted for actions that led to a 2004 battle in which 36 US soldiers and 600 civilians were killed.  Blackwater is charged with sending a disorganized, unprepared four-man team into...

Iraqis Play With Heavy Hearts
Iraqis Play With Heavy Hearts

Iraqis Play With Heavy Hearts

Asia Cup final berth bittersweet in wake of suicide bombings that killed 50

(Newser) - An undertrained, cobbled-together Iraq squad upset favored South Korea in Wednesday's Asian Cup semifinals, and the Iraqis now head into Sunday's final bearing a heavy burden: Car bombs exploded in crowds of fans celebrating in Baghdad, killing at least 50. Iraq's coach, who is Brazilian, dedicated the win to "...

Stories 21 - 27 | << Prev 
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