Markos Moulitsas

8 Stories

Daily Kos Hatches Scheme: Get Dems to Vote Santorum!

Liberal blog plans 'Operation Hilarity' to give Romney a headache

(Newser) - The Daily Kos may be a liberal blog, but it's throwing its support behind Rick Santorum—sort of. In a post yesterday announcing "Operation Hilarity," Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas urged Democrats to take advantage of the upcoming open primaries and caucuses in Michigan, North Dakota, Tennessee,...

Nate Silver Battles Bill Killers
 Nate Silver Battles Bill Killers 
Dem-on-Dem Action

Nate Silver Battles Bill Killers

Left-wing blogdom 'fracturing' over health care reform

(Newser) - Nate Silver launched into possibly the dorkiest blog feud ever last night, getting into a lengthy, heated policy debate with liberal bloggers who want to kill the Senate’s health care bill. Silver argues that Democrats will never have a better chance to pass reform, and that it would “...

This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats
This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats

This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats

Almost half say they won't vote next year; but 8 in 10 GOPers will

(Newser) - The enthusiasm gap between angry Republicans and blasé Democrats is ridiculously wide, according to a new poll that ought to scare the bejeezus out of those who color themselves blue. Conducted by the non-partisan firm Research 2000 for the decidedly partisan Daily Kos, the poll asked respondents how likely they...

Liberal Bloggers Get Their Wish... or Do They?

Contemplating victory, onetime outsiders may feel disoriented

(Newser) - Barack Obama's frontrunner status has liberal bloggers wondering whether they should have been careful what they wished for. “The way it’s looking, we might actually win this thing,” said Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitas. The "Netroots" movement began as a response to a Republican-dominated Washington; the...

Blogfather to Mich. Dems: Vote Romney
Blogfather to Mich. Dems: Vote Romney

Blogfather to Mich. Dems: Vote Romney

Sabotaging GOP primary could pay off down the campaign trail

(Newser) - Left-wing netroots tastemaker Markos Moulitsas Zúniga is endorsing Mitt Romney in next week’s Michigan primary. You read that right. In Michigan's open primary system, any registered voter can cast a Republican ballot, and the blogger calls for strategic sabotage. With the Democratic race uncontested, the Michigan left can...

Ron Paul Is Not Alone
Ron Paul Is
Not Alone

Ron Paul Is Not Alone

Libertarians are on the rise, aiming to get government out of private life

(Newser) - Maverick Texas congressman Ron Paul is riding a surge of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum now calling themselves libertarians. They tend to be fiscally conservative but socially liberal voters turned off by government intrusions, from warrantless wiretapping to broadcast censorship. And their numbers are up to 9%...

Rove Joins Newsweek to 'Stir the Pot'

Conservative Karl and liberal rival to pen 'provocative' columns

(Newser) - Only a few months after leaving the White House, former President Bush operative Karl Rove has found a new gig as a Newsweek columnist.  Rove's addition to Newsweek comes just days after the magazine hired popular liberal political blogger Markos Moulitsas of the internet's Daily Kos who, like Rove,...

Kossaks Will Wield Real Power in '08

National Review writer oozes respect for Daily Kos

(Newser) - As Daily Kos opens its second annual YearlyKos convention in Chicago today, National Review’s Byron York takes stock of the Kossacks' accomplishments since he dubbed them the "Vast Left Wing Conspiracy" in his book two years ago. Then, they had the power to shake up the Democratic Party...

8 Stories
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