Hollywood strike

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Big Meeting Has Been Set in Hollywood Writers' Strike

Writers Guild finally set to meet with Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers

(Newser) - For the first time since announcing a strike three months ago, the Writers Guild of America is set to enter talks with studios and streamers. The guild will meet Friday with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which requested the meeting "to discuss negotiations," according to...

Emmy Awards Delayed Indefinitely
Emmy Awards
Delayed Indefinitely

Emmy Awards Delayed Indefinitely

This is the first time show has been postponed since 2001

(Newser) - The Emmy Awards have been officially postponed due to the strikes that have brought Hollywood to a standstill. Vendors have been informed that with actors and writers on strike, the show will definitely not be happening on the original date of September 18, Variety reports. No new date has been...

With Actors, Writers on Strike, Netflix Advertises $900K AI Job

Company seeks to increase the 'leverage of our machine learning platform'

(Newser) - With actors and writers on strike together for the first time since 1960, a job listing from Netflix is raising eyebrows. The company is offering up to $900,000 for an artificial intelligence-related job that involves increasing the "leverage of our machine learning platform," the Guardian reports. The...

Hollywood Writer: Here's Why This Strike Matters

It's tech companies versus organized labor in the 'fight of our generation'

(Newser) - Hollywood writers are on strike because of the difference between broadcast TV and streaming—and because of the wider clash between workers and tech companies, striking writer Rafael Agustin explains at Mother Jones . Agustin writes that while people might feel a dispute between supposedly "rich" Hollywood writers on one...

Amid Hollywood Strike, Trimmed Trees Seem Spiteful to Some

In light of the striking actors, writers standing underneath them

(Newser) - A row of tightly trimmed ficus trees along a stretch of sidewalk outside Universal Studios has become a hot spot in the face-off between Hollywood studios and striking screenwriters and actors, the AP reports. Some members of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and Writers Guild...

For Studios, Real Pain Will Arrive Around Labor Day

Actors walkout takes work stoppage to another level

(Newser) - The numbers vary, but many Americans say they'd be in trouble quickly if they lost their income. Not half could cover expenses for three months, Bankrate reports; many would tap out sooner. The scale is much different, but the Hollywood studios are feeling a little of that during the...

In Hollywood Strike, The Nanny Has a Leading Role
You Know Her as The Nanny.
Now, a Strike Leader
the rundown

You Know Her as The Nanny. Now, a Strike Leader

Fran Drescher leads the actors' union taking on the studios

(Newser) - If those watching Thursday's news conference announcing a Hollywood actors' strike didn't immediately recognize the woman speaking, the voice likely gave it away—the "distinctly nasal, Queens-inflected accent" of Fran Drescher, as the New York Times puts it. Yes, the 65-year-old actress who became a household name...

A-List Cast Walks Out of Oppenheimer Premiere

When strike hit, cast left London premiere before film's screening

(Newser) - As the SAG-AFTRA strike loomed , Christopher Nolan's highly anticipated film Oppenheimer had its London premiere—a premiere the movie's cast arrived at only to leave before the screening. "I have to to acknowledge the work of our incredible cast," Nolan told the audience ahead of the...

Actors Join Writers in Strike, Shutting Down Hollywood

It's the first time two major showbiz unions have been on strike together since 1960

(Newser) - Hollywood is essentially shut down now: The union representing most actors voted Thursday to join screenwriters in the first joint strike in more than six decades, reports the AP . The leadership of the union known as SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) voted for the...

Actors Prepare for First Strike Since 1980

Union's national board will vote on strike today

(Newser) - Hollywood film and TV actors could be joining writers on the picket lines in the very near future after talks between the actors' union and studios and streaming services ended without a deal. The Screen Actors Guild- American Federation of Television and Radio Artists says its national board will vote...

Directors Ratify Contract That Writers, Actors Won't Follow

Other unions say the deal won't serve as a blueprint for them

(Newser) - The Directors Guild of America announced that 87% of its members voting approved the three-year contract negotiated with the major Hollywood studios. Such deals have served as blueprints for other unions' contracts in the past, but leaders of the Writers Guild and the actors guild have said they won't...

Hollywood Writers Vow to Win as Strike Reaches 50 Days

'We are going to win because they need us'

(Newser) - Fifty days into a strike with no end in sight, about 1,000 Hollywood writers and their supporters marched and rallied in Los Angeles for a new contract with studios that includes payment guarantees and job security. Speakers at the Writers Guild of America's WGA Strong March and Rally...

Actors 'Lock Elbows' in Big Move Against Studios

SAG-AFTRA union members overwhelmingly vote for strike if deal isn't reached by June 30

(Newser) - As writers in Hollywood remain on strike , it now looks like another group may soon join them. Members of the SAG-AFTRA union, which represents 160,000-plus movie and TV actors and other performers, voted Monday evening to authorize a strike if an acceptable new contract isn't reached with studios...

Drew Barrymore Bails on MTV Awards Show, Honoring Strike

She promises network she will return next year

(Newser) - It's one of the first tangible effects of note from the new Hollywood writers' strike : Drew Barrymore said Thursday she will no longer host this weekend's MTV Movie & TV Awards as planned, reports Variety . Sunday night's show will instead go hostless, and it won't feature...

The First Hollywood Writers' Strike in 15 Years Is Here

Late-night shows expected to immediately go dark

(Newser) - Television and movie writers declared late Monday that they will launch an industrywide strike for the first time in 15 years , as Hollywood girded for a walkout with potentially widespread ramifications in a fight over fair pay in the streaming era. The Writers Guild of America said that its 11,...

In Hours, Your TV Watching May Take a Serious Hit
In Hours, Your TV Watching
May Take a Serious Hit
the rundown

In Hours, Your TV Watching May Take a Serious Hit

Hollywood braces for strike by writers at midnight, unless a deal is reached

(Newser) - Hollywood is now hours away from a strike that would affect scores of TV shows and films—as well the people who watch them. And the main sentiment in coverage is that a deal looks unlikely before the midnight deadline. Details:
  • Two sides: On one side is the Writers Guild

In One Week, Late Night Could Take a Hard Hit

Looming Hollywood writers strike will affect talk shows, 'SNL' first if deal isn't reached by May 1

(Newser) - May 1 is the deadline for Hollywood writers, represented by the Writers Guild of America, to reach a contract agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, and if no such deal is struck, the late-night TV arena will be the first to say goodbye to new episodes,...

Last-Minute Deal Keeps Hollywood Working

Entertainment workers were poised to strike

(Newser) - An 11th-hour deal was reached Saturday, averting a strike of film and television crews that would have seen some 60,000 behind-the-scenes workers walk off their jobs and would have frozen productions in Hollywood and across the U.S. After days of marathon negotiations, representatives from the International Alliance of...

Film, TV Workers Vote Overwhelmingly in Favor of Strike

Productions will halt if progress isn't made in IATSE's contract talks

(Newser) - Film and TV production in Hollywood and beyond could soon be grinding to an indefinite halt. The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees voted overwhelmingly in favor of strike action Monday, Deadline reports. The union says the strike, the first in its 128-year history, was approved by a near unanimous...

Last-Minute Deal Averts Hollywood Writers' Strike

WGA still needs to ratify deal with producers

(Newser) - A tentative deal was reached between screenwriters and producers Tuesday, averting a strike that could have crippled TV and film production and inflicted harm on the wider California economy. The three-year agreement, which requires ratification by members of the Writers Guild of America, was confirmed by the guild and producers'...

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