
9 Stories

Remember 'Emoluments'? You Can Forget Them Again

Supreme Court dismisses 2 cases against Trump, decides it's a moot point

(Newser) - Donald Trump the citizen won't have to worry about two lawsuits filed against Donald Trump the president. The Supreme Court on Monday dismissed two cases brought against him under the Constitution's obscure emoluments clauses, reports the Hill . Justices didn't rule on the merits of the lawsuits, but...

Appeals Court Delivers Bad News to Trump on Hotel

Justices refuse to dismiss suit about president profiting from foreign business

(Newser) - President Trump lost a court battle Thursday over accusations that he's illegally making money from foreign governments while serving as president. A federal appeals court in Virginia refused to dismiss a case brought by the attorneys general of DC and Maryland in regard to the Trump International Hotel in...

Court to Lawmakers: No, You Can't Sue Trump

Federal appeals court says congressional Dems have no legal standing in emoluments complaint

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats received some disappointing news this week over their emoluments lawsuit against President Trump. Per Politico , the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday that the complaint filed in 2017 by 200-plus Democratic House and Senate members, accusing the president of illegally profiting from foreign governments who spent money...

Why Trump Is Mulling a $500M For-Sale Sign

The Trump International Hotel might hit the market amid concern over emoluments

(Newser) - President Trump's real estate company might unload a palatial hotel over complaints that government-ethics laws are being cast aside, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Trump Organization has hired a real estate firm to let go of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, where Trump and other White...

Trump: I Just Won a 'Big Part' of the 'Witch Hunt'

Federal appeals court throws out suit accusing him of illegally profiting off the presidency

(Newser) - A federal appeals court threw out a lawsuit accusing President Trump of illegally profiting off the presidency through his luxury Washington hotel, handing Trump a significant legal victory on Wednesday. A three-judge panel of the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously overturned the ruling of a federal judge in...

DC, Maryland to Subpoena Trump Organization, Treasury

As part of lawsuit accusing Trump of profiting off the presidency

(Newser) - The attorneys general of the District of Columbia and Maryland plan to file subpoenas Tuesday seeking records from the Trump Organization, the Treasury Department, and dozens of other entities as part of a lawsuit accusing Donald Trump of profiting off the presidency, the AP reports. The flurry of subpoenas came...

Ruling Could Force Trump to Give Up Financial Records

Judge lets emoluments lawsuit against him move forward

(Newser) - Justice Department lawyers' latest bid to get an emoluments suit against the president tossed has been unsuccessful. US District Judge Peter Messitte on Wednesday denied the motion, which the Washington Post describes as apparently "the first time a federal judge had interpreted [the Constitution's emoluments clauses] and applied...

Judge Tosses Out Trump 'Emoluments' Lawsuit

He decides plaintiffs have no standing to sue

(Newser) - Restaurant workers, a hotel event booker, and a watchdog group who say President Trump has business conflicts that violate the Constitution cannot sue him, a New York judge ruled Thursday. US District Judge George Daniels said it was too soon for the lawsuit to be considered by the courts, particularly...

Hypothetical Hot Dogs May Be Bad News for Trump
Hypothetical Hot Dogs
May Be Bad News for Trump
the rundown

Hypothetical Hot Dogs May Be Bad News for Trump

Comes up in lawsuit over business interests, could affect release of tax returns

(Newser) - Controversy over President Trump's refusal to release his tax returns may have fallen off the political radar, but it resurfaced in a very real way in a Manhattan courtroom on Wednesday. As NPR reports, that's where a hearing unfolded as part of a lawsuit brought by the watchdog...

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