minke whales

7 Stories

Huge Skull Found on NJ Beach After Storm
Huge Skull Found on NJ Beach

Huge Skull Found on NJ Beach

'Any guesses?' authorities asked

(Newser) - Authorities in New Jersey asked the public to help identify an enormous skull found on a beach over the weekend—and some people got creative. One person guessed that the skull found by state police in the sand at Island Beach State Park after a storm came from a pterodactyl,...

Stranded Baby Minke Whale Euthanized
Stranded Baby
Minke Whale

Stranded Baby Minke Whale Euthanized

The whale's condition continued to deteriorate after it re-stranded itself

(Newser) - A sad ending to the story of the young minke whale found trapped in the River Thames on Sunday: The stranded juvenile was euthanized Monday night. After the whale was initially refloated and then got stuck again, its condition "deteriorated rapidly" and it was having trouble swimming and seemed...

'It's Like Seeing a Camel at the North Pole'

Wayward whale is spotted in the River Thames

(Newser) - Two tales of two very different animals being sought by wildlife officials:
  • Thames whale: A young minke whale was lost far from home Monday, trapped in the Thames River upstream of London landmarks after it escaped from rescuers overnight, per the AP . Maritime authorities were trying to recapture the whale

Hunters Kill 333 Whales in 'Research' Expedition

Japan says it is killing the animals legally as part of a scientific program; experts disagree

(Newser) - Japan says it killed 333 minke whales, including 122 pregnant females, at its controversial annual hunt last summer. The hunt is, as always, under fire for its lack of apparent connection to legitimate scientific research and for killing whales rather than taking a non-lethal survey (Japan says its aim is...

Near Ocean's Deepest Spot, a 3.5-Second Symphony

Scientists believe it comes from minke whales

(Newser) - The 3.5-second symphony covers nearly half of the sound range that humans can hear, rising from a frequency as low as 38 hertz to an 8,000-hertz "metallic finale." But unless you make a detour to waters above the deepest spot in the ocean, you might never...

Hunted Whales Could Net Japan $33 Million

Whale meat fetches a hefty price in certain countries

(Newser) - Tuesday marked the beginning of Japan's controversial fishing expedition to hunt and kill 333 Antarctic minke whales in defiance of the UN . So why does Japan think killing these whales is worth earning the ire of the international community and environmentalists? Discovery reports the estimated value of $33 million...

After 50 Years, Mysterious Ocean Quack Identified

'Bio-duck' is actually minke whale

(Newser) - A mysterious quacking noise in the ocean that has baffled scientists for decades has finally been identified, researchers say. Acoustic recorders placed on Antarctic minke whales have produced what NOAA experts say is "conclusive evidence" that the sound is their chatter, the BBC reports. The sound was dubbed the...

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