royal baby

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Kate Wants a Boy, William Wants Girl

Somebody's probably going to win that argument

(Newser) - Prince William and wife Kate donned their green today to ring in St. Patrick's Day with a ceremony honoring the Irish Guards, who apparently seized their moment to grill the duchess on—what else—the royal baby. As People reports, Kate was a little more forthcoming than usual, telling...

Recovering Queen Skips Another Service

But will sign resolution that could indicate gay-rights support

(Newser) - Still on the mend after a brief hospitalization, Queen Elizabeth won't make it to a celebration of the British Commonwealth today, CNN reports. Still, her health issues are "nothing to fret about," says a Buckingham Palace insider, and in another ceremony tonight, she'll sign a historic...

Kate May Have Given Away Baby's Sex

Duchess almost appears to say 'daughter'

(Newser) - Is Duchess Kate expecting a little girl? At a public appearance yesterday, she gave what some are calling a hint about the sex of her baby, the AP reports. When someone handed her a teddy bear as a gift, Kate said, "Thank you, I'll take that for my...

Royal Baby Due in July
 Royal Baby Due in July 

Royal Baby Due in July

Let the more specific countdown begin

(Newser) - Those anticipating the arrival of William and Kate's bundle of joy will only have to hold their breath until July. Palace officials today revealed that that is the month in which the couple's child will be born, and added, "The Duchess's condition continues to improve since...

UK Cops Look for Aussie Investigation Into Royal Hoax

DJs could face charges for using 'listening device'

(Newser) - Scotland Yard is hoping to take the investigation into the tragic royal prank call Down Under: As the BBC reports, UK police have reached out to their Australian counterparts about investigating the radio DJs who prank-called the hospital where Kate Middleton was being treated for morning sickness. "They haven'...

Suicide Eyed in Death of Nurse Who Fell for 'Queen' Prank

She put call through to Kate Middleton's nurse

(Newser) - That funny story of a couple of hospital workers who fell for a prank call from "the queen," allowing two radio DJs to speak to Kate Middleton's nurse, is now a tragic story: The receptionist who answered the call and put it through to Middleton's nurse...

What Life Will Look Like for Royal Baby

$2M wardrobe, 'dull meals,' and maybe even a twin sibling

(Newser) - Royal-watchers are ravenous for news about the forthcoming progeny of Prince William and wife Kate , so E! and other sites take a look at what life will be like for the soon-to-be third in line to the British throne:
  • He or she will be welcomed with tolling bells, cannons, and

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