Game of Thrones

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Rod Stewart's 'GoT Scene' Sure Looks Like Something Else

Singer apologizes for what some call an ISIS imitation

(Newser) - A video of Rod Stewart pretending to behead a man kneeling in front of him on a sand dune in the Abu Dhabi desert sure gives the impression that he's imitating Islamic State executioners. Not so, according to Stewart. The 72-year-old singer says the video of him among a...

GOT Star Has (Non-Shadow) Baby With Guy Pearce

'Placenta smoothie anyone?'

(Newser) - A winter-appropriate onesie is coming—for the new baby of Carice van Houten and her partner, Australian actor Guy Pearce, People reports. The 39-year-old Dutch Game of Thrones star was tagged in Pearce's Twitter announcement Monday, which proclaimed, "A cute little package arrived and told us his name'...

HBO Makes the End of Game of Thrones Official

This may be the only time HBO isn't excited about a big 'Game of Thrones' death

(Newser) - Despite the outcry from fans and, presumably, HBO executives' wallets, Game of Thrones creators Dan Weiss and David Benioff have long said the fantasy series would end after eight seasons. HBO finally made that official during Saturday's Television Critics Association press tour in Los Angeles. “Believe me...if...

HBO Confirms Your Game of Thrones Fears

Season 7 will be late and short

(Newser) - Sorry, Game of Thrones fans: As feared , the HBO show's seventh season won't be here until summer 2017 (typically, the new season arrives each year in the spring), and it will only be seven episodes long instead of 10. "Now that winter has arrived on Game of ...

Game of Thrones Gets 23 Emmy Nominations

HBO gets 94 nominations

(Newser) - Game of Thrones has received the most nominations for this year's Emmys, the AP reports. The HBO fantasy series received 23 nominations, edging out FX's The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story, which received 22 nominations. HBO was the top-nominated network at a presentation Thursday morning in...

Game of Thrones Delayed Because Winter Isn't Coming

The show needs to wait for the real-life weather to change

(Newser) - The wait for the next season of Game of Thrones just got a bit longer because, as io9 reports, winter isn't coming. At least not yet. New seasons of Game of Thrones typically debut in April, but weather in the European locations where the show films could push that...

In Game of Thrones Finale, a Theory Confirmed

And so ends Season 6

(Newser) - Sunday night brought "The Winds of Winter," the end of Season 6 of Game of Thrones. For those who watched, or aren't fearful of spoilers, a rundown of the best analysis, cheers, and tears:
  • "This post contains spoilers that prove fan theories can sometimes turn out

These 5 Game of Thrones Stars Are Getting Major Raises

For season 7 and a likely season 8

(Newser) - When Game of Thrones comes back for seasons seven and eight on HBO, its stars will be paid handsomely for it. (We are about to say which stars, so stop reading if you want to stay pure and spoiler-free.) Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister), Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Lena Headey...

Game of Thrones Brings Us Some Big Deviations

Death, Sansa don't play out as expected

(Newser) - And then there was one ... Season 6 Game of Thrones episode left, that is. Here's what's being said (spoiler warning) about Sunday night's war-filled "Battle of the Bastards," the penultimate episode in a series that usually plays it big when it comes to episode 9:...

Game of Thrones Did Some Damage to Fan Theories

Even if critics weren't wowed by Arya's story line

(Newser) - Just two more episodes to go now in this season's Game of Thrones, and the latest was filled not so much with violence as with "powerful reunions and heartbreaking farewells," observes Rolling Stone . Here's a (spoiler-filled) look at some reaction:
  • Arya Stark's tale fell victim

Internet Shocked to Learn Game of Thrones Actor Played 2 Parts

Those Lannisters all look the same

(Newser) - The internet loves obsessing over Game of Thrones, so Hello Giggles wants to know why more people aren't talking about the fact that "Tommen is also his own cousin." Dean-Charles Chapman currently plays King Tommen Baratheon on the show, a role he took over from a younger...

What a 'Quieter' Game of Thrones Had to Say

Examining Season 6, Episode 7, 'The Broken Man'

(Newser) - Seven episodes down and three to go in this season of Game of Thrones, with Sunday night's episode proving to be "a well-paced, quieter" one in the Guardian's view. Quieter, yes, but studded with some big events all the same. Among the best (and spoiler-filled) post-episode analysis,...

Game of Thrones Holds One Door, Opens Big Ones
 Game of Thrones Holds 
 One Door, Opens Big Ones 
the rundown

Game of Thrones Holds One Door, Opens Big Ones

The analysis and speculation following episode 5, 'The Door'

(Newser) - Sunday night's episode of Game of Thrones—the season's fifth—was appropriately titled "The Door." And while one door was held tight for a good long while, others were opened. Here's the best of the analysis and speculation to follow (if you're looking for...

Game of Thrones Star on Nude Scene: 'That Ain't No Body Double'

Emilia Clarke proud of 'spine-chilling moment'

(Newser) - Those not up to date on the latest Game of Thrones episode should stop reading now. But for those who saw Daenerys Targaryen escape her Dothraki captors by walking through fire and emerging "naked and unhurt," in the words of ABC News , actress Emilia Clarke has something to...

Jon Snow&#39;s Girlfriend Didn&#39;t Know About Plot Twist
Jon Snow's Girlfriend Didn't Know About Plot Twist
spoiler alert

Jon Snow's Girlfriend Didn't Know About Plot Twist

Spoiler alert!

(Newser) - Jon Snow and Ygritte are dating in real life , and even Ygritte didn't know that (spoiler alert) Jon Snow was coming back to life. That is to say, Kit Harington (who plays Jon Snow on Game of Thrones) apparently didn't tell his girlfriend, Rose Leslie (who played Jon...

Man in HBO's Sights for Leaking Game of Thrones Secrets

They call him the 'Spanish Spoiler'

(Newser) - Prison is coming (perhaps) for a guy who has been spilling spoilers for upcoming Game of Thrones episodes, US News reports. The man, who IDed himself in an English-speaking YouTube video as 43-year-old Jose Senaris from Spain, says he's a digestive surgeon who also writes for a well-known Spanish...

Here's Kit Harington's Game of Thrones Code Name

He went by 'LC' on set

(Newser) - Spoiler alert: If you're not caught up on Game of Thrones, you probably don't want to read on. But as those who watched Sunday's episode are well aware, Jon Snow is alive. Fans had been wondering about his fate since the end of last season, so in...

Journo Files FOIA Request—for Obama's GoT Screeners

Why should the president get all the advance fun?

(Newser) - Everyone's jealous that President Obama has already received advance screeners of the sixth season of Game of Thrones (the rest of us plebes have to wait till Sunday to start our viewing). But Vanessa Golembewski must really be champing at the bit to get her hands on the episodes,...

Obama Now the Envy of Game of Thrones Fans

He's getting early access to season 6

(Newser) - Among the perks of being president: Early access to new Game of Thrones episodes. Showrunners David Benioff and DB Weiss say President Obama will get to see season six of the show—which will start airing on HBO on April 24—before the rest of us, after a special request...

Jon Snow, Ygritte Dating in Real Life

'Game of Thrones' fans are presumably excited

(Newser) - Kit Harington and Rose Leslie—perhaps better known to Game of Thrones fans as Jon Snow and Ygritte—are dating in real life. Queue the "squeee!" from fans who swooned over the forbidden romance between a man of the Night's Watch and a woman of the Free...

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